Who's prettiest? ;D |
ME! <3 |
22% |
[ 17 ] |
Merric |
2% |
[ 2 ] |
Cetra |
7% |
[ 6 ] |
Avalee |
42% |
[ 32 ] |
Kazuko |
1% |
[ 1 ] |
Feilea |
10% |
[ 8 ] |
Sukari |
3% |
[ 3 ] |
Aquene |
2% |
[ 2 ] |
Amaya |
6% |
[ 5 ] |
Total Votes : 76 |
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:27 pm
Aquene Sukari Merric Feilea Kazuko Amaya Cetra Avalee Kureno Kaitou
8/5/09 - Kaitou is here! whee 7/13/09 - Plot ideas for Cetra were updated! 6/18/09 - Plot found for Kureno! 6/13/09 - Kureno was added! 4/13/09 - Plot found for Merric- more plots are available! Aquene plot ideas were updated! 4/8/09 - Plot ideas for Merric were updated! 4/5/09 - Plot ideas for Feilea were updated! 2/2/09 - Avalee and Cetra were added! 1/31/09 - Plot thread was created, and soquili bios were posted!
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:34 pm
Name: Aquene Gender: Female Breed: 2nd Gen Temperment: Serene Birthdate: 6/18/07 Parents: Nanaki and Star Catcher Siblings: Kelva Mate: None Offspring: Cetra, Canaan, and Mako
Aquene is a mare that takes a bit of personality from each of her parents. A dreamer like her mother, and loyal and proud like her father, her demeanor mixes into one that is laid-back, polite, kindly, and just a little proud. She has taken all the lessons from her father about manners to heart, and strives to please her parents above most other things. Like her father, she has a strong sense of right and wrong, and will fight for the things she believes in.
Likes: The wind, flying, her parents, her sister, Belial, sunsets, midnight runs, cloud-watching, intelligent conversations
Dislikes: Rain, the cold, fighting, large crowds, noisy soquili
Romance: Aquene used to dream about her Prince Charming- a soquili that would come and effortlessly sweep her off her feet. She was convinced, for a time, that none would take up this title better than her dearest friend Belial. It was unfathomable that she may love anyone else with the intensity that she did him, and for a time, she was the happiest she had ever been. But circumstances have changed, and that reality seems like a distant, fading hope now. Left to pick up the pieces alone, she does not know if she could ever learn to love again, but the love of her remaining family has kept her from bitterness and resentment.
Current Plottage: "I dreamed a dream..." Though deeply in love with Belial, the father of her foals, her true Prince Charming, Aquene has found herself alone in care of her daughter Cetra and her son Canaan, and her slightly estranged son Mako. Belial himself has left in pursuit of something that she cannot understand, although she has tried time and again to. Though reluctant to leave the solace of her herd and her father, she wants, more than anything else, to find him- to understand why he chose to leave, if nothing else. The journey is something that she considers necessary... for closure, if he truly is lost to her forever, or perhaps the discovery of a new purpose.
Future Plottage Ideas: 1 - It is not likely that Aquene will be able to overcome her feelings for Belial anytime soon, if at all. Still, there is still love in her heart for her children, and room for more than what she has. I'm looking for a close friend, a confidante, or someone that she can rescue- and thus, be rescued herself- is something that will help her feel that her life still has purpose. Open to further suggestions.
2 - Through the incident involving Amaya's attack on her herd, Aquene has, through injury, lost the ability to fly. She considers flying one of the two great loves of her life- and having lost both of them in such a short period of time has left her worse than ever. However, though Sukari has told her that the damage may or may not be permanent, she doesn't have the heart or courage left in her to try again. Trying would mean moving on, and failing would mean that nothing can ever be as it was. I'm looking for someone who will push her to try again- whether it be a grounded or someone else with wings doesn't matter, just someone who can get her to try. It will take coaxing, patience, and care- but the rewards would be a closer friendship than any she holds dear.
- Friends- Yes, always ^^ - Romance- Not at the moment - Breeding- No
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:10 pm
Name: Sukari Gender: Female Breed: Arabian Temperment: Melancholy Birthdate: 12/2/06 Parents: Unknown Siblings: Deceased Mate: None Offspring: Kureno, Sorai, Iariana and Avalee
Sukari is not known for being the friendliest soquili in the world. While she has nothing against most mares, she considers most stallions to be the scum of the earth. She has a melancholy demeanor most of the time (when she's not biting someone's head off), always staring off into space with a sad look in her eyes. While it is possible to get to know the real Sukari, beneath the icy-hearted exterior, she will not make it easy for anyone.
Likes: The wind, flying, solitude, silence, Troilus
Dislikes: Crowds, skinwalkers, loud noise, talkative soquili, two-leggers, the weak, Shadow, arrogance, ignorance
Romance: The very idea of having a romantic relationship with anyone used to be laughable to Sukari. She despised lovesick mares, and refused to even consider ever being one of them herself, much less accepting any romantic advances by a stallion... until Troilus came along. It wasn't a romantic first meeting- ending up carrying his foals after a foolish one-night stand didn't improve her view on romance, or stallions in general, until the foals were grown, and they met once more. Their romance wasn't conventional, or even intentional... but the love that grew between them is something that she wouldn't trade for anything.Current Plottage: Being a mother and finally having the love in her life that she was always denied has softened Sukari somewhat, though she will deny it to her grave. Still, though, she wonders if there is still a meaning to her childhood troubles, and if somewhere, her younger brother might still be alive. Disturbing dreams as of late have forced her to consider that the brutal end to her youngest sibling might not have been his end after all, and she hopes beyond hope that there might be some truth to this idea.
Future Plottage: (Maybe) the re-introduction of Sukari's supposedly deceased brother, finding of new friends to help her in this endeavor. Suggestions or offers are welcome.
- Friends- Yes! - Romance- Nope ;D Sukari is happily in love - Breeding- No
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:40 pm
Name: Merric Gender: Male Breed: 4th Gen Temperment: Carefree Birthdate: 7/24/08 Parents: Ian and Cicely Siblings: Emmett and Noelle Mate: None Offspring: None
Merric's personality is what many members of his herd would refer to as 'bubbly'. He is far from unintelligent or naive, although he may be a bit dense- but he has a childlike happy-go-lucky demeanor that many have found... irritating in his presence. He never pays any mind to insults thrown his way, and will, in many cases, resort to self-depricating humor if he thinks it might win him any brownie points with his antagonist. It is rare, if not impossible, to catch this stallion with anything but a bright smile on his face- a trait that many in his herd have found endearing (although some only reluctantly).
Likes: Just about everything.
Dislikes: Um... bathing?
Romance: Any mare choosing to seek a relationship with Merric should be aware that they require a certain amount of patience when dealing with this stallion. He is somewhat obtuse when it comes to matters of love- although there are instances in which he may resort to a blushing, stuttering fool in the presence of a pretty mare. 'Flirting', or at least, 'flirting gracefully', is not in his vocabulary. That being said, it is not impossible, or even improbable, for Merric to fall in love. His nature to care for everyone and everything would make him an ideal love interest, if said mare was patient enough to deal with his child-like personality.Current Plottage: None
Future Plottage: 1 - Since Merric is more of a child at heart, I'm looking for someone that he can idolize- simply a role model, or perhaps even a female that he can follow around with puppy love. He can be a blushing and stuttering fool when it comes to romance, and he would be more awkward than charming, but he'd shower the female with affection, flowers, and trip over his own feet to please her whenever he can. In the case of a role model, he'd be more of an annoying sidekick- but he'd listen with rapt attention to anything said and try his best- though undoubtedly most times it would end in failure X3 But if your mare is looking to be treated like a princess, or your soquili is just looking for a loyal minion, let me know. Plot found!
2 - I am also looking for potential 'victims' of Merric and his newfound friend's pranking. They shouldn't be good sports about it- that would be boring, after all. Annoyance and irritation are a given, perhaps even a bit of violence if it calls for it X3 Merric's job is to protect his friend from the repurcussions of these jokes, whatever the reactions are- though he's not accustomed to being anything but his normal cheery self. Throw me your soquili, and any additional ideas you might have!
- Friends- Yes! - Romance- Yes - Breeding- Yes, although only with a fair amount of RP- Merric isn't the type for a one-night stand wink
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:21 pm
Name: Feilea Gender: Female Breed: 3rd Gen Temperment: Demure Birthdate: 8/4/08 Parents: Alianna and Kureno Siblings: Sujieko Mate: None Offspring: None
Fei is a somewhat complicated mare. While not outright cold or rude like her father, she prefers to keep to herself and maintains silence in the presence of most others. It is rare for her to speak without prompting- and rare for her to speak with prompting, for that matter. She dislikes words without meaning or significance, with the belief that something should only be worth saying if it is important, meaningful, or with purpose- actions, in most cases, speak louder than words. She is not unfriendly, however- if one were to make their way past her silence, they may discover she is quite fond of intellectual conversations, and not above offering her honest friendship to those deserving of it.
Likes: Her father, Evelyn, intelligent conversation, windy nights, snow
Dislikes: Loudness, rambling, hot days, pity, Merric
Romance: While not accustomed to the idea of love or affection from anyone but her mother-figure Evelyn, Feilea is not above the idea of one day falling in love. Of course, this is assuming that the stallion in question could fit her somewhat unreasonable standards. Fei is not vain, but does not accept pretty words at face value; anyone brave enough to utter the words, "I love you," would have to go above and beyond to prove them before she would accept their meaning.Current Plottage: Fei strives, above all else, for the love and acceptance of her father. She struggles with the truth of being unwanted as a child, silently following in his shadow with the knowledge that he would never look upon her with the care and devotion that she so desired. Still, it doesn't stop her from hoping, from trying to reach that unfathomable goal, that one day he will look upon her with pride and love.
Future Plottage: I'm looking for someone for Fei that will get her talking. This person would have to be persistant- whether it be by annoying her, goading her, or blatantly insulting her, it'll take a fight for her to open her mouth- and they'll have to keep fighting to keep her talking. Constant bickering will probably be the basis of their relationship at first, but it could probably develop into a close friendship, maybe even a romance. Throw me your soquili, and your ideas!
- Friends- Yes! - Romance- Yes - Breeding- Maybe
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:29 pm
 Name: Kazuko Gender: Male Breed: 3rd Gen Temperment: Stubborn Birthdate: 1/27/08 Parents: Nahuel and Roxanne Siblings: Olivia and Delilah Mate: None Offspring: None
Kazuko is a very social stallion, much like his father, but that is where the similarities between them end. He tends to have slightly melodramatic moments like his mother, and he is a little vain- not to mention extremely stubborn. While his sisters are his parents' two little angels, Kazu was the slightly more difficult child who would stomp his hooves and pout until he got his way, and thus is a bit spoiled. Still, he's very friendly, and has a good heart, even if he is a little full of himself at times.
Likes: His parents, teasing his sisters, bright sunny days, flowers, getting his mane brushed, being called 'pretty'.
Dislikes: Rain, windy days, cold, being called 'girly'.
Romance: While Kazu loves to initiate some innocent flirtation, he is not currently on the lookout for a long-term relationship. This could be subject to change, especially with his family's history being so similar, but he doesn't see himself starting anything serious with a mare for a long time to come. Any female wishing to be with him would probably have to be his ideal mate- as pretty as he as, with a playful disposition to compliment his own, and a love for causing mischief.Current Plottage: None.
Future Plottage: None, open to ideas and suggestions.
- Friends- Yes! - Romance- Kazu has a crush wink - Breeding- Nope
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:44 pm

Name: Amaya Gender: Female Breed: Unikalona Temperment: Proud Birthdate: 1/23/08 Parents: Unknown Half-Siblings: Kaitou Mate: None Offspring: None
Amaya is not your average or stereotypical kalona. Despite her dominant kalona traits, she prefers to embrace her unicorn heritage, having lived with her unicorn mother all her life, and never having met her kalona father. While she is somewhat soft-spoken, she is by no means meek or timid; rather, she is a very proud individual. Loneliness is something she has come to accept over the course of her life, having been feared for what she is and shunned for what she is not. Given the chance, she would love to have the chance for companionship and love, but in reality, her past experiences with such have made her wary of such attachments.
Likes: Night, rain, Shyam, intelligent conversation, flying, children
Dislikes: Arrogance, being feared, heat, judgemental people, egotistical stallions
Romance: Love is something that Amaya has heard about in fairy tales, told of its splendors... but realistically, she doesn't think it could happen for her. Being what she is, acceptance is something that is hard to come by, and sincerity even harder. While she is not opposed to the idea of finding love, it would take a great deal of patience to break through her wariness and (mostly) well-placed mistrust of others. In all honesty, she only hopes to find someone who can understand her, occasionally offer support (though she rarely needs it), and provide her with intelligent conversation.Current Plottage: Amaya has found herself at somewhat of a crossroads. While she has made it her purpose to heal those she can, reach out to others who have lost themselves in the way she has been lost, there comes a time when one has to question if it is simply beyond their capacity. Shyam is a fallen, and one whom she has barely scratched the surface of her understanding. The want, or need, to help him is ever-present, but it seems that there is more there than she can possibly do anything for.
Future Plottage: The idea that Shyam may someday gain his redemption and leave her is something that Amaya strives for, and fears at the same time. He insists that it is an impossibility, but she wonders at it none the less. Having lost the only others that she was attached to, she worries that when he is gone, she will have no one left to care for.
- Friends- Always - Romance- Plotted with Shyam heart - Breeding- No
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:47 pm
Name: Cetra Gender: Female Breed: 5th Gen Temperment: Reserved Birthdate: 10/10/08 Parents: Aquene and Belial Siblings: Canaan and Mako Mate: None Offspring: None
Although very close to her mother, and not lacking in the kindness that Aquene spreads to others, Cetra has taken more from her grandfather Nanaki's side in terms of personality. Chivalrous to an extent and fiercely loyal, she is quick to action when someone is presumably in need of help. However, because of her father's abandonment, she is quicker to hold a grudge, and not quite as forgiving as her predecessor. Still, if one manages not to get on her bad side and manages to penetrate her rather stiff exterior- as she keeps mostly to herself- she is quite friendly, and fond of companionship.
Likes: Her mother, her grandfather, her brothers, long walks, sunsets, flying
Dislikes: Her father, arrogance, rain, snow
Romance: Romance, in Cetra's mind, is simply out of the question. Despite her willingness to form friendships, she considers it her duty to look after her mother, and any form of non-platonic relationships would only impede her ability to do so. If one might look closer at her circumstances, they might realize that this view is partially due to lingering feelings of resentment for her father, and fear that she might someday end up like her mother- heartbroken and alone.Current Plottage: None
Future Plottage: Through her upbringing, her father's inherent fear of anything relating to his mixed blood, and the extenuating circumstances behind her mother's loss of flight, Cetra has grown up with an unhealthy abhorrence to kalona. Any initial meeting between her and such a creature would undoubtedly not end well- but I would like to create a plot in which Cetra would eventually come to befriend a kalona. Perhaps, through a mutual debt in which her honor requires her to help an ailing soquili, the kalona could later come to her aid, and an unsteady camaderie would be formed. After which, the relationship could progress into a grudging friendship. Such a bond would most definitely create problems within her family for obvious reasons, but could be the makings of a great story, perhaps even a romance. This plot would be very RP-heavy, but the rewards would be great. They don't have to be a full-blooded kalona, either- but at least some kalona attributes would be necessary to carrying on the plot.
Note: Since this is such a step out of the norm for most kalona personalities, I'm thinking that I may just create a kalona custom myself, and ask someone to co-own and RP them. If you are interested, please shoot me a PM smile Be warned though, I will be picky with it.
- Friends- Yes! - Romance- Yes, but with extensive RP - Breeding- Yes, but with extensive RP
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:48 pm
Name: Avalee Gender: Female Breed: 2nd Gen Temperment: Ethereal Birthdate: 7/8/08 Parents: Troilus and Sukari Siblings: Kureno, Sorai, and Iariana Mate: None Offspring: None
Avalee is, to put it simply, a daydreamer. She can spend hours simply staring up at the clouds with a soft smile on her face, lost in her thoughts. She is a bit lazy at times, taking a bit after her father- and somewhat reserved, like her mother. While she tends to not put forth the effort enough to seek out other soquili, she is very eloquent with words, and holds a certain slow grace to her movements. When pressed enough to actually hold a conversation, however, she tends to be very sweet, and more intelligent than most of her herd.
Likes: Cloud-watching, stargazing, napping, rain, flying, midnight walks, flowers, intelligent conversation, her family
Dislikes: Crowds, noisy soquili, hot days
Romance: Although slightly naive in the romantic respects, Avalee has no desire to find love unless it comes to her. She prefers to enjoy life to its fullest without having to rely on a stallion- but it is entirely possible for this to change, were one to come along and 'sweep her off her feet', as it were. Granted, this would not be easy to do- her mother's influence has helped to convince her that she does not need love in her life, other than the love of her family.Current Plottage: None.
Future Plottage: None, open to ideas or suggestions.
- Friends- Yes! - Romance- Not outside the realm of possibility wink - Breeding- Maybe
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:49 pm
Name: Kureno Gender: Male Breed: 2nd Gen Temperment: Aloof Birthdate: 9/8/07 Parents: Troilus and Sukari Siblings: Sorai, Avalee and Iariana Mate: None Offspring: None
Although Kureno likes to project the illusion that he is distant, cold and sometimes cruel like his mother, the reality is that inside, he's a bit of a softie. His likeness to Sukari's deceased younger brother is the reason he acquired the late stallion's name, and the distance that she insists on putting between them at times. Nevertheless, he still strives to please her in any way he can, and looks to avoid any 'sentimental gibberish' like friendships or romance.
Likes: His mother, napping, the wind, solitude, flying, darkness
Dislikes: Sentimentality, ignorance, loud noise, crowds, rain, Nahuel
Romance: Brought up to believe that romance is a waste of time and effort, Kureno wasn't really looking for a relationship beyond that of what would simply fufill his base needs- but his recent experiences with Evelyn had changed his view, however temporarily. Now, however, in light of the catastrophic failure that became of such an intimate relationship, his previous beliefs have been cemented in his mind, and his heart has closed itself off completely to the very idea of romance.
Current Plottage: After the long, arduous journey of a relationship with Evelyn, the mare that Kureno thought would be the one to remain by his side, subsequently and quite violently ending in failure- Kureno has become bitter and angry. Moreso than he ever was in the past- and this time, there is no salvation in sight.
Future Plottage: I would like for Kureno to meet someone who would approach him despite his intimidation and threats- and believe me, there will be many- and perhaps make it their own purpose to bring him out of his dark shell. I have no preference on it being mare or stallion- simply someone seeking his friendship, and simply willing to put forth the effort into being there would be enough. He will not make it easy, and the change, if any at all, would be gradual, but the potential is there to make a steadfast friend, even if Kureno himself might never verbally admit it. However, they will be largely unsuccessful in the case of making him more approachable to others- he might trust them, but everyone else is an entirely different matter.
Now read carefully, as there are two more plot possibilities, but only one can be chosen- choose carefully if you want to take part in one of them wink They are both female romance plots, but the partner would have to be ideal and meet a lot of standards, so I will be picky with it.
The first is for a very, very patient and at least somewhat kind mare to make it their own purpose to set about changing Kureno's ways. They will be met with much resistance, as well as constant belittling and comparison to Evelyn in his mind, but there is a decent possibility of success if enough effort is put forth. Kureno was Eve's knight, her silent protector, and for someone else to see him as she did might be enough to open his eyes to the fact that there are other mares out there.
The second is for, in layman's terms, a one-night stand with the possibility of becoming more. There doesn't have to be a breeding involved- in fact, I have no preference on the matter- but the experience itself will be necessary. Kureno is not above using a female to assauge his base needs, but if she were to take it as something more, and then make it her own personal duty to make him see it that way, he might eventually relent. Obviously not to romance straight away, but the possibility will remain there.
- Friends- Yes - Romance- Possibly - Breeding- Possibly
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:51 pm
Name: Kaitou Gender: Male Breed: Spirited Temperment: Gentle Birthdate: 8/5/09 Parents: Unknown Half-Siblings: Amaya Mate: None Offspring: None
Coming soon.
Likes: Coming soon
Dislikes: Coming soon
Romance: Coming soon.Current Plottage: None.
Future Plottage: None, open to ideas or suggestions.
- Friends- Yes! - Romance- Maybe - Breeding- Not yet
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:52 pm
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:54 pm
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:07 pm
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:15 pm