“Mother, I’m leaving.” Majivu stated standing as he spoke to her. It was difficult for him, he didn’t want to leave. No that would be a lie, he was ecstatic, pleased that he had the chance to leave, but at the same time he didn’t want to leave his mother. He wanted to see the world, well at least some of it. He also wanted to seek the gods that they were supposedly blessed by. He wanted to go out and retrieve a trinket from each of them. One for him and one for the sibling they marked. Wind and water for his sisters, fire for his brother, and earth for himself.

He felt that it would prove himself worthy of the title he strived to reach. Heir and eventually Lord of the Southern house. The ashen colored adolescent was no fool, he was very well aware that he was not the first born male and as a result he might not be considered as heir. However he also knew that his brother had no interest in the title. Unfortunately he was also well aware of the fact that his mother was still young, very much so in fact. She had only been a little older than him when she had become pregnant and she could have another litter with a child more suited than him.
“Please don’t be upset or angry, I only want to go out and have an adventure, a journey that will better me and hopefully add me to the running.”

Tama was speechless; she couldn’t believe that he was ready to run off into the world as soon as he was ready. She should have seen it coming, he had always been so restless, but he had always seemed so at home in Tianxia. “Tai Yang…” She began using his Chinese name, the name that was to be spoken in the pride lands. She tried to find the right words to say but she was incapable. She was simply unable to. She longed to tell him, no he couldn’t go but she knew it wouldn’t be fair of her.

“I will not stop you.” She stated finally hanging her head the slightest bit. It was hard on her, to see her son on the brink of manhood ready to face the world. It seemed like only a few days ago he had been a child talking to trees with the idea that they talked back to him. “You are old enough to make your own decisions; I can only hope that you will make the right ones.” With that she turned ready to let him go when he spoke.

“Running? What running?”

“The running for heir.” He admitted with a sheepish smile, he couldn’t help but be embarrassed that he had been so straight forward. “I’ll be honest with you; I love this pride and would be honored to be considered as heir to your throne.” He told her dipping his head in respect. She was his mother and the one he respected the most. He respected Ahali and Afu greatly but he respected his mother even more so. He always had.

“I know that I am not the brightest, nor am I the first born but I would still like to be considered.” He told her dropping his gaze down to the grass beneath him. It was hard for him to actually tell her these things. He knew that one day he would have to but he never expected it to be so soon. He hated feeling so damned open, so vulnerable.

Tama had burst into laughter quickly collapsing to the ground in her fit. “I apologize, Tai Yang but I have to tell you that your words are very…amusing.” She told him feeling rather silly for laughing at him. “I want you to know that you have always been considered to be heir. In fact you are at the top of my list.” She admitted as she stopped laughing. Slowly she rolled over and pushed herself up back onto her feet.

“Did you think I wouldn’t consider you because you weren’t the first born? That doesn’t matter to me. You should know that.” She told him with a soft smile and chuckle as she drew closer to him and nuzzled his cheek. “Don’t be silly.” She licked his cheek.

“You will always be considered unless you do not wish to be heir.”

“Really mother?” He asked excitement crossing his features as he returned her nuzzles no longer bother by the fact she had burst into laughter only minutes before. Nothing mattered to him expect for the fact she had said he was at the top of her list. Top! Nothing could have made the boy any happier.

“Am I really at the top of your list?”

“Yes. You always have been.” She replied shaking her head with amusement. “Always.” With that she nuzzled him once more stepping back as she did so. “Now go, you have a lot to see.” She whispered smiling faintly as she backed up. She didn’t want to admit that she was going to be sad and rather lonely without him by her side constantly asking questions but she knew he needed this and she wasn’t going to stop him

“Aren’t you going to ask me what I’m going to be doing or when I’ll be back?” He asked rather confused by his mother. Not long ago she was always wondering about him, wondering where he was, where he was head and what not. Now she didn’t care? It didn’t seem like things would be that simple.

“No. I trust you to return and I trust you to do what you think is best, Tai Yang.” She replied tears beginning to well up in her eyes. “Now go before I begin to cry.” She ordered looking away as she tried to fight back against the tear that wanted to fall.

“Goodbye Mother…I love you.” He told her before turning and trotting off to the borders ready to start his adventure with the full confidence from his mother. He could only hope that he would do her proud and accomplish all that he wanted without making too much of a fool of himself.