I recently bought some coloured silicon covers for my two wii remotes, because I thought they looked cooler than the jackets. However after spending many frustrating minutes getting the damn things on, i realized that it was a whole lot harder to lift up the cover and remove the batteries, while also making sure you didn't rip it.
sweatdrop Therefore I decided to go buy myself a dual charging station, so i wouldn't have to be constantly changing batteries (I used rechargables prior to this), and bought some pack that included extra wrist straps and more silicon covers.
So when i got home I was expecting that the remotes would be charged through the nunchuck port, instead i found some magnetic strips...
And after several minutes of confusion and rechecking the picture on the box, i eventually realized that i would have to take off my silicon covers for my remotes to charge!!! Which completely defeated the purpose of buying the station in the first place!
stressed I mean why the hell would they include silicon covers with it, if you can't even use them?!
gonk So i'll definitely be returning it tomorrow, but do nunchuk port chargers exist?? Otherwise i'll just have to wait for