Takashi Hiashi
Nicknames: Takashi, Taka, or Chazz.
Position: Former Captain of Squad 2
Age: Unknown
Specialty: Dimension twisting, very quick thinking and fast movement, shadow energy manipulation, and close range combat as well as hand-to-hand.
Special Skills: Speed, agility, using dimension twisting to make traps or sneak around, hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, eyes that are used to high speeds making me able to see inhuman movement and reacting quickly, and analyzing a situation and coming up with a solution.

Speed Abilities

Dashing - A most basic technique that allows the user to throw him/herself, in a most decent speed, to a certain direction using a certain angle of which way the the stance is directed and executed.

Air Walk - By collecting and solidifying spiritual particles beneath the feet, the user can gain traction on thin air to either freely move about or to stop himself from falling.

Shunpo (Flash-Step) - A movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow.

Utsusemi - It is the 4 ways of the Shihou through Shunpo which is also known as "Utsusemi". It's ability is a speed known to be so fast that the user leaves an afterimage of him/herself. Its affect is most absolute, superb, and flawless if ever fully perfected. And to be more specific, Utsusemi's speed is so fast, that the enemy can practically feel and touch the physical body of the afterimage and not even know the very fact that it is nothing more but an afterimage. Its very image can so easily deceive to the eyes of the enemy.


Name: Dimensia
Appearance: A katana that when unsheathed seems to have shadow energy flowing from it. An arm gauntlet looking thing with shadow energy and shadow wires coming from it.

Technique 1: Release: Upon the command, "Distort, Dimensia", and me touching the hilt of my blade, which means it can be sheathed and released at the same time, I become surrounded in shadows and shadow energy twisting around me. As I become surrounded in shadow energy it encases my arm and transforms it into my Dimensia Arm, used to manipulate dimensions and shadows easily. The arm also has shadow energy and shadow wires, which are used for grabbing all sorts of things and they can also harden to block a blade and attack. My blade, if unsheathed becomes surrounded in twisting shadow energy as well. I can then move shadows on the ground as dimension holes to jump into one and out another; this also meaning I can manipulate the shadows to different shapes. Even though the transformation is only on my arm at first, it can grow all around my body as Dimensia Armor as I release more energy. The only place it doesn't cover is my head. As it is released through more of my body my speed and power is increased, plus, I start to resort more to hand to hand combat and other styles that use the Dimensia Armor. The Dimensia Armor can be changed to different parts of my body to conserve energy, such as instead of having on my arms I can just have it on my legs or torso.
Technique 2: Creation: I use my Dimensia Arm to create shadows in different shapes such as people and trees that after they are formed on a surface, are created out of the shadow. For example, I can create a shadow of a tree on the ground and a tree will sprout up from that location, either made of shadows, or even a real tree that I transported from a different dimension. I can also create shadow spikes and spires that come out the ground to hit my enemy, or just for practical purposes like transportation in the air.
Technique 3: Restriction: I can manipulate the shadows on the ground, and even move them off the ground and into the air to grab enemies or stop them in their tracks. These shadows can grab anything like if I was grabbing it, except they have quite a lot of strength and are surging with reiatsu. I can throw the enemy once grabbed or I can force shadow spikes into wherever the shadow is engulfing them.

--Under Construction--

#1: Shō (Thrust)=Lowest 3x of use
#2: Beniikazuchi (Crimson Thunder)=Lowest 3x of use
#3: Kuukuu no Akuryoku (Grip of the Void)=Lowest 3x of use
#4: Byakurai (White Lightning)=Lowest 3x of use
#8: Kutsuunomaru (Circle of Pain)=Medium 2x of use
#20: Burn=Medium 2x of use
#31: Shakkahō (Shot of Red Fire)=Maximum 1x of use

#1: Sai (Restrain)=Lowest 3x of use
#2: Kabe (Wall)=Lowest 3x of use
#8: Seal of Patience=Medium 2x of use
#9: Geki (Strike)=Maximum 1x of use