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Name: Kai Fuego

Aliases/ Nicknames: Pyro girl

Physical Description: Strawberry colored hair that is always tied up messily. Her eyes are a reddish-brown, looking almost crimson. She stands about 5'4 ft and is slim and petite. Her skin is a pale hue.

Age: 17

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Nenshou Kaen (Burning Flame)

Zanpaktou: (not achieved)
Nenshou Kaen

Shikai Release: "Dance my Burning Flame..."

Shikai: (not achieved)
Moe ruyouna koutetsu no dansu

Bankai: (not achieved)
Ni tsuno hi no dansu

Special Accessories: None yet.

Skills: Kai is a fast runner, but has never been incredibly strong.

Abilities: Kai wanted to work with fireworks, so she knows how to make them and set them off. She can also make a home-made bomb.

Personality: Kai is stubborn and always ready to argue. She has an explosive temper, and a short fuse. When she finds someone she cares about however, she is 100% loyal and loving.

Biography/History: Kai was always a decent student. She was fairly popular with her classmates, and in her senior year of Highschool. She was ready for college, ready for life. And then, one sleepy night, her house caught fire and burned to the ground. Her parents escaped, but her room was the first to catch, and she was trapped inside. No one could do anything but look for her ashes once the house had been burned down. Talk about ironic. Kai had always loved fire, she was intruged by it. Of course, she didn't smoke or do drugs, but she always had the flaming drinks when she went out with her parents. Her parents ordered them for her of course. Still, Kai didn't even know she was dead until she woke up in the soul society...

Signature/Patented Technique: None yet.

Guild Status: Unranked~

Online Schedule: 6:00pm - 11:00pm Pacific Standard Time