Alright, here we have a basic list of all rules and guidelines for the guild.
Any members who wish to amend these rules or make a suggestion, simply talk to a mod or admin and your opinion will be considered. DO NOT post up new rules.

These rules do apply to everyone, so don't believe a soul when they say "I can (insert action here) because (insert excuse here)". If it goes against the rules, it goes against the rules!

1. Language. No swearing toward your fellow guild members. Swearing, insulting, any of it, unless meant completely in jest or for RP purposes only, WILL result in negative consequences.

2. Do not threaten your fellow members. Ever.

3. Don't spam. If you have an actual thread you want to contribute, go for it. But if you feel like just putting something up for the hell of it, go to the forums or a different guild. Leave it out of here.

4. You can't tell people to get out of your thread. It's a forum. Unless you specify who is in the thread at the beginning, you have no right to tell someone to leave. If they're being vulgar, breaking rules and such, or if you have a valid reason, just tell a mod/admin. They will take care of it.

5. Try to use proper English and use some punctuation. Good grammar is always appreciated in Role Playing.

Above all, remember: We are a family! Treat each other like one!