I'm looking for (as the title says) a literate male to RP with. I prefer to do so over PMs, as I have difficulty in remembering to check forums and...well it's just easier over PMs. I prefer romance RPs but I am flexible and can work with just about anything. I can do VERY few series-based, so if you're interested in one, let me know beforehand. I tend to type a minimum of 5 sentences, but that depends on what I have to work with. If I get a one liner, I WILL end the RP. I have actually received a one WORD response, and that RP was ended right then and there. Another thing that has happened. "Hey, I know you said guys only, but I'm a girl and I can play a guy is that ok?" No, that's why I said males. Sorry ladies. Also, please have a basic grasp of the english language. I understand a mistake every now and then is fine, but if y0u tipe lyk dis, 1 w0nt r3sp0nd. EVAR. And, I prefer third person past tense, but I can deal with present tense. Oh, one more thing: Actions and "Dialogue" should be written correctly. So if you can type at least 5 good sentences, type correctly, spell out your words, and have an idea or you are willing to brainstorm, then please PM me!