Hello! n.n

I haven't role played in a long while, and I was really craving it, oddly. My name is Emily, so call me that. I've been roleplaying for... 4 years? But, I haven't role played lately so I may be off. So, here's the basic low down of what I would like.


One Piece (manga)
Best friend x Best friend
Boy x Friend's girlfriend
rich boy x poor girl

I'm up for suggestions, too. it would help a lot. o.o;;


No PP (That drives me up a wall.)
Swearing is OK, to an exstent.
No cybering
lets try to keep it at a PG-13 level
One liners are ok, writer's block is undertsandable. But I know most of you can do better than that.
A couple paragraphs for an introduction is alright, but we're not writing a novel for every post here.

Side note
I perfer to play female character. Also, I only role play over PM, so contact me there.

Arigato. /bows
