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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:18 pm
Rei Shusseki [Ghost Presence..]

Aliases/ Nicknames: As a human he was known just as 'That Psycho'... In the Soul Society this name was dropped though..

Age: 24 years old.... He seems, by looks, about 18 though...

Physical Description: He seems to be a normal man, at a normal height... Nothing extravagant whatsoever about his appearance sticks out.... He's a seemingly normal 'fit' man.... His height is pretty natural, going about 5"9'-6"2'.... His arms aren't very muscular, and seem to be very 'loose' and hang about at times...

Zanpacto: His zanpaktou is a very weird weapon.... its natural sight is that of a normal blade, but there are ridges at the beginning of the blade... They seem to move with the pattern of his attacks like waves would, but in reality, there just small and thin spikes that poke out unnoticed....

The zanpaktou, overall is a natural length sword, but has no actual curve whatsoever.... If you put two rules beside it, then it would actually be perfect... No curve whatsoever... A difficult blade to craft.... Its sides are blunt, and can't slice, even though they look sharp enough to decapitate a man simply...

Shikai Release [Wisp....]- His shikai is very simple.... The blade becomes an illusion itself, as it becomes transparent and translucent to the point where it reflects attacks' images... Meaning, if an attack is fired towards it and Rei slashes at it.. The image of the attack rebounding off of an invisible wall and coming back will go.... This illusion is pure sight and has nothing to do with the real thing going on...

In reality, though, the attack is being absorbed into the blade, making it more dense and soon back to a seemingly solid form..... The excess energy that now fluctuates through the blade and Rei is evaporated and condensed back to an even more 'transparent' form, to where Rei becomes invisible completely..... The only ability of this that's notable is his ability to pass through items and pick up things, making them invisible...

The shikai, overall, is very limited until he can control it better... For now he has weaker forms of its 'Would Be' powerful attacks

Illusionary Discharge- Rei takes the hit like a blunt force, but the opponents mind causes them to see it as there own attack coming back twice as big, and a bit faster as if it were knocked back like nothing..... As Rei takes the blunt force, he may use his numbing effect of his zanpaktou's special sedative technique to actually make it seem he felt nothing, and didn't even feel a thing..... This automatically gives the sight that he defied all laws and rebounded an attack effortlessly...

Charades- He uses this attack as the main force of attacking in shikai.... He appears before the opponent as a distraction, moving his arms in strange positions that look weird, and don't suit human beings or anything sane..... In reality, he is trying to play charades with the opponent while his attack forms.....

The attack is violet stream of reistu that flows, through his body, and eventually shrouds the atmosphere as a transparent effect.... It can be used as a sort of magic trick thing... Once t is fully charged and is in the atmosphere, undetected... Rei will slam one of his hands, palm down.. onto the ground.... The air will immediately become visibly shrouded in the mist.... From within the mist, his groggy voice is heard saying: "A Magician Never Reveals His Tricks.... A Ghost Is Its Own Trick..."

This is the catch phrase to go along with the move, as if a phrase to warn whats coming next...

GTS/GTD- Within the mist, as a follow-up to his 'Charade' he will release a poison-like sedative, working much like anesthesia.... It will, normally, knock the foe's unconscious, and is even said to work on hollows... It eventually plants a sickly spiritual particle killing presence that will rip away hollows like acid from the inside... A very gruesome death for all who hold the hollow trace of reistu in them...

[For a normal foe, he will simply attempt to decapitate them, or kill them silently in the midst...]

Shikai 2nd Form- After much training, Rei is to find that his shikai has another section, actually used for 'Concealed Killing' and 'Death Blows'...

His first shikai's abilities were focused on him being shrouded in mist and such.. delivering sleeping blows and sneaky tactics like such.... The second form of his shikai is actually a very rare thing... His blade changes YET AGAIN, this time into a completely physical object.... His hand becomes covered by a gauntlet/glove that reaches just an inch beneath his elbow...

By saying the phrase 'Wisp', The middle finger of the glove begins to glow with a light and gleaming violet reistu dagger... Meant to be concealed.... This is meant to be a very simple death blow.... When he uses this attack he switches his fighting style to a more basic means of assassination, using mostly close range unorthodox tactic.... Once he's close enough,a and has sliced or touched the enemy with the small knife-like blade coming from his finger, it will grow outwards until his arm is covered in a protective violet wrapping... The wrapping is a densened reistu source, that has its own presence and force.. almost separate from Rei's....

The growing blade resembles a blade to some extent, but actually its 'sharp' end is replaced with a fluctuating chain-saw like point that moves crazily like a fire... uncontrolled and very unstable to say the least.... The activation of the second form of his shikai is dangerous and doesn't last long... This is balanced out with the fact that his foe usually won't see the attack, or even the blade coming....

[Bring Forth Both Wandering Souls....]

Bankai Release- Rei's bankai is very strange and straight through....

His body becomes consumed in a large amount of reistu to the point where he is forcibly ejected from his body, becoming his own life force energy... He then mentally calls upon his zanpaktou to come forth... Together him and his spirit conquer and are able to control the energy, but at the price of splitting him in two, making an exact copy, one with white skin, his psychopathic side, and the normal quiet him.... They both fight using a different 'Style' but use the same tactics and techniques....

Rei's Style- Rei fights the same as before, and seems to use all of his moves as usual, just more powerful... He gains the ability to become invisible and to sync himself with his other self through spirit form for a few minutes to become what they were before the body separation....

He fights like an assassin, but his speed, mixed with his invisibility is unmatched... He uses this in sync with his other half for a move that shrouds the opponent in an entire mist of his corrupted reistu so that it masks his own... He then strikes numerous times at high speed undetected and out of sight....

His main weapon is a two-sided javelin/katana hybrid.... It has a black grip form fitted for him, and able to be used with both hands...

His base abilities in this include using his 'Ghost' ability and going transparent or invisible

Pyscho Rei's Style- Pyscho Rei's style of fighting is more straight forward and power based.... He overwhelms the opponent with unorthodox close-range assassin techniques.... His hand-to-hand style includes hidden knives, throwing projectiles and using his main weapon... This weapon is an assortment of chains tied around bare katana blade, giving the illusion that he is throwing out katanas and bringing them back like yo-yo's.... Pyscho Rei has the ability to compress his reistu source and combine it with the normal Rei's so he may become full strength for a while until the bankai is broken or he is out of reistu...

Full Bankai Release: For a little while, after being released, Both Rei's can combine with each other and become one again, but keep there abilities and tactics and such.. combining to become a better foe.... In this form, Rei is capable of holding both the chain/katana blade combo AND the two-sided katana javelin at the same time.... He has his own 'Unorthodox' fighting style with these blades... They give off physical illusions that are capable of hurting opponents due to them being real....

Special Accessories: His weird choice of accessories is a very notable thing on his appearance... At times he will wear a white cloak, with a black kanji for presence on it, a circle surrounding the Japanese letters... The cloaks hood is always on, and covers his face just to his nose.... Up to his nose, though is a bandanna, or mask.... Its a solid object that seems to just press and click onto his face from the jaw bone right beneath his ears.... Its a bland, black mask, seemingly worn a lot and scuffed up.... Its creepy and resembles a hollow mask, or bone piece...

Also, to go along with his Arabian assassin looks... He carries smoke bombs, flash bombs, and a strong self-made sleeping sedative that causes great drowsiness upon entrance to the air... It can effect him, but his mask usually deflects its effects...

Skills: His skills include his quiet demeanor at almost all times..... He can sneak into places seemingly 'through the walls' like a ghost, and never makes a peep, even in the worst of situations... He seems to be a quiet man with a speaking problem, or mind dysfunction that causes him to not speak.. [Or make noises when he enters a room..]

This isn't a thing he does on purpose though... He simply does not make noise, or emit an initial 'presence' making him a perfect assassin type... The reasons why he's like this are unknown though..

Abilities: His ability to assist situations quickly is a very unique one... This is a 'Quick Counter' technique he has developed, but its only used once or twice in a fight, seeing as though he's the 'Silent Predator'....

Personality: A very quiet man, who seems to be hiding a lot and holding in much despair... Being near him, you can't help but feel sorry for his ways of living and going about his daily life... He's like a wandering soul, who actually is left to wander forever....

On the other hand, he's a very obedient person, and a great comrade.... He follows orders exactly, and in a team fight, for example, he could easily follow through with a plan.... If he had another end to go along with him.. just one friend.. He'd seem an alright counterpart... [A Yin to his Yang.. or whatever...]


Human World- In the human world he was a rejected person, but didn't mind.... He wasn't like others AT ALL.... He held no amazing trait, no amazing hobby, no amazing talent...

He didn't hold any friends near.. No family member was close to him... Nothing died or went wrong in his life.... He was known as a bland person.. A nothing, and just a blip on the map of society.... He was nothing, and didn't care..... He didn't want to be a hero, he didn't want to be a villain... It was always asked by those who examined him [Later on, the examiners would be doctors and psychologist..] would always ask.... Did he even wanna live, or be alive... Or wanted a purpose...?

This question rang in the head sf his parents for a long time until one day something happened with him.... The doctors and authorities said something snapped in the back of his mind, in general and seriously... Something in his mind actually was ruptured by some unknown cause, certainly not physical, that caused him to go part-way insane... In a bad way..... His I.Q grew from the natural one, to 181.... Five I.Q points over Albert Einstein..... The man became a genius within seconds, but this was soon seen as a bad thing when he decided to kill murderously from what seemed to be reawakened instinct.... His low existence form before was deleted once he became known as a killer...

He'd pick random victims and kill silently like an assassin... His initial thoughts taught and told him plans on how to kill.. when to kill.. how his body should move... He was controlled by seemingly another presence.... His Distorted Brain...

Eventually he grew [This inner entity, or presence came into control at age 18, and actually kept him alive and well until 24] and killed and killed until he was one of the most known men in existence... He'd killed only men though,and it seemed he wished not to attack or harm women or children whatsoever... It was as if all things without a single hint of killing intent were spared.... If a man could kill, or show rage before him.. He could kill them... It was a rule bounded into his mind...

Over time, he eventually died, something going on in his head that caused him to face the police in a sort of stand off.... His last memory of this event was him standing about twelve meters away from the police, all armed.... He killed all twelve of them with his bare hands, some throwing knives, and ridged blade that he constructed himself....

'A Blade Not Meant To Kill... Used To Kill..'

He died there in that spot though.... All of the S.W.A.T men had unloaded on him, but he kept going, like a monster would.. Usually, in his case, he'd haunt the area and eventually become a hollow, but his mind guided him and caused his logical thinking to send him on to the next area.... He distorted his fate and forgot what happened....

Rukongai- He eventually found himself, back to his state from when he was 18, and continued where his life left off with faint memories.... Being the way he was, he calculated the fact that he was dead and decided to move on with his new life naturally... It was an exact repeat of his human go through to say the least, until his brain awoke its primal urges for a little while... He re-awoke himself again, just done in the shinigami academy...

He then found an explanation actually saying he'd have passed it all with flying colors, but was to be directed to the 'Maggot's Nest' to be detained.....

It turns out he'd killed a few other students while on a training mission, along with the shinigami teacher, who was actually a 'soon to be' seated officer... He'd been a shinigami for a few years and was a very promising person.... He has recently been released from the wing to a sort of 'probation'..

Other: He, since becoming a spirit, has become one to wander randomly, into the most 'Different' of places... He will never provoke a fight, but isn't one to stop one... He stays neutral in all situations, and if he speaks to you then there's a chance he'll get involved in whatever's going on...

Also he seems to not care what 'sex' a person is.... He isn't biased, which is a good thing at most times.... He flinches at the sight of naked men and/or women and seems to care for 'No Sex' at most times... [MOST...xD]

He is adept at fighting without using his eyes it seems.... His eyes and overall emotions are hidden during battle and concealed so well, you'd think he was blind or 'Sense'-less as if he's Mute, Blind, and Can't actually 'Feel' whatever touches him... [This is actually the effects of his powers.. associated with his zanpaktou..]

Powers: See The Following:

Presence Jump- Its a form of technique that allows him to create an after image, that moves... It has nothing to do with speed, but distortion of the air... This move creates transparent obstacles good for escapes and decoys...

Presence Strike- This move, when performed, seems useless but the attack in general is very simple, blunt, and deadly.... What he does in this move is similar to 'The Presence Jump', except the image he creates is slightly more dense and has force enough to cut or strike...

He swings the blade at absolutely nothing, looking like a very meaningless and tiring act... He begins to sweat as his body suddenly becomes shrouded in twice as much reistu as it held before... Suddenly, form his body, a dense after-image like effect of him appears and lunges itself towards the foe, not attacking until its in perfect range, or is directed too....

Wisp- Since he doesn't talk [As a shinigami now, he has forgotten many things, including how to speak... This is due to his brain reawakening at different times and going 'primal instincts'..], he always uses an ability known as wisp... His mask and cloak shrouds his voice and gives him a sly monsterish tone, but a very small one as if it were being lessened or covered... The voice is creepy, and seems to just 'circle' the targets head...

This is also an attack to throw off the opponent... He lets out a blood curdling scream that distorts the eardrums and confuses the opponent.... While the opponent is distorted he will follow up with his assassination or blow....

Ghost Feelings- He has a very powerful sedative that, when coated by his zanpaktou and reistu together, will create a strange numbing affect... He will then proceed to cover his body with the reistu that the blade is emitting and continue fighting...

From sight, this seems to be nothing.. In reality, he has numbed his 'Feelings' to an extent.... He can ignore pain to an extent, able to be stabbed and continue fighting emotionless... The pain is, though it seems, is not halted though... It is still there at full force and is at no time to be ignored... Once the reistu is taken off, the pain comes back at its normal force, but if the barrier of pressure is held up for a long enough period, and the spot bandaged or treated, he won't feel, or show any emotion towards it... Nor will he even seem to have gotten hurt...

This is an illusion he created, the only one he uses that's actually a danger to himself.... This single ability though, saves his life at times... [Its my quincy strings...xD]

Kidou- He is very good with reistu manipulation and most forms of kidou.... He shows great interest and potential when it comes to these parts...

Hand-To-Hand- his hand to hand resembles that of assassin's.. He prefers the quick knockout, and knows those little tactics.. [Like squeezing a pressure point in the neck and making someone fall... He's one of those creepy guys who can do that..xD]

Swordsman- He's not a very 'natural' swordsman but is adept with a blade.... His straight ahead skills are a little over average level due to his seemingly trained skills in the uses.... When he turns his blade upside down though.... He becomes about 80% better....
PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:56 pm
Username: smico
Character name: Teigen

Aliase/Nickname: None
How old does your shinigami appear: 15
How old is your shinigami: Unknown, But seemingly Young and Naive
Sex: Male
Appearance: [Teigen..] He wears the traditional Shinigami uniform most of the time, but sometimes can be seen wearing a different variation of the outfit, whereas his upper-robe is ripped, and worn around the neck like a battle-torn scarf and over the mouth to conceal.. The pants are lighter then usual, and match those worn by members of 2nd squad somewhat.... On his back diagonally is the word Touji, meaning "Like The Wind"... His hair is blue and whitish and he stands at about 5"6'..
Personality: Seemingly laid back.. He doesn't do much, but still manages to be social and friendly... He has a compassionate side, and it shows whenever he hears or sees something bad... This is the trait that makes him, overall, a very good person...
Bio: Unknown [I figure I'll do this on his RP life..x3]
Zanpakutou name: Fusenmei
Zanpakutou spirit: His Zanpaktou spirit is very different from himself... Its a crazy up-beat woman, with unimaginable speed... Its personality is shown in its means of fighting... She prefers to use a "Small" weapon or projectiles, showing this mostly by manifesting as a Wakizashi, styled mostly for use in Quick-Draw situations... She is about two inches under Teigen and wears very loose clothing... Her bellybutton has a circle of piercings about it, and is always seen... Her pants are like Teigens, but a bit more for a girl... Her top covering is just white, and seems to be a tank-top without the strings to help support... She also has a jacket on, also able to shift into a cloak..
Zanpakutou unreleased: Wakizashi... A short blade meant to be a secondary weapon... Teigen is quite skilled with it traditionally and seems to use it with "Unorthodox" styles at times... The blade is generally blue at the hilt matching his hair....
Release phrase: Shift...

Stage One- When First Released, Fusenmei shakes violently, reenacting a seizure before suddenly splitting into a solid copy of itself... The new Wakizashi is two inches longer then the last, and its size can shift up to a foot longer.... The original Wakizashi is orange on the hilt, with a laced design... The newly formed one is reddish orange, and has the design of a woman holding a short-blade sending out numerous small weapons... Her ability in this stage is mainly based on speed and duel-combat... Obviously, one would expect Fusemei to be a melee styled Zanpaktou... Her speed, and duel abilities are her main weapon... Her second advancement is the skill alone Teigen gains... In this form, he acts more sly and shifty mid-combat, making him capable of dodging and alluding the opponent, then striking with unimaginable speed...

Techniques [Known In Shikai..]-

Teigen Fusemei [Motion Blur..]... A technique causing a feint after-image to follow Teigen.. The after-images work as an extra force, much like a dash or thrust force to follow a strike... Teigen can appear to be walking, but as long as an after-image is following him.. He has a compressed force behind any strike... With one blade, this attack is very destructive, and slicing force is enough to cleanly slice trees in half.... Using both blades, and a fighting style makes this a deadly maneuver...

Nonki-Satsui [Reckless Killing Intent..]... While using a specific fighting style, [most likely while duel wielding the Wakizashi..] Teigen can use his speed and precision maneuvers in unison with his blade... This creates the image of more then one blade, and could easily be used in a situation of fighting more then one enemy... If 'Teigen Fusemei' is used together with this technique, It can become even more useful and deadly..

Stage Two- In Stage Two of Teigen's Shikai, Fusemei's abilities expand a bit farther.... Teigen is about 23% quicker then usual, and seems to be silent when moving.... His duel skills have increased, and his blades' pattern of movement are untraceable... Fusemei has more techniques, and the second Wakizashi is now more curved, shaping more into a Single Bladed Tonfa, still usable with the original Wakizashi..


Oitsuku- Teigen, once unseen, will perform a dive-bomb maneuver towards the opponent from above... This move is called "Over Take" because of the constant Aerial Blows used in the combo of kicks, punches, and slashes.... This strange variation of different blows seems to confuse an enemy... [They can't really fight something so random from above...]

Bankai: In Teigen's Bankai, Fusemei becomes a single White Wakizashi, with a strange lacing design... Teigen's outfit changes and becomes grayish, along with his new bluish hair.... His Pupil's become a light silver color, and the upper section of clothing disappears [Shirt and such..], And is replaced with a ripped white scarf that seems to have been battle torn and used to conceal the face..... The scarf works as a "Covering" for the mouth, and shades him from any dust and such while moving....

Teigen now seems to be a different, person having the two personalities combined and such... He seems to have completely mastered Fusemei's Unnamed style and his speed topples over that of a Shunpo.... His reistu is now visible, in elegant tunnel streams, flowing about him like ribbons.. The blurring effect is natural with his speed and gives off numerous presences in combat.... Fusemai's "White Wakizashi" form has numerous Techniques, all melee it seems... The style's "Secret" techniques are available... these abilities, combined with the speed and strength gained makes almost every attack sent out a near-death blow... or worse... [Speed+ Natural Thrusting Force With Every Hit+ Duel Wielding Wakizashi Of Doom= Yeah.. dead.. don't give me Bankai if you know whats good for ya'...XD]

Teigen Fusemai Ouichi- The highly edited version of his "Motion Blur"... Over time [Each Post..] he will create trails of the "Motion Blur" after-images, but inbetween the clones, secretly... An image of the female Fusemai is there.... After about five are there, they join together and strike Teigen from behind, blurring him and themselves with the shot before causing a large white light...

A solid form of Fusemai now stands next to Teigen, and together they can perform the Duel Wielding Style Techniques.. Each holding two similar white Wakizashi...

-Kokushibyou... Together, Teigen and Fusemai sheath there Wakizashi and go for a confusing combo.... Teigen will get up close and launch numerous strikes with the back blunt section of his hilt, holding the sword backwards as he unleashes white streaks behind each sent out blow.... Before a reaction could be made, he dissappears, leaving the white streaks to trail his own attacks....

The constant blows are meant to stun the opponent and keep them there distracted or frozen.... Fusemai soon appears spiraling from above with both Wakizashi sheathed, and her arms in an X meaning she is to Quick-Draw them..... She spins wildly while laughing, but the blades stay sheathed until she comes within a yard of them... Both get slicing in a "+" formation, with a white blurring light.... The spiral from above is positioned to block out the sun once a yard is from the opponents head.... Everything seems dark for a split second before the white streaks come out and attack the opponent..

-Henshi... Another strange combo.... Teigen and Fusemai both charge the opponent... Fusemai stays on the left side, with her left hand blade out, and her right hand blade down like a dagger... On the opposite side, is the opposite positions for Teigen..... They both charge at an invisible speed and appear behind the opponent, dust picked up from there speed.... They each have one Wakizashi in hand, as the other was thrown within making the dust... There is no actual aim behind the technique, as both of them aim for different sections, but in sync with each other.... Within the mist, the opponent either gets hit, or evades the [Head And Lower Right Torso] shots at random....

Across The Field, Teigen and Fusemai strike a retarded pose before laughing at each other..

[More attacks to be added..]
Hadou: 1-10
Bakudo: 1-10
Accesories: Cloak... At times he can be seen sneaking around with a cloak on, and enjoys the mysterious feeling.... He loves to fight with them on, but when he does, he decides to take on a different style and uses the cloaks inner weapons... He has slight skill with throwing projectiles and hidden knives are a favorite... Him and Fusemai are reckless at times, and when seperated he can defend himself... The knives are thin and slick, not for use against armed opponents unless from a distance... He uses "Hit And Run" tactics when it is on..

Fighting Style Mastery- Teigen's Zanpaktou is an originator of her own unnamed sword-style, based on the use of Zig-Zag and sliding movements.. It also mentions "Crouched" and "Aerial" sword techniques... The style is not exactly mastered by Teigen originally, but [Once Shikai Is Obtained] Teigen can learn to use it without Fusemei's aid... When in Shikai, or higher... He is more capable of using the style, and a few of its techniques..

Speed- His overall base of action... He seems to be naturally speedy, and quick all around... He, with traits from Fusemei, can move about quite quickly... When moving at his top speed, he seems to cancel sound around his immediate area... [Only done in shikai as a secondary ability..]

Charm- Being quite a nice guy.. he has a way with people... The only way he won't become your friend is if you start off on the wrong foot... Yet he'll always allow someone in.... This could be classififed as a softy weakness, but it actually comes in handy in most situations. [*Cough* Girls.. *Cough*..] It seems, from sight, he's a very likeable person and not many really could hate him... His physical appearance is attractive, and his mindset is playful... Only strict or ruthless people could ever learn to hate him..

Edgy Attitude- At times, he can take traits of Fusemai, the hot-headed speed lover of a Zanpaktou Spirit... She "Is" the materialization of his inner self and she must have gotten herself.. from him... This points out that he does have a reckless side along with the goofy...

H2H- Teigen excels in Hand-To-Hand, but not a traditional style... His blows are swift and thin as he attempts to mimic Fusemai's Wakizashi style.. with his hands.... The style, like Fusemai's, is unnamed.... For that, he makes fun of her by calling it "Shitsumei"... Name Unknown...

Likes: Girls, Food, Trees, Games, And Friends..
Dislikes: Big Swords, Bossy People, And Speaking Too Much..
Theme song:

Fusemai/Teigen Fighting- Razorlives..



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