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[PRP] Desperate Circumstances (Pacha & Nia) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:40 pm
Pacha was an interesting, if somewhat ominous sight to behold. She had been a rather large lioness to begin with, but now she had a large bulging belly to match. A frown seemed permanently settled on her maw, but a deep look into her eyes would reveal the worry and helplessness behind the anger.

Damn him. Damn that charming no-good rogue. Her thoughts seemed to follow a very specific track as of late. It had been a huge mistake, that one night. Pacha was sure she'd regret it for the rest of her life. She had been restless and the dark rogue had been handsome and well-spoken and the perfect escape for the night, it had seemed. But he was nowhere to be seen when she woke. That she had expected. She had not expected this. Here she was, a few months later, bulging and full of worry for the future.

She couldn't take care of cubs! She had her paws full taking care of her sister. Sure, the idea of a family wasn't repulsive, but Hana certainly couldn't help her raise the cubs. Their parents had long since been dead and there was no one else she could turn to. It seemed an impossible situation, and she had no one but herself to blame for it.


Except for him. Damn him.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:12 pm
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Nia had been alerted that there had been someone wandering through their lands. Someone unknown, and unescourted. Alarms were raised, but Nia had taken the call. She knew that Zahi and Mio were behind her, but her speed would carry her to the stranger first. If only she could find them first, too.

Huffing, as she had been through a speedy run, she paused to listen to the area around her. Ears swiveling, she knew that she would find them somehow, somewhere; all she had to do was listen.


Gathering up her wits, she slipped through the jungle that had only recently become her home. Golden eyes fell on a large form, but at least it wasn't that of a male. It was a lioness, very heavy with cubs.

Unsure as how to approach this situation, she exposed her self carefully, slipping out of the foliage to sit where she was.

"Hail, stranger. What are you doing in these lands, especially one so heavy such as yourself?"




Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:20 pm
Pacha's head snapped up at the sound of a voice, stopping dead in her tracks. Caught offguard, it took her a moment to register someone was speaking to her. She noted the bright coat and the lioness's adornments as Pacha's brain worked over the words she had spoken.

"Er, forgive me!" she began finally, a flicker of embarrassment crossing her face.
"I was lost in thought and didn't even realize I had stumbled across a pride's lands."

She glanced about her finally, noting the unfamiliar area. She had indeed strayed far whilst her thoughts were occupied.

"Again, I apologize. I didn't mean to intrude," she assured the lioness.

She winced suddenly as one of the cubs kicked in her belly.

"What pride do you belong to?" she asked, trying to figure out where exactly she was.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:34 pm
Nia's eyes glanced over the lioness, slight concern in her features. She dismissed her concern for the moment, as there were more pressing manners. She needed to gain control of the situation before Zahi came. Mio would know what to do, but for the moment Nia would keep the stranger occupied.

"Unfamiliar indeed. We are quite far from any other prides in known existance." Her tail swished behind her. "That is easily forgiven, although surprising. We rarely get strangers merely wandering around here.

"Tell me your name, if you mind. I'm Nia, of the Tianxia pride. You are in the West House lands, where I reside. And thus, you're safe from attack. For now."




Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:51 pm
The lioness's answer intrigued her, as she had never found herself out here before. For the moment, though, she found herself focused on one word.

"Attack?!" she practically shouted, her eyes wide. Normally a fight wouldn't bother her, but she couldn't very well take on a pride's guard or warrior while she was pregnant. She worried about caring for the cubs, but she wasn't about to endanger them.

She forced herself to settle down. It was her fault for wandering off. If she simply explained herself in full and retreated, they shouldn't wish to hurt her.

"I'm Pacha, I travel around with my twin sister. She is back at our camp, which, by my guessing, is somewhat of a walk away. A temporary camp," she clarified. "We don't have a permanent home."

She sat tentatively. She didn't want to be rude, but having paused, her feet complained of the long use.
"I needed to take a walk, to think about things."

Pacha was somewhat of a private individual, normally. She didn't want to overwhelm this Nia with her problems, but at the same time, she longed for someone to vent to.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:08 pm
Nia shook her head. "You're in luck, for since I found you first you should be all right. If my Lady Mio arrives soon, you will be safe. I merely mean that as to be careful with your movements, as I doubt I'm the only one watching you right now."

She swished her tail, her voice quiet for a moment. "Do not take that as a threat, though. Just a warning for manners."

Nia nodded at the lioness, this Pacha. It was surprising that neither Tishtar nor Dié mentioned the camp, so perhaps it was off of the House's boundaries. They would be safe from the Tianxia pride, at least, if they stayed there. She attempted to explain as much to the lioness.

"As long as you stay there you will be safe. If you look hard, you'll see our boundary warnings; hunt outside of our lands and you will be all right. There aren't any other pridal lands to run into for days. If food is scarce, Lady Mio will have Dié hunt for you." She attempted to hide a smile, but was not very successful. "As it seems you will not be able to do much for yourself, for as large as you are below the ribs."




Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:37 pm
Pacha nodded as she listened. She was truly grateful for the notice. She'd have to be more careful in the future, and would warn Hana to stay away from the pride's borders. It was unlikely that they'd stay there for too long, as they would want to travel back towards some of the other prides. Until she had the litter, however, they were stuck there.

"Thank you. My sister and I will be sure to honor the border."

Heaving a sigh, she glanced down at her rotund belly. She grinned ruefully, no real joy in her eyes. Only worry.

"I expect they'll be here pretty soon," she said, trying to sound somewhat cheerful, but likely failing miserably.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:49 pm
Nia's ears swiveled forward, her concern returning. "You sound less than thri-"

"Nia! Nia, where are you?"

"I'm over here, Mio. I've found our intruder, though she should merely be called a 'stranger'."

With a burst of energy, the pale purple lioness, in all her gaudy jewelry, emerged from the foliage looking quite exhuasted. "I was so worried...Tishtar is with me, while Zahi and Dié were checking somewhere....else..."

Eyes widened as she realized just what Nia meant when she said 'stranger'. The tone she had used hadn't clicked in Mio's mind until that moment.

"Oh, my." She merely stared at the lioness for a moment, apprehension rising in her chest. Shaking herself free from the spell, she turned to where the bright blue waterbuck lurked. "Tishtar! Why was this not reported?"

Tishtar's eyes shifted to the ground. "We didn't realize it, m'lady. It is hard to see through the foliage when one is trying to be as silent as possible." She let her lady unload frustrations on her, knowing that all needed to be answered to the Lord when they met up again.

Nia, ignoring the two, merely offered a shy smile to Pacha. "Sorry for the noise. You stirred up the alarm, but all will be well. It's the first time that we've discovered an unescourted stranger in our midst."




Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 6:55 pm
Pacha shuffled her paws, feeling extremely out of place and embarrassed. She'd been in similar circumstances, but usually it was Hana who had done something strange and Pacha found herself having to explain their way out of it. Was this what Hana went through? Pacha felt a pang of guilt as she she thought of her sister. She certainly hadn't been the best company, especially as of late. And of course, Hana was merely concerned about her.

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, the yellow lioness tried to work out just who everybody was.
"I'm.... I'm truly sorry I caused so much concern," she started, her mouth dry from nerves.
"It was unintentional. I was lost in thought and wandered too far away from my camp."

She addressed the purple lioness. She was pretty sure she was the one in charge, at least out of the three of them.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:05 pm
Nia's eyes shifted from Pacha to Mio, but she knew that the lioness would treat her well. It was obvious as to what was going on with Pacha from one standpoint, and Mio was never one to be cruel. It was just...odd for Nia to defer to her. She had always been the stronger one of the two. She took a step back, standing on the right side of the purple lioness.

Tishtar's eyes grew dark, if only because she knew she had not done the best job she could have for her lady. She lingered on the left side, but obviously felt like she didn't deserve to stand there for the moment.

Mio took one step forward, nodding towards the yellow lioness. "Please, accept our apology. We are mildly disorganized when we recieve an alert. I hope we didn't frighten you in any way." She offered a nod, and a soft smile.

"As I'm not certain about what's going on...is there something I should know? I would like to make sure that your saftey is a priority." Especially as she was carrying children.





Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:13 pm
A flicker of relief appeared in Pacha's eyes. She was glad to know she wasn't in real trouble or danger. She began to speak, meaning to assure them that she was fine and had simply been absent-minded. Instead, it was almost as if a switch had been flipped in Pacha's head. She didn't particularly want to go prattling on about her troubles, but she had to tell someone.

"Well, the thing is, I wasn't... prepared for this," she said, gesturing with a paw to her belly.
"It was an error in judgement. The father isn't a part of my life, and I doubt the cubs will ever know him. I have a twin sister, you see. She has a hard time with certain things, especially if she's by herself, so I've become her caretaker. Now I find myself needing to take care of her and these cubs. I'm just a bit... overwhelmed."

She finished with a sigh and stared at the ground in front of her feet, not currently able to look at any of them in the face. She was embarrassed by the whole thing. She wasn't an adolescent. She should have known better. Here she was, a grown lioness, defeated by her own foolishness.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:20 pm
Nia snorted. This sounded all too familiar.

Mio giggled, nudging Nia's shoulder with her own. It was obvious that the two had something between them, but it wasn't outwardly known.

Tishtar instead offered a nod to the lioness in need. "I'm certain that, with permission from the Lady, we could assist you. Dié is an excellent hunter, and I can guide you to where the best water source is."

Mio nodded, but she let Nia speak next.

The teal lioness was obviously uncomfortable. "I understand your pain," she said meekly. "Though I have never borne children, I've had plenty of times where the male disappeared on me. I offer you my sympathy. I can never understand what you're truely going through, but I have more of an idea than my Lady here.

Mio watched the lioness carefully, as if she was judging her character. Mio, while always welcoming others into her home, needed to learn to wait before acting in a heart's moment. She needed to think on this for a moment longer.

Nia's eyes flickered worry towards Mio, but she didn't let them linger. "I'm sure you would be welcome to wander close to the border if you so desire. As there are few of us, the danger is thin, if always present.

Tishtar merely nodded, as she would know at least of large-cat danger, being a waterbuck. She trusted Mio to her soul, as it was the only way she survived as she did, being a blindingly obvious target.




Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:27 pm
Pacha still kept her head down for a few moments. She felt the three sets of eyes on her, though. After a while, it got too uncomfortable, so she looked up to see the two lionesses share a private joke of some kind. She pretended not to notice, even as she felt her face flush.

She instead focused on the waterbuck, and nodded her thanks a little too enthusiastically. Her focus shifted back to the two lionesses as they spoke to her in turn. They seemed... embarrassed for her, which only made Pacha feel worse. She feigned composure, though and forced herself to smile.

"Ah, thank you. I appreciate your sympathy."

Though the smile was forced, the words and the meaning behind them were authentic.

"I can assure you that my sister and I will take care around your lands."

She shifted to her feet, trying to decide what to do next. Leaving seemed the best option, but she didn't want to appear as sheepish as she felt.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:56 pm
Mio arched her head up for a moment, knowing that there was something missing. "Ah, could you wait for a moment, Pacha?" She offered a warmer smile this time, larger than the first one. "It'll just be a moment, I assure you."

She quickly lowered her head to Nia, the two of them jabbering together for a quick moment. It was obvious that something important was being exchanged.

Once they parted, it was Nia who began speaking, though.

"Ah, forgive me if I'm seeming rude. Judging through what you've hinting at, and some of your actions....the idea of cubs seems to be not what you desire right now."

Nervous for herself, Nia lowered her ears as she willed herself to continue on. "Would there be...some way we could assist?" Nia knew what she was asking, but it was nearly impossible for the lioness to outright ask. It seemed impossible to say something that would sound so rude once spoken out loud.




Basil Brett

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:02 pm
Pacha resisted the urge to fidget nervously while the two lionesses spoke. She was actually really curious about what they were saying, but she waited patiently for them to finish. When they spoke, Pacha could hardly believe her ears.

"Assist? As in... helping with the cubs?"

She spoke very hesitantly, hoping she hadn't gotten the wrong idea. She was somewhere between perplexed and touched that these strangers would help her. She smiled, a true, grateful smile.

"I thank you for your offer, but I fear that my sister and I are not the type to join a pride. We keep traveling in the hopes of making her more comfortable with herself."

She doubted that the two females would simply adopt the cubs. That was truly too much to ask. Wasn't it?

She didn't know how to approach the idea.
[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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