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User ImageName: Tsukora Mokonoshi

Aliases/ Nicknames: Some call him Masamune. It is in reference to the famous tactition Masamune Date who only had one eye while Tsokora, thought apparently still has both eyes, never opens his right eye. It is also in reference to the famous swordsmith Masamune who created some of the greatest swords of all time.

Physical Description: Standing at five feet-nine inches tall and weighing in at 170 pounds, his body mass consists mostly of toned muscle. He has quite a few scars on his body which he obtained in both his life spent alive on Earth and his stay in Soul Society and Rukongai, including four vertical scars on his jaw line. He has short black hair that stands up on his head. He has a lightly tanned complexion and usually keeps his face shaven. He wears the traditional gi and hakama though for battle he will roll up his sleeves and pant legs. His eyes are brown, well his left eye is at least. Nobody knows what color his right eye is due to the fact that during his entire residence in the Soul Society he has never once opened his right eye.

Age: Tsukora was 22 when he passed away. Upon his entrance to Soul Society he lost the urge to keep track of time. If asked what is age is, he would reply with an ‘I don’t know.’

Zanpakutou's Spirit & Name: Tsukora’s zanpakutou has two spirits residing in the same package. The two spirits of his dead girlfriend, Kanako Hatori, and her younger brother, Tomokazu Hatori. Kanako looks to be in her early twenties. She has a pale complexion and long, black hair. She is dressed in the casual clothing of the present time even though she died almost fifty years ago which is a reflection of her love for always looking good. She was always the voice of reason and was never one to jump into a conflict, although she would hold a grudge against Tsukora quite often. Her brother, Tomokazu, is her polar opposite. His hair is short and unkempt, his clothes are dirty and tattered, and he is very short tempered and always ready to jump into a fight even when the odds are clearly stacked against him. Kanako quite often had to physically restrain her brother from jumping into fights. Because of their radically opposing personalities the sister, Kanako, chooses to inhabit the sheath of the zanpakutou while the brother, Tomokazu, inhabits the katana. When deemed necessary (or when she feels mad at Tsukora), Kanako will restrain her brother Tomokazu from fighting thus restricting the blade from being released from its sheath, or at certain points the blade will be called back to the sheath. This can result in some very sticky situations for Tsukora.

Zanpakutou: (not achieved) Tsukora’s Zanpakutou is called Broken Twins. In its sealed state, Broken Twins takes the form of a standard katana. The sheath is made of spiritually hardened steel instead of wood and is a dark blue color with ornate gold decorations. The hilt, guard, and blade however are purely utilitarian. The blade is a standard 28.6 inches long with a blood groove and slight traces of rust along the spine and in the groove. The guard is a solid, flat black circle with slight traces of rust along the edges. The handle collar and cap are also flat black and slightly rusted. The radical difference is also attributed to the difference in the personalities of the inhabiting spirits. Tsukora dual wields Broken Twins. He uses the blade for offense in one hand and the sheath for defense in the other hand.

The sheath of Broken Twins is used primarily for defense and non-lethal attacks, while the blade is used for mostly lethal attacks. In its sealed state, the sheath of Broken Twins is able to deflect, negate, or absorb the spiritual particles used in certain attacks such as kidou depending on the strength of the attack and Tsukoras own strength. If returned to the sheath after an attack is absorbed, Tsukora can transfer the energy from the absorbed attack to his own blade and use it against the attacker as is, or Tsukora can add his own power to the attack. The blade of Broken Twins has its own ability called “Groundcrawler” in which Tsukora strikes the ground and sends a wave of spirit particles in the shape of a crescent moon shearing along the ground toward the target. This attack can be used in the air but it’s power drops radically the longer it travels though the air until it completely disappears, whereas it can travel virtually indefinitely along the ground. To get around this limitation and attack someone who is in the air Tsukora will sometimes initially guide it along the ground to keep its power then make it ‘jump’ into the air at the target.

Shikai Release: The trigger phrase to unseal Broken Twins is “Cooperate.”

Shikai: (not achieved) In Shikai form, the blade of Broken Twins is, aside from the disappearance of rust from the blade, guard and furnishings, virtually unchanged. The sheath, however, changes into a bokken (wooden practice sword). This bokken retains the dark blue color from its sealed state. The most apparent change is the gold chain that connects the two weapons at their hilts which can be lengthened or shortened by Tsukoras will.

While in Shikai, the bokkens defensive capabilities are greatly increased allowing it to deflect, negate, or absorb some of the strongest spirit particle based attacks. When attacks are absorbed in this state the energy is transferred to the blade through the chain. In Shikai, the attack “Groundcrawler” is no longer restricted to the ground meaning that it can travel through the air almost indefinitely without losing its force.

Bankai: (not achieved) TBA…

Special Accessories: Tsukora carries a small box in the sleeve of his kimono which contains a maintenance kit for katana.

Skills: Because of his affinity for blades Tsukora learned how to properly care for many bladed instruments. This knowledge would later translate into the ability repair and restore damaged or broken Zanpakutou by speeding up the recovery of the damaged spirit within. He is also very skilled in the use of many weapons. Though he might not show it, he is a rather gifted thinker. He typically uses his mind to think of ways to avoid confrontation, but when unable to escape conflict he uses his mind evaluate the situation and come up with the optimal course of action.

His dual wield fighting style is a little unorthodox and inefficient. Because wielding his sword and sheath at the same time has put his at a disadvantage strength-wise he tends to dodge quite more than he blocks and when he does block he will redirect the force of the blow rather than to clash and absorb the impact. He is typically good at running and dodging and utilizes jumps and spins along with horizontal dashes.

Abilities: While most Shinigami sense Hollows by hearing them and some by smelling them, Tsukora tastes the presence of Hollows. The spiritual pressure of the Hollow manifests as a bitter taste in his mouth and the intensity of the taste varies with the strength and distance of the Hollow. Because Tsukora hasn’t opened his right eye in several hundred years he was forced to compensate for his lack of vision on his right side which led to his developing a sort of sonar using spiritual particles. While his left eye sees the real physical image, his closed eye sees the spirit particles that make up his surroundings. Using this spiritual sonar he is able to see things in more than just a first-person perspective, allowing him to see behind him, around corners, through walls, and even look down on himself from above.

Personality: Tsukora is a much laid back person, sometimes to a fault. Many people would say that he is incapable of taking anything seriously and that he is just a slacker. When he was still alive, his friends would make bets as to which of them could get him to act seriously first; the only person that would ever win was his girlfriend. He could quite often be found sleeping on a bench or in a tree, though once caught he would say that he was merely meditating. His actions often have a comical taste to them. Even in the face of grave danger he’ll give a sarcastic retort or a witty quip. He often complains of his lack of luck.

Biography/History: During his life as a human, Tsukora led a relatively uneventful life. He grew up with both his parents and lived in the same house his entire life. Ever since he could remember, his parents would always pester him about his nonchalant attitude towards life which they couldn’t seem to attribute to any single event. He just seemed to grow up with a rather uncaring air about him. Tsukora had an unusual affinity towards bladed instruments. Swords, knives, sickles, spears, even scissors; he amassed quite a collection of weapons and the scars that came along with their use and misuse. He met his girlfriend Kanako Hatori and her brother younger brother Tomokazu when the two of them transferred into his high school during his senior year. Tsukora and Kanako didn’t really make good friends at first, but she was the only one that he had ever met who was able to get him to act with any amount of seriousness and this inexplicably drew the two together. The two became lovers and Tsukora consequently became good friends with her younger brother, Tomokazu.

One summer afternoon, the three of them were on a drive to the movies in Kanako’s car. Tsukora had lost a game of rock, paper, scissors with Tomokazu so Tsukora was forced to sit in the back. On the way to the movies a truck driver drifted across the median and struck their car head on. Kanako and Tomokazu were killed instantly. Tsukora, however, was forced to stare at their dead bodies while he waited to be pulled from the mangled car. He would later die on the way to the hospital. He woke up in the 69th district of Rukongai. Not the greatest by any stretch of the imagination, but not the worst. He wandered around for a while. One day, a person passing by him stopped him and told him about the Seireitei and the Shinigami. This person also told him that he had enough spiritual pressure to actually become a Shinigami. At first Tsukora brushed it off with his classic uncaring attitude, but it seemed like something inside him was urging him to go. It was almost like a voice inside him told him to go into the Seireitei and join the Shinigami, so that is exactly what he did.

Signature/Patented Technique: None yet.

Guild Status: Unseated, unranked, green, and wet behind the ears…

Online Schedule: All the time… Seriously.