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Reply [IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]
[PRV] Complications [Peke x Ubele][FIN]

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:38 pm
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It had been two days since it rained, since he had actually played a game that he enjoyed. It was a interesting concept that he found difficult to wrap his mind around. Were things really that simple when he let himself enjoy the game. Or did it have something to do with the person he played the game with? Maybe it simply had to do with him not fitting into groups.

Regardless he had fun. Something he wasn't sure he ever really had.

Now, now he was just wandering unsure of what he was doing or why he was out. The sky was darkening and he knew that it was time to sleep but he wouldn't be sleeping tonight. He hated the idea of sleep and the dreams it delivered to him. Whenever he did sleep, how little it really was, he always had a dream. It usually had to do with him and Nguvu and the interlopers. He'd see them again one day. He wasn't sure when or where but he would.

That was all he knew.

It was already so much more than he ever wanted to know. Of course he had a feeling that even without his visions he could feel it. All he could do now was wait and he hated waiting. Even so things had been a lot more enjoyable in a sense.

He still wasn't a very happy person but he was warming up to people, mostly girls, more so. It was amusing. Once so rude and obnoxious, now sometimes a lifeless doll.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:50 pm
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Ubele almost screamed aloud in frustration and barely succeeded in keeping silent. She bit down on her tongue and tail twitching back and forth in irritation, she raced out of the den to breathe. She ran as far away as she could before she voiced her frustration, her anger, and her fear to the world. With a loud, sorrowful cry, Ubele let out her frustration and then collapsed to the ground. She pulled herself into a small ball and rocked back and forth in what might have been a comforting motion.

She'd had the dream again. This was the seventh time in the last moon. It had been particularly realistic this time, the expressions of disgust on the faces of her fellow pride members and the feelings of rejection and sorrow had left a sour taste in her throat.

"Why?!" she cried aloud to the empty sky, "Why haven't you come yet?! Where are you?"

She sobbed, unsure of what to do. When her mother had still been alive, back before the quake, she would have done this in front of everyone. She'd been fond of tantrums as they had given her the attention she craved. But now ... she just couldn't burden her brother and father. Ufu wouldn't understand, and she just couldn't tell her father.

After crying herself out, she struggled to her paws, emotionally and mentally exhausted. She let her paws carry her wherever they wanted while her mind battled between the emotions of fear and despair that had filled her to her core. So engrossed was she that she didn't notice the other figure at all.


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:12 pm
Peke was lost in his own thoughts about the past, the future thing that would soon come when her voice interrupted him. A small smile crept across his features when he recognized it as hers until he realized that she was screaming in frustration. Something was wrong and it didn't have to do with the past. That much was clear to him.


He called out to her with uncertainty wondering if she would rather be alone. But as he thought about it he knew that she liked to give a show when she was upset so why was she alone? Something had to be wrong. Maybe he could comfort her the way she had him.

The thought surprised him, normally he didn't even give a second thought to how others' felt. He merely cared for himself. What was different? Then it hit him. It was the person whom he wanted to help. Had it been anyone else, except maybe his new 'friend' Ethiopia, he would have told them to shut up and stop whining.

"Ubele, what's wrong."

He asked her trotting towards her concern lining his tone and showing in his expression. "Do you..." He paused unsure of what he was really asking and how to phrase it. "Do you wanna talk?"
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:29 pm
Ubele started violently at the sound of a voice nearby. She had been so sure she was alone. Glancing around wildly, her eyes found Peke in the darkness. Her first instinct was to flee, but she found that she couldn't move, she was frozen in place. She stood very still for a few moments until her pulse slowed and she sank to the ground, completely ashamed.

Why did Peke have to be the one that found her like this? She didn't want anyone to see her like this, especially him. Her brother would have been bad enough. Still, he sounded concerned and it was only fair that the tables were turned on them. It hadn't been that long ago that Ubele had found Peke in a similar situation. And, if there was anyone that might understand, it would be him.

It took her a few minutes to find her voice before she could speak. Her voice was shaky, just barely under control.

"I ... keep having this dream. It it always seems so real, but this time it was the worst. I can't get it out of my head. And what if it comes true? What if ... what if they never come?"

The last came out with a sob, but she forced herself to not start crying again. Ubele knew that if she did, she wouldn't be able to stop.


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:25 pm
Dreams, oh how he hated them. Or rather it was nightmares he hated, and the thought of them always kept him from getting the sleep he undoubtedly needed. It showed in how deep the bags were under his eyes, obvious against the white of his fur. He didn't bother trying to hide it anymore. Perhaps his bad experience with dreams allowed him to relate with Ubele.

"What if who never comes?"

He asked before thinking of the possibilities. Did she mean the other old seers? Or something else. And then it hit him. He hadn't seen her with a bird ever. Was she speaking of her bonded? One was sure to find her soon he was sure of it.

"It's alright Ubele, it's only a dream. Only a dream."

Of course he wasn't sure if it was only a dream. He didn't know of how her seer abilities worked, he only knew that his came to him in dreams. And if it was the same case he couldn't be sure if it was only her fears getting the better of her or an actual vision.

"Even if they don't come I'll be here."

So much for comfort.
PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 4:01 pm
Ubele sniffed several times before she managed to find her voice again.

"My bonded. You and Ufu already have found yours. And I keep having these dreams that my bond bird will never come and then ... I'll be kicked out of the pride. And it is so realistic, the expression on everyones' faces. Of disgust, at me!"

Said allowed, it seemed silly, but the visions of those dreams still haunted Ubele's mind and she shuddered at the image. And she had to wonder if she'd done something wrong which was why her bird had not come. Had she complained too much? Thrown too many tantrums? Was it her fault?

Ube sniffed and shivered. She could hear Peke trying to comfort her, telling her it was only a dream. But what would she do if it wasn't? They would all hate her, every last memb-

"Even if they don't come I'll be here."

His last words finally got her attention and she managed to snap out of her despair, even if just for a second, in surprise. She had thought that Peke would reject her, just as the others would, if she never found her bond. If he was willing to stick with her, maybe then it really was just a dream.

"Really? You would? I thought ... in my dreams, everyone hates me."


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:57 am
So it was the bird she was talking about. But as she continued on he frowned, something that was common to him. Get kicked out? They would do that to her and hate her? The could never hate her. At least that was how he felt. He knew what it was like to be the outcast, to be the 'loner' and it wasn't something he thought Ubele should ever feel.

"I don't think they'd kick you out of the pride Ubele, they all love you too much."

He told her smiling ever so softly watching as his other words caught her and helped her. Just a little. As she spoke he nodded. He'd be there for her, stay by her side as long as she needed him to. If everyone turned to hate her he'd still like her no matter what. Because, even if he would never fully admit it, he liked her.

"Really. I promise that I'll still be here and that I won't hate you." He stated firmly taking a step towards her wanting to comfort her more but unsure of how to.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:36 pm
If it had been her brother, Ubele would cuddled up against him. However, she still wasn't quite sure how Peke felt about her and she didn't want to press him. But when he stepped closer, obviously trying to give her some comfort, Ubele accepted it. She scooted over to him and sat next to him, just close enough that their sides touched. The physical contact comforted her and she continued to cry quietly until no more tears would fall.

Sniffling, Ubele looked up into the face of her friend. At least, she hoped he was her friend. He'd offered to stay with her after all and had sworn he would not hate her.

After a long pause, she began to poor out her feelings, the thoughts, fears, and dreams that she'd been having, knowing that he would at least listen. Besides, Ubele had learned long ago that talking about something painful could sometimes help to ease some of that pain.

"So, you see? I'm scared that something I did in the past has made me unworthy of having a bond bird. And even if I didn't get kicked out of the pride, think about what it would mean to my father. There has never been an heir or a monarch without one. Because of the quake and . . . what happened after, it seemed that all the cubs within the pride were getting their birds early. Maybe I'm making a big fuss over nothing, but I still am worried and I have to wonder: if all the other birds came, why not mine?


Several leagues away, a small black and white feathered form raised her head and stared at the sky. The few rumors that she had heard from the others, the bonded ones, had told her that they had just known when the time had come for them to appear. She hadn't believed them; now she did. Some connection within her tugged at her, gently but insistently. Someone was calling to her.

With a sound of joy, she launched herself away from her nest and into the air. She followed the connection she felt in her heart. She pushed herself through the air as fast as she could go, knowing somehow that the time was right.


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 7:31 pm
A frown settled upon his features, not uncommon for the boy. He wouldn't admit it to anyone but himself, and maybe her, but he had grown rather fond of her enjoying the fact that she had stopped judging her as her brother did. How she never tried to force him to be something he wasn't. He wasn't a pacifist, he never would be.

As she sat beside him, barely touching, he leaning slightly into her welcoming her to do the same. It was small, possibly unnoticeable, but he wanted her to feel comfortable enough to not hold everything on herself. Silent, as he often found himself these days, he listened to her words before shaking his head. Her words were understandable but at the same time so...silly to him.

"I wouldn't worry about it Ubele." Peke told her with the smallest of smiles. "I doubt your father could be anything other than proud of you." He thought about the times when she was loud and obnoxious. Now here she was more calm and with a great deal of responsibility thrown onto her shoulders. He felt as though she was handling the situation much better than he could have ever hoped to.

"Things take time, you can't expect everything to happen over night." He replied to her before wondering how he had become so wise in a sense. "Hestia will send your bonded when she feels the time is right. She sent Nguvu to me that resulted in a chain of events saving us." He paused thinking about the white raven. "Your bonded will find you."
PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:39 am
Ubele nodded. She knew that he was right, although it still didn't explain the dream. But perhaps they were just that: dreams. After everything that happened, Ubele almost expected for things to mean something. She'd had nightmares before the quake and they had been only nightmares, chased away by the presence of her mother. Ubele pushed away the sorrow that the memory of her mother brought and nodded again.

"The same thing happened with Ufu and Daga. His bond appeared just as we needed the help. I would have thought my bird would appear with his, but I guess that's not the way Hestia has it planned. I'll just have to be patient."

Patient. Patience did come easily to Ubele. She had always been more aggressive, demanding, but after the quake that all seemed so pointless. She had wasted so much time with her mother by screaming and pestering the other members of the pride. She would not do that anymore.

Ubele returned the gesture and leaned into Peke slightly. Just enough to be comforting without uncomfortable. She was glad that he was around to help.


Not too far ahead, she was almost there. She could feel it. That connection was getting closer and closer. With a loud cry of joy she raced through the air. Almost there. Almost there!


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:42 am
"I know you've been having dreams about not finding your bird and after everything that has happened...it could still just be a dream."

Peke started as once again as he tried to comfort her. This wasn't exactly something he was used to, yes there had been times when he had to console his sister, when she was alive, but that had been easy. All she really needed was for him to be around, to be next to her and she was fine. He wasn't so sure of what Ubele would want from him in the means of comfort.

"Hestia wouldn't do that to you, after everything you done for this pride since the earthquake. You saved lives Ubele."

He had done nothing but cost them. He couldn't seem to get that thought from his mind. He wouldn't bring it up now. "You are destined for greatness no matter what." He told her as he let his blue eyes scan the area around them.

Then he saw something fly towards them. At first he thought it to be Nguvu but it couldn't be, he was white and this bird. This bird had black and was simply a different kind.

"Ubele. Look."
PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:55 pm
Ubele heard Peke say the words that others had told her before. That she had helped save lives. But she'd never even thought of it that way. She could only dwell on what she'd lost. She had lost her mother and she'd lost the happy, carefree way of life that she had used to have. Granted, some things had changed for the better, but for the most part, she wished she could turn back time. Her visions frightened her and although she had helped to save some of the pride members with her powers, Ubele felt she would be much happier without them.

She sat in glum silence, trying to have hope and faith in Hestia that everything would be alright, just as everyone was telling her it would.

Peke's last statement startled her though, and she looked up and caught his gaze for a second before glancing back down.

"I don't deserve greatness," she whispered to herself. She certainly didn't feel great. She was about to launch herself into another wave of unhappiness when she heard Peke speak again. Look? Ubele frowned and glanced around her in confusion, wondering why he would say that. There was nothing there. But, suddenly she did see something. A small form shot through the air, a lovely black and white bird, who landed on the ground between them.

"Finally!" Huria cried, gazing at the young female lion in front of her. "I found you! My name is Huria, and you are my bonded."

Ubele gazed at the bird in confusion, not daring to believe that she'd actually heard what she had though she'd heard. Words refused to come to her mouth and she simply stared at the bird, speechless.


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:15 am
"I think you do."

Peke mumbled quietly so she couldn't really hear him. He was slightly embarrassed by the statement he found flowing so freely from his lips. But he really did believe that she deserved greatness. He had to be honest, at least to himself, that he thought she was great, beyond great even.

Then his attention went back to focusing on the figure flying towards them fast. He couldn't help but grin as the small bird practically threw itself to the ground and looked up at his friend. He suddenly laughed, surprising himself looking between the two.

"I told you."

He told her with a grin. It was easy, or was getting easy, to smile around her. "Hestia wouldn't let you down. Not after everything you've done for us."
PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:34 am
Ubele was torn between bursting into tears or into laughter. Finally, she settled for both, laughing joyously while a couple of tears rolled down her face. She shot a smile over at Peke before her gaze was focused on the bird before her. She was about the same size as Daga, Ufunuo's bonded. She was white and black with gold eyes and was the most beautiful thing Ubele had ever seen. Or at least, that was they way she felt.

Ubele gazed happily at Ubele, trying to get her breath back. She'd flown harder and faster than she'd ever flown before to get here. But it was worth it. The lioness before her was still young, but was not too young. She was mostly black with some white markings here and there. Just like Huria! Granted her bonded had some great in her fur as well, but for the most part, they looked quite similar. As they should! They made a beautiful pair!

Finally Ubele managed to find her voice again and spoke to her bonded.

"Hello Huria! My name is Ubele and you are my bonded! I am so glad to meet you!" Both bird and lioness laughed and Huria hopped over to Ubele's side to run her beak gently through Ubele's fur. Ubele gazed down at the bird in wonder before turning to Peke.

"I guess you did tell me so," she said with a sheepish grin.


Tactical Tycoon


PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:12 pm
Peke watched in silence as the two took the time to take in each others' appearance before rushing together. He smiled softly glad that their meeting had been in a time of piece, where they were able to take the time to simply enjoy each other, rather than times of trouble. He appreciated his own bonded greatly however things were already clearly not the same to him as they were to her.

"There are great things ahead of you Ubele," he stated inching towards them before sitting down. Perhaps it was time for him to leave. She probably wanted to know everything about Huria. That was how girls were.

"I think it's time for me to go, I ought to find Nguvu," he chuckled shaking his head lightly. "I'll see you around Ubele." He paused blue eyes studying her. "I'm glad your dreams weren't true."

Not only for her sake but for his, it mean that not every dream, not every time he slept would he see a vision.

It was a comforting thought.

Things were complicated now but they were also so simple.
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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