
First off, let me say thanks to the mate who allowed me to join.

Second off, Ima introduce my self.

Name is Jesse Emo, move around the United States of the U.S. Currently 17, lover of the Wolves ever since I fell in love with my now ex. (I would still be dating her had I not moved away *insert tear*) I stand 5,11, weigh only 12x lbs, and am a slender build. Blue eyes, brown/black/ hair coming to my shoulders. WhiteGermanIndian, and am Agnostic yet believe in God. I've been trained in CQC for the past 2 years, and am furthering my skill with knives. I also love to read. (I don't know what use that info has, but I felt it was there to get a better picture of me =)) I

I am a tad eccentric and tend to ponder on the questions of life, universe, morals, people, etc... Thus causing most people to veer away from me, ...that and most don't like my last name lol... If I make a friend, I am attached to that person for a very long time, and will continue to do so. I may not talk often, however for some reason it seems to attract people that think...actually think...

I am annoyed by annoying people and people who act stupid (not the people who can't help it but like those people who do it just to make a fool of themselves)

And now you know me...sorta. I doubt I'll ever write something this big again for a bit, so yea. Sorry if I annoyed you =)

P.S. if this is something that I was NOT suppose to put, please tell me and I shall take it down in a matter of minutes..hopefully