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[PRP] Steady as the Beating Drum [Mawi + Kitambi] Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:24 am
Kitambi waded lazily through the shallow waters of Lake Victoria, idly watching her bracelets under the water. She was so used to hearing them clink together as she moved that the silence was almost unnerving. And yet, she found some comfort in it. Rhythm did not always have to come with noise. There was always the rhythm within, and one could only hear that when there was silence, like now. It was strange to feel the soft rhythm of other little heartbeats with her own, but not unwelcome. The new Sha'ihubo would be born from this litter, as would the next queen of their allied pride be born from her sister. It was funny how life worked sometimes.

The lioness paused when she caught sight of a particularly bright stone. She touched it with her paw, and then rolled it over. It was indeed very pretty. Perhaps she should see about getting it put on a necklace for Mtembei. Her mate didn't wear nearly as much jewellery as he should, being the head male after all. With a small chuckle at the thought, Kitambi flicked the stone up onto the beach and continued on her way. She would come back for it when she was finished.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:35 pm
She came with noise.
Like any other place that she went.

Every where she walked she had her shakers, and as she walked she could always heard the same rattle that she loved to hear, the same rattle that she heard everywhere that she went. She knew where she was going. The lake was always a nice place to head and spend some time. She loved going there, it was a nice place to just think and even meet up with some of the other pride members some times.

Her mind was on Aapep though... He consumed a lot of her thoughts lately. She loved him so much and she was really hopping that soon he would be joining her for good in this pride. Even his mother along, it was a nice thought. But that wasn't the only thing that she was thinking of, cubs too. She hadn't really talked to him that much about having cubs but it sure was something that she wanted, she wanted to carry on the Nchi blood. She wanted to teach some one other than strangers. She wanted to teach her own blood.

Something caught her attention from her thoughts as she walked. A brown figure moving in the water. She paused for a moment watching it before realizing what, or who, it was. Kitambi, the new queen of the pride. She really didn't know the female that good, but she wanted to get to know her better that was for sure. A smile grew on her face as she walked a little closer to the water's shore. "Hello Kitambi!" She called out with a soft smile growing on her lips.


Mega Streaker

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:12 am
The sound of shakers breaking the silence made Kitambi look up, and she spotted the familiar lioness coming her way. Though they did not know each other intimately, they had been born around the same time, and grown up with the pride. Only their sisters shared the same sort of growing up together experience, though she doubted that Waseme remembered it well. Certainly, though, she knew who Mawi Mai was. Her mother had always been very pleased with Isithunzi’s children, and had spoken of them many times.

She offered Mawi a small smile, moving to stand in shallower waters so the other lioness did not have to come in deep if she did not want to. “Hello Mawi. How are you this morning?” Despite the fact that she now held the title she had been waiting for, Kitambi, like her mother before her, did not encourage any sort of formality. A pride needed a leader to take charge and make sure everyone was alright, but they didn’t really need their members bowing down to them or anything. It made life so difficult.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:22 pm
Mawi picked up her pace to a trot as she made her way closer to the water. When she got to the shore she smiled sitting down at the edge. "I am doing well, very well. Thank you." She flicked her hair out of her eyes leaning down to lap up some water before looking up once more. "And how are you?" She wasn't worrying about being formal, she was in fact hoping that Kitambi didn't mind others not bowing to herself. She hoped right.

"Ah, I see that what the others were saying was right." She motioned her paw toward Kitambi's stomach. "Congratulations. I wish the best for your cubs and your mate." She grinned, more cubs coming into her pride. She loved seeing the cubs around, loved it so much. Teaching them different things about the pride, watching them grow and seeing what they grew up to be. She watched her younger half siblings grow, she wasn't the bbiggest fan of them but she did like watching them grow.


Mega Streaker

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:54 am
“That’s good to hear. I am well.” Despite the fact that Kitambi was nowhere near the charismatic leader her mother had been, she still hoped that the pride members would still feel comfortable coming to her if there was a problem. It was true that she was much quieter than Nsundu had ever been, and she definitely did not ask as many questions as her mother might, but she really did care about her pride. Perhaps they would feel that her quietness was equivalent to her ability to keep secrets. She would find out the moment any of them had any troubles, but since nothing had happened of recent she would have to wait and see. Still, the fact that there hadn’t been any major problems was comforting.

The lioness’s head tipped at the question, and then she smiled at the congratulations. “Thank you. Mtembei and I are looking forward to their arrival.” Well, she assumed he was. He hadn’t been vehemently opposed to the idea, which to Kitambi meant that he agreed with it. Mtembei was not the sort who openly declared when he liked something. “Am I to be expecting some from you and Aepep?” Her tone was teasing, as was her smile. Mawi was welcome to take the question in seriousness or as a joke if she wished.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:18 am
Mawi Mai smiled at her. Flicking her tail behind her then fixing her shakers, kneading her claws in and out of the dirt a smile still on her face. Mawi was almost always in a good mood. Not in a creepy sort of way but she was in a good mood. She then nodded to the female. "I have to say, I'm more than sure a lot of others in the pride are looking forward to the cubs. They are always fun to have around." She chuckled softly before blinking a few times at the female's next comment.

"Uhm." She blushed slightly before chuckling softly. "Maybe soon." She looked down at her stomach then chuckled a bit. "So how is Mtembei adjusting? I really haven't seen him around that much." She shrugged, she was interested into meeting him. As far as she could remember there hadn't been a male in the same place as him in the pride. Then again as she grew up she also didn't remember that many males in the pride over all.


Mega Streaker

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:25 pm
"Oh probably," the lioness replied with a nod. "It's been so long since we had a naming celebration." It would be the first one she would be a part of as the queen and not just the air. The thought made butterflies flutter in her stomach, both nervous and excited. The naming ceremony would be for her cubs, and hopefully the pride's heir. That was a little bit of a sore subject, and she quickly steered her mind away from it and back into their current discussion.

Kitambi laughed softly. "You have my congratulations for the future." More cubs for her cubs to befriend. The family of the Nchi'mahadhi was growing bigger every day. At the mention of her new mate she laughed again. "I think he's getting used to it, yes. Not sure about rhythm but his heart is in the right place and he's willing to learn. He'll be a good role model for some of the younger boys." She hoped he would be, or else she was going to have to give someone a stern talking to. "How is your mother doing?"
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:05 pm
Mawi Mai was really glad that other cubs were going to be coming. She remembered some of her own child hood. when the pride was really just starting to get going. She remembered when there were more cubs around the pride. She loved remembering the past but what was even better was what was currently going on in the pride. It always made her smile, mainly seeing more members.

"Ah! Wonderful!" She beamed happily. "I'm glad to hear that he is getting into the spirits of the pride.: She chuckled softly before she flicked her mane out of her eyes. "I'd have to say I'm sure he will be. Plenty of females for the little ones to look up to but not many males." She shook her head for a moment before smiling once more. "Ah yes she is doing good. Have you heard from yours?" She bit her tongue after she said that. Not quite sure if she should have or not.


Mega Streaker

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:10 am
"Yeah, not surprising though. My mother never thought too highly of males, but I think if we want the pride boys to grow up well then they need some male role models. Juke is a very one, but he can't be the only one that the lions should look up to." While Juke's boys had grown up well – Kitambi remembered meeting both of them – she knew that the times had changed since the only pride males were Juke and his sons. Binafsi had two sons, Isithunzi had sons, and perhaps even she would have sons. It was high time that all these boys had someone to whip them into shape.

Mawi's question surprised her, however Kitambi did not seem offended by it. Her mother's ways were known throughout the pride, and it had not surprised her (or probably many of the members) when she had chosen to spend some time travelling with Sen. The white lioness had been in the pride lands often enough that she was practically part of the pride. Still, while Kitambi had never really needed her mother, it would have been nice to have her around. "I haven't since she left, no, but I didn't expect anything. She'll probably return only when she's had her fill of the outside world. She and Sen are probably bothering all the prides they come across. Has your mother ever said anything about wanting to visit other prides?"
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:50 pm
Mawi Mai chuckled as she thought back when she was a little cub and mainly remembered only seeing Juke's cubs. The only other males in the pride. She was glad that slowly others were populating the pride, and even better soon Aapep would be joining her, and other male. And who knows if she had cubs what they would be. Boys would be nice, she really never got along with her sisters other than Taka.

Mawi was glad that Kitambi wasn't offend by her question. The new female in charge of the pride, she wanted to keep on her good side, her mother working closely with her and Mawi liking to tag along a lot. But she nodded. "Ah, hopefully we will see her again." She smiled and nodded before looking up at the sky for a moment in thought.

"Well I'm not really so sure. I never really heard anything. But I haven't been spending that much time with her." She chuckled softly before shrugging. "Between spending time with Aapep, and hunting down Taka to spend some time with her I've been helping teach some cubs." She smiled widely at the idea. Salix was one that she helped some times, being a pretty good friend with Vinca teaching her daughter was always a joy for her. "I love teaching the little cubs around here. Learning from my mother helped me a lot." She chuckled softly looking down at her paws for a moment before back up at Kitambi.


Mega Streaker

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:26 pm
Kitambi's lips flicked upward in a small smile. Indeed, it would be nice to see Nsundu again before she lost all contact with her mother. While she knew that her mother was not the type to get homesick or pine for her family, something would bring her back to check up on her pride. Perhaps it was just mere curiousity and nosiness, though the lioness hesitated to say that about her mother because it made Nsundu out to be very shallow. To say that she would come back out of duty sounded slightly better in her head.

"You've been teaching cubs?" She queried, somehow not surprised. "Good for you." It was nice to know that those who were well-versed in rhythm were helping others get a feeling for it. It brought her back to the times when she had been helping Kimanda get his rhythm together. Idly she wondered what had happened to that strange cheetah. She hoped he was doing well. "Perhaps your mother will one day hand over her position to you when she tires of it. I think it would suit you well."
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:11 pm
Mawi Mai nodded to the other female a smile spreading on her face. "Its always fun to do that, teaching the little ones." Even when she was younger she remembered going out and running into others, teaching them about music, telling them about rhythm, however the only one she could really think of actually keeping up with it was Aapep and look where they are now. A smile grew on her face again before she looked at the other female again.

"I would be looking forward to it." She nodded at the idea. "It's always been a dream of mine to tell the truth, the only thing is my sister is also there that is learning. I love my sister, but I do really hope for that chance at the spot." She admitted with a shrug. She did love her sister oh so much, but it was one of the things that she had been striving for since she was little, be up there in ranks and teach others...

"What do you think of your new rank?" She asked with a curious look on her face. She was interseted on what she though of it, she didn't really like Nsundu that well, and she was hoping maybe it would be good to get to know Kitambi a little more.


Mega Streaker

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:03 pm
The Malenga nodded as Mawi spoke, not surprised that the other lioness had dreamed of taking over her mother's position. Any lion or lioness (or leopard or any other feline for that matter) who was skilled in rhythm and drum making would always dream of becoming the Umshayi Wesigubhu. It was only natural to aspire to hold such an esteemed title. Not to mention in the time before her rule, the Umshayi was practically second in command, since there was no male to fill the De'inkunzi role. These days the role of second would be shared between them, but Kitambi did not think it lessened Isithunzi's position at all. Just two different sides of the same coin. She could appreciate that.

"I'm not surprised that you and your sister would both like a chance for that spot. I'm sure you'll both find happiness no matter who gets it." Or even if neither of them received it. Isithunzi had more than just her daughters apprenticing under her. No doubt the lioness would have a very hard choice to make when she chose to appoint another in her position. Kitambi was somewhat grateful that the rules for choosing her heir were simple. It certainly made her life much easier.

At Mawi's question she paused, mulling over the question thoughtfully before she replied. "It was something I always knew I would have since as early as I can remember, so I can't say it came as a surprise. Still, it was something I had to come to terms on my own. My sister would have loved to have this position, and now instead she leads our allied pride. All things turn out for the best in the end."
PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:08 pm
Mawi Mai was a little spaced out for a moment, she stared forward thinking about all the time she spent with her drum, with her mother and sister learning. For a nice amount of time there wasn't that many cubs around interested into the drumming parts of life. Somedays it would just be herself, her sister and her mother. She missed those days some times. Before those seven cubs came into their lives. At first she hated it, just now she was starting to get used to them. They were almost full grown, something she could put up with. Err put up with a little better.

She almost didn't notice the other female talking once again, she snapped herself out of it right away. She didn't want to come off as rude. She smiled and nodded, catching onto what she was saying. "Thank you, I agree, me and my sister are too close to let something like that get in the middle of us." She chuckled slightly. She knew that her and her sister were very close, nothing ever got inbetween them. Even Mawi getting a mate, nothing stopped them.

Mawi Mai chuckled and nodded to the other lioness. "That is a good ending." She grinned her smile growing more. She really never met the other female, well as far as she knew, she didn't remember meeting her. She wouldn't be surprised if she when she was very young but some times she couldn't even remember what she had for dinner a week ago. She chuckled for a moment before nodding. "Its good that she also ended up a leader of a pride." She flashed the female a grin.


Mega Streaker

Chibi Sheepcat

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:44 pm
Kitambi nodded her head. "My mother told me about you two." She had sometimes been jealous of the tight knit families that had lived in the Nchi'mahadhi lands, especially in the beginning. Then it had just been her mother, her sister, and the few lionesses and their families that had come with her. Juke and Muujiza had their cubs, and formed one close-knit family. Isithunzi's cubs were the best of friends, and even Vinya's cubs found their own place with the support of their mother and their siblings. It would have been nice, she had thought, to have such support from her sibling. But one could not dwell on the past. If it had not been exactly like that she would never have become who she was today.

"Indeed. It suits her needs, and she will lead our allied pride well." She didn't have the heart to tell Mawi that it hadn't done anything to fix the crevice between them. But Waseme had to be Waseme, just as Kitambi had to be Kitambi. She could only be content in the knowledge that her younger sister grew up not worrying about such things as being heir. Kitambi would be fortunate indeed if her litter contained only one girl. No fights between siblings for the position of heir. It would make her and Mtembei's life much, much easier.

"I should be getting back to my den now. Mtembei wanted to go over some rhythm lessons, and I would hate to make him wait too long for me." She smiled. "It was very nice talking with you, Mawi. I wish you the best of luck with Aepep."
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