Name (name): Tadashi

Nickname: Tad

Appearance: 6 feet 2 inches
17 years old. averaged muscled. (ordinary) partial red dyed spikey hair.
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Zanpakuto: Comedor Del Alma (Soul Eater)
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Zanpakto: Soul Eater. shikai's power is a sword copier. when ever its blades touch another persons, it copies its image, and ability. it has complete memory of all blades it had touch, so whenever the wielder wishes, it takes form of that sword. his summoning words are, "Eat your fill!" To recall an "eaten sword" from the past, the words are "Belch!"

abilities: his fighting style is to combine sword fighting art with kicking. his kidous are limited but his speed is the meaning of excellence. All he needs is a simple touch of an opponents blade and he will have the ability to use it. He knows how to shunpo do to his training with Xeion. His arm is a token piece of hell. Integrated from his human form and his hellion form. The arm holds power of hell that only Hellions may be able to use.

accessories: he likes to carry explosives and flammable objects. He has an infinity bag that was passed down to him from the legendary Yoki the Trick Master.

Personality: This captain cares for nothing except for his squad. He may be rough but to him, his squad is everything. He likes to fight, make friends, and make enemies. This guy is unstable in attitude and will bite anyone he wishes.

History: Tadashi was 4th in command during World War 2 for the Japanese. He and his men were brainwashed to serve and murder for the emperor. Tadashi realized that he had been deceived and tried to convince his comrades to believe him. One day, his men were about to launch an attack that could of defeated the Allies. Tadashi thought he had to do the right thing so he slaughtered his entire group. Tadashi ran away as a fugitive and met a homeless known as Yoki the Trick Master. Yoki taught him deceptive skills and knowledge. He gave Tadashi an enchanted bag known as the Bag of Infinity, an endess pouch that could hold anything. Tadashi later was found and murdered by the emperors elite fighters. After death, He was sent to hell as punishment for the slaughter of many. He met his brother who was the devil's 2nd in command. Tadashi made a deal with his brother and became a hellion: A member Beelzebub's elite demons who had mass powers in the underworld. One day, Tadashi found the chance to escape. He and a demon called "No Face" (later named Soul Eater) escaped hell. No Face wasnt lucky. He was on the verge of obliteration from the jump from hell to Soul Society. Tadashi saw a blade near by laying on the ground so he transfused No Face's soul into the blade, making his zanpakto. Tadashi blended in with the villagers of Rukon till he one day he joined the Seretei Under Captain Kihaku's lead................................. He became captain of squad 11.

Seat: Captain of squad 11

Bankai: will not be released to the public