Gaia name:MikaOokami
Age(in wolf years): Teen
Appears about 13-14 as a human
Description:Wolf Form:
Wings can either be white or black and red as shown in the picture, and she wears a collar instead of a necklace in the picture, although the moon amulet is still on the collar.
Human form:
Has red and black hair, yellow eyes, and ears and a tail that are the same as her wolf form's. She is seen wearing various outfits, ranging from kimonos to regular clothes shown in the pic.
Background:As far back as she can remember, she has been a wolf, and was born as a wolf, but she isn't sure. Raised by friends of her parents, she never really knew who her family was, although she was raised by the friends as one of their own. She left home before she reached teenagehood, because she wanted to find her parents and others like her, rather than be stuck with her 'family'. There were only regular wolves, and couldn't understand her very well. Even to this day, she continues to search for her parents, as a lone wolf.
Demon:Yes, she can change from wolf to human, and vice versa, so is basically a werewolf, other than she can also have wings sprout from her back at will. Although, the more she does it, the more risk there is that they will not go back to normal.