Name: Satoshi Nozakii (Sa-Tor-shee, No-Zack-ee)
Aliases/ Nicknames: None

Physical Description: A Tall and slightly built man, he has black curved hair, all scruffy, with blonde streaked tips, eyes that are green, with a light tan

Age: (include day of death)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:
User Image

Zanpaktou: (achieved)-1 Metre and 1/2, it is 2 handed and is a white blue blade, with a hand guard that is a circular shape that covers the hilt in a spiral shape. The main color of the cloth is green, blue mixed color with the internal cloth as white, with a golden cap on the end, with the sheath has small gold feathers covering it has a silver lock in the middle that isnt usable and is used for decorative and symbolic purposes.

Shikai Release: "Defend Tenguu!" (Need Japanese Translation on Defend Pm me)

Shikai: (achieved) -The Long Katana like blade defuses and becomes 2 short swords, being a sky blue. the hand guard is infested with white feathers and layers each other one after the other. The hilt is pretty much the same cloth of the one on the katana.

Bankai: (Not achieved)

Special Accessories: None




Biography/History: (A must have)

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)

Guild Status: Liutenant of the 8th Division

Online Schedule: (Basically what time frame you're in and when you're usually on.)