HELLO, my name is 21LV3Rgirl
which also means silvergirl^^Many of my friends call me 21, JD or silver, but I prefer 21.
I like art and anything that is artistic like many of you do. MY GOAL AND DREAM, is to one day become good enough to be a Manga artist.
Maybe is not as big or as important as being a lawyer or a doctor and getting paid lots, but I find it intriguing and exiting because I want other teenagers to read what I write once I grow up and like many of us, join into the Anime revolution and see how many wonders these stories can bring.... I'm 15 unfortunately, though I don't sound like it at all do I? wink
I draw on MS PAINT. to be honest, its not the best thing ever but I guess all artists start from scratch. I want to be able to get my own drawing tablet so it would be easier for me to draw and pass my drawings to the computer..but for now, I've settled with this.
(oh yeah...i thought it be cool if i posted my art here^^ i asked tassan^^)