Name: Synister Kyoku
Aliases/ Nicknames: Syn

Physical Description:

User Image

Age: 16 died on Sept 24 "His Birthday

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Trifour
Final Form: In Picture
Regular Form:User Image

Zanpaktou: Achieved

Shikai Release: Fatal Tears

Shikai: Not Achieved

Bankai: Not Achieved

Special Accessories: Rings on his hands

Skills: N/A

Abilities: N/A

Personality: Lazy, Smart, and can be very serious

Biography/History:Born into a world Syn was destined to die and he felt it right from the moment he left the womb. When he was four years old he could start to feel the spirits around him and felt alone. When school started when he was five he felt more of an outsider than anything else. He would sit in a corner and do all the work by himself. On his tenth birthday he started to develop a habit of laziness and cockiness, but still cared for the people around him. After turning thirteen Syn felt that the death of himself was close. Day after day he felt it coming closer. On his Sixteenth birthday his house had caught on fire adn he was locked in his room. The flames were everywhere and when he finally got out of his house he ran into the road, and got hit by a speeding car. Next thing Syn could remember was falling down and waking up in the spirit world.

Signature/Patented Technique: N/A

Guild Status: Lowest

Online Schedule: When I have a computer which is usually around 9 on the weekdays and whenever my siblings let me on, on the weekends