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Marrikh had found himself a high rocky perch, from which his red eyes peered down upon the others. He was a quiet cub, and came off as rather lazy sometimes, but truth was, if he didn't see the point in something, he didn't lend any effort in to doing it, and true enough, he saw many menial tasks as below him. One could assume, rather than tortureing a victim, he would enslave them till they were useless. Of course this had not been put to the test yet, but it was a good assumption, based upon his personality.

But besides all that, he could be quite domineering, sane and intelligent. There were times he looked to the lesser-so adults of the pride, and felt an inclination to sigh and shake his head in exhasperation. Maybe Marrikh was just an old soul at heart. It would make since, being so young, but so disciplined. Or maybe there was something to this belief of being a 'demon'. He couldn't explain just what lead him to disbelieve this claim. All in due time though. He was sure he'd figure it out.

So there he was. Deep in thought, up on his rock, overseeing his siblings below.
That day they were taken from their mother,....he'd never seen one of his sisters since then. A part of him wished he'd of escaped with her to live a more sane life. Anything had to be less exhasperating than this! This they perhaps thing the same thing? Probably not, he thought arrogantly. Would they ever see their mother again? Did he really want to? What kind of mother let a mad man take and raise her children?
Marrikh had some bitter feelings towards his parents, obviously.

One day though, he dreamed of leaving this place. What he didn't know was how difficult acheiving that dream would be. With so many seers in the pride, he'd be found in no time. there would be no point in leaving. He could pull any trick in the book - faking his death, maybe? but they'd find him. Damn it all. damn them all to hell. Life was misery. What kind of mother births her children to a life of misery.

damn you, Mother.