1. Follow Steps 1-4 for creating Mortals

2. Apply Possessed Template - Determine Primary Vice (Same as the character's Vice in step 3) and assign 3 dots of Vices (no Vice may exceed the character's Primary Vice.) Chose one Vestment for each dot of Vice a character possesses, in accordance with each level (ie, a Character with 3 dots of Lust gains one Innate {level 1} Lust Vestment, one Lesser {level 2} Lust Vestment, and one Greater {level 3} Lust Vestment. A character with one dot each in Envy, Lust, and Sloth gains one Innate Vestment from each of these Vices.)

3. Determine Advantages - Morality (7 for Starting Characters), and Willpower (Composure + Resolve)

4. Select Merits and Flaws. Spend 7 dots on Merits, the fifth dot in any Merit costs two dots to purchase. Note that many Merits have prerequisites. The player may choose up to one flaw during character creation. The player gains an additional XP point per chapter for role-playing the flaw, if that flaw hinders the character during the course of play.

5. Spend Experience Points - 10 + May sacrifice up to 4 dots of Morality for an additional 5 XP per dot. This represents a significant trauma in the character's past, and/or a steadily losing battle with the demon within. The character starts with one Derangement per sacrificed Morality, and does not gain any additional compensation for these mental defects.