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xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:46 am
Kai's Quest Central

SO~ Basically, this is a place for my to keep the custom forms for all the SoA customs I've ever dreamt up xD; Just so I don't forget about them all <3 So, uh...feel free to read on? xD;
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:48 am

Any and all donators will be posted and worshipped by all in this post here ;3

kytora~ heart
seph~ heart
marge~ heart
ROSE~ -heartattack-


xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:51 am
Goddess Custom


Name: Laini
Owner: xo -- k a i r i
Goddess of: Sight (I have permission from tuesdayscat, who owns the Goddess of the Five Senses)


Heightened Senses: Not a power as such, but more of a consequence of her blindness - Ntla's other four senses, particularly her hearing and her sense of smell, are enhanced and heightened, though to a degree much higher than that of a normal lion who might be blind. She can also, however, also apply these heightened senses of hers to another SoA for a limited amount of time (usually a day or so), providing that they give up their sight for said amount of time.

Sight Bending: Ntla is able to make it so that a creature's sight bends around a certain object, or even person. To them, it would be as if that object was invisible, although it'd still be perfectly possible for them to walk into it. She can also do this the other way around, making it so a certain object/creature can't be seen.


Sight Removal/Restoral: Ntla has the ability to take away the sight of others, making them permanently blind. She also has the ability to restore the sight of those who became blind, even if they were blinded by another God/Goddess (since her domain is Sight, the most dominant in the field of blindess).

Gender: (Male/Female) Female
Age: (Cub/Juvenile/Adolescent/Adult) Cub
Parents: (if applicable) ??? x Hamsakili (permission gained from tuesdayscat)
Offspring: (if applicable) N/A

OKAY~ Basically, I'd like for you to look at her mother, Hamsaliki, and the original concept I had below, and use whatever you like from both to make me my beautiful Laini <3 I'd definitely like her to have her mother's snow leopard tail, and some of her mother's leopard spots. If she could have a blindfold over her eyes, too, that'd be nice (and if I could have a version both with and without a blindfold, that'd be amazing ;O Her eyes should be faded, since she's blind). Some curly hair so she loks a little like her mother would be nice too, although I'm also quite fond of straight...so yeah, go wild~! Below is what I originally had, but I kept and do still keep changing it and being indecisive on things, so I figured you're all amazing and could do awesome things with her hair and colours and edits that I could never think of <3 Just look at her domain, and her mother, and do whatever feels right!
One small hint, though - I would LOVE if she could have editted wings in some way <33 And especially if, in any stages where they aren't normally, her wings could be open/spread~!

I'd love if Laini could have a custom familiar too - basically, because she's blind, the familiar would act as her 'sight', directing her where to go and the likes. Species and design and placement and whatever is completely up to you <3

Here's what I previously had for her, if you wanted it to look at:

Colours/Body: Ntla got a make-over! 8D

After some brainstorming, I decided on a newer, brighter appearance for Ntla. Her main coat is black (I'm getting to the brighter bit xD), but with certain rainbow markings on it. How to describe it...have you ever, maybe, had those scratch-boards, which were black, but when you used the tool to scratch it off there was a rainbow of colours underneath? Uh...yeah. Like that xD (Think maybe of Bast's eye markings?). Markings on her hind should be almost Ela'wadiyi-like, tribal markings, although with thinner, more wavy lines. Her front two legs should be covered in speckles, a little like braille-markings, but the sizes of the dots/blobs should vary. As you travel down her tail you also find these same speckles, and around her ears, the insides of which are a deep violet-red.

Her hair should be slightly more 'ruffled' than the usual hairstyle and a little longer and predominantly white, but with flecks and streaks of different colours of the rainbow in it, the streaks looking almost 'shiny. The end of her tail should also be slightly curlier than usual, with the same styling - white with shiny streaks of rainbow. You can't see Ntla's eyes - they're covered by a plain white blindfold (the only plain thing about her). Tied in a knot at the back, the blindfold goes around her head and covers her eyes completely. The white fabric is covered in black tribal markings, a little like her hind but completely black. (I noticed in thread a while back that with Meep's Goddess of Justice, you prefered not to add the blindfold until she was an Adol. If this is the case with Ntla also, that's absolutely fine, but her eyes should be faded as if blind and a pale blue ;3 This is also the same with any of her other edits <3) Her expression should be a sad, worried one as a cub, gradually getting a little more cheerful through her stages until it's a knowing smile.

Now. Wings. Ntla has two pairs of wings, one on top of the other (like this, only one less). The top pair of wings are partially covered by the bottom, but you can see that they're feathered and rather large. Compeltely black, the top wings fade to white at the end of the feathers, fading by speckles slowly beginning to form, then getting closer and more abundant until it's solid white at the tips. The bottom pair of wings are much more fun, since they're rainbow coloured. At the very start of the wings where they join her body they're black, but soon fade into rainbow colours, like this. The bottom pair of wings are also feathered, like the top, but are slightly smaller.

Accessories: Now for the fun part. Accessories. Ntla has many accessories, most of them either rainbow-coloured or silver. Behind her right ear (left to us) is tucked an exotic-looking red and white flower (like this), whilst on the other ear is attached two small silver loops, with a rainbow-coloured feather hanging off of the bottom one. Around her tail are three leather straps, fairly close together, off of which are hanging some silver wind chimes, allowing her to make them chime whenever she moves her tail. Around her front right paw are three silver bangles, and on her top, black pair of wings, a curly, silver piece is attached just before the bend in each wing (artistic license to you for what it looks like! <3). Around her left front paw (the one without the bangles) is a small leather strap, a silver bell attached to one part and a small leather pouch attached the the other, a few tassles hanging off the bottom of it. And lastly, her neck-piece. Around her neck, Ntla has a loose, silver, curly neck-piece, rather large, encrusted with seven gems, one for each colour of the rainbow. For the neck-piece, this of this only upside down, and more loose/free-flowing, like a necklace should be.

Reference Images: (if applicable) Original Concept by Pach


[b]Name:[/b] Laini
[b]Stage: (Cub/Juvenile/Adolescent/Adult):[/b] Cub (Can I have the editted adult pose when she grows, with the straight leg and such?)
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Species:[/b] God
[b]Parents:[/b] ??? x [url=http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g178/bluekillerdonkey/Gods/hamsakiliadultcert.png]Hamsakili[/url]
[b]Offspring:[/b] -
[b]Domain:[/b] Sight
[b]Have you cleared this domain with any existing god owners? If so, who?[/b] Yes - cleared with tuesdayscat, owner of the Goddess of the Five Senses
[b]Description:[/b] OKAY~

I'd like her to be a kinda shiny dark blue (not quite navy) in colour ;3 Pale blue toes and tips of her ears and a pale blue maw. Then her other colour should be a kinda sea-green ;3 A kinda very pale teal, I'll trust you to find the shade that goes best with the blues <3 So greeny-blue leopard spots in a kind of bracelet around each paw/ankle, and on her ears (going over the light blue tips a little). I'd like her to have a normal lions tail, but with extra tail-tuft going pretty much all the way up it. So there's the limb, but with hair all the way down it, since she can't just have a completely normal tail, what with her mommy's snow leopard-ness! xD

I've decided agaisnt a blindfold, I think. If it was possible for you to do a blindfold and a blindfold-less version, that'd be amazing, but if not just without it. (If you can, the blindfold should just be a plain white with some sea-green tribal markings on it. Go wild with the markings!) Her eyes should be a sky-blue, but faded to show she'd blind. Then in the middle of her forehead, partially obscured by her fringe (the punkish, short layered hair, see below xD) should be a third eye, this one with full colour since she can see out of it ;3. I'd love her to have straight hair, I've decided. Kinda punk-ish, short layers as a fringe but then far longer at the back (should reach the floor). Feel free to play with her hair, perhaps make it relate to Hamsa's more, but overall I'd very much like it to be straight ;3 Like...it can maybe go around her ear, like Hamsa's?

Feathered wings. Pretty and feathery, coloured like peacock feathers (so with the eye-like markings on the end). If you could make the ends look as much like eyes as possible, that'd be great - but still looking like peacock feathers ;3 Spread wings, pretty large. Feel free to play around with markings on her body, adding more spots and such if they look pretty ;3 She should have Hamsa's pawprint on her shoulder, too, in the sea-green.

Okay, accessories. I'm going to keep her simple, I think. I'd like silver jewellery, a simple necklace with gems hanging from it etc. Exact jewellery up to colourist! I'd like an earring on her left ear, like the Ela earring with a peacock feather. If there could be a tribal eye-pattern on her hind, all tribal-y, that'd be cool - something like this only a bit simpler. Then she should have a bat familiar - just a regular bat, not much special about him ;3 Placement up to you.
[b]Reference Image(s), if applicable:[/b] N/A~ Feel free to take artistic liberty
[b]Are you an SoA god newbie?[/b] Yes
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:52 am
Familiar Custom

Name: Moya'Mohlahli, meaning 'spirit guide'
Owner: xo -- k a i r i
Species: Bird - Peregrine Falcon
Gender: (Male/Female) Male
Age: (Cub/Adult) Adult

Mo is a predominantly black bird, with blue markings. The top of his head is blue, travelling in a stripe down his back in a strip that ends at the end of his tail. The top of his wings are the same blue, but with a lighter blue thin curly shape (like ~ only with slightly curlier ends) separating the blue from the black. The darker blue is also found at the tips of his feathers, and in speckles on his belly. His eyes are a sapphire, sea blue, and his beak is a pale grey.

Reference Images: (if applicable) None


xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:56 am
Lionness Custom

Name: Nyonda (demon name: 'Azazel')
Owner: xo -- k a i r i
Species: Lion (new lines)
Pride/Pack: Aikanaro'hini, as a pre-existing member (permission from Seph granted). She'd be the rank of 'Qatethe' (assassin)
Gender: Female
Description: If you could follow the reference, that'd be awesome ;3 If you can't see, there are red 'streaks' in her head-tuft and on the tail. Also, feel free to use a little artistic license to make her look more awesome, and feel free to add some more of Mori's markings if you reckon they'd look better ;3 Actually, a little artistic license would be loved. The reference is really bad quality, but if you look at Mori and Farlest you'll get an idea of what some of the markings are meant to look like xD;
Reference Images: Nyonda - baaad concept xD Ignore the fact that it's on the male cub lines >>
Farlest - her sister
Morifaer - her daddy

Is this a low-luck custom?: Nope

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:01 am
Lionness Custom

Name: Kiinii'Moto
Owner: xo -- k a i r i
Species: Lion (new lines)
Pride/Pack: Rogue
Gender: Female
Description: See reference. Black coat with a darker gray belly (not up to her neck like in reference). White tiger-stripes on her tail, back and face. White ears with a black spot. White head hair and tail tuft. Pink nose, blue eyes.
Reference Images: concept drawn by kyt ;3

Is this a low-luck custom?: Nope


xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:04 am
Lionness Custom

Name: Safimaua
Owner: xo -- k a i r i
Species: Lion (new lines)
Pride/Pack: Rogue
Gender: Female
Description: See reference. Predominantly black coat. Black hair tuft and tail with white streaks. White shoulder marking and hind marking, with a deep red wing-outline over the top. Red spots by each of her eyes, and on her front paws, with white marking on her back foot. Feel free to take some artistic license with the markings.
Reference Images: concept

Is this a low-luck custom?: Nope

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:07 am
Lionness Custom

Name: Kumanni
Owner: xo -- k a i r i
Species: Lion (new lines)
Pride/Pack: Rogue
Gender: Female
Description: Coloured like a golden tiger
Reference Images: golden tiger
and again

Is this a low-luck custom?: Nope


xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:14 am
Cheetah Custom

Name: Kimanda
Owner: xo -- k a i r i
Species: Cheetah
Pride/Pack: Rogue
Gender: Male
Description: Coloured like a King Cheetah (markings-wise), with the colour-scheme being reddish instead. Take some artistic license on the exact colourings <3
Reference Images: king cheetah
and again (example of back stripes)

Is this a low-luck custom?: Nope

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:15 pm
Lionness Custom

Name: Kauli
Owner: xo -- k a i r i
Species: Lion (new lines)
Pride/Pack: Rogue
Gender: Female
Description: Based off of Chloe, my previous cat. Just copy the references as best you can, feel free to ignore markings that are too difficult to transfer to SoA and emphasize others (like the faint stripes in places...if they were just a little bolder, that'd be nice) and improvise a little to make her look awesome ;3
Reference Images: one two three

Is this a low-luck custom?: Nope


xo -- k a i r i

Invisible Dabbler

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