Name: Zarud (Zah-rud)

Aliases/ Nicknames: 11th Arrancar

Physical Description:

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Age: 173 (Reborn:Oct 5th 200 cool

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Mordida (Bite)

Zanpaktou Release: "lacrimógenos carne!" (Tear Flesh)

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In this form his speed and strength increase and he can regrow and fire his teeth, as well as drain thier spirit energy when the teeth are connected to his mouth by red viens.

Special Accessories: A broken Quincy armlet, which he took from a snack.

Skills: Ranged attacks.

Abilities: Cero, Garganta, Sonido, Can drain spirit energy from those hit by his teeth from a distance, he then stores it in his teeth and can use it to partly heal wounds. He has an advanced sense of smell, allowing him to track reiatsu.

Personality: Loves to fight and devour those weaker than him.

Biography/History: Became an Arrancar with the help of Rei. Is Dragons Fraccion.He loves pain and bloodshed. He grew up in England and murdered many people, but after mutalating his last victim he was tripped over by a begger and fell over a wall landing on some iron railings.