Name: Kendoh Miyakusaki (Kendo Mijakuzaki rightly pronounced)
Aliases/ Nicknames: N/A

Physical Description: 170 cm tall, skin is blue, has a black armour and a mask to hide his face.

Age: Born august 5th 300 after Christ, died september 28th 321

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Samuiumi
A katana with an azure colour and a handle made from dark onyx. The blade itself is pale-blue and when touching it it feels very cold, like ice.

Zanpaktou: N/A

Shikai Release: Ryuuyuki Bakudan

Shikai: N/A

Bankai: N/A

Special Accessories: N/A

Skills: Has accurate listening skills.

Abilities: Can see the spiritual power of people like an aura

Personality: Mysterious and chooses with great carefullness his allies

Biography/History: Kendoh was born in a wealthy family in ancient Japan at Hokkaido. The family was then known for it's great power over Hokkaido and northern Japan, so it gave a good motive for assasins to kill the family. Still a baby, Kendoh was living his life smoothly, but in a great summerday, when the sakura blossomed, his father, mother and older sister were killed by a clan of ninjas. They didn't kill Kendoh because they thought that he will be a great leader. Unfortunately, Kendoh remembered everything of the tragic day, so at the age os 16, he killed the clan's ninjas by burning the village into the ground. Five years later, Kendoh was crowned as the emperor of Hokkaido. He was a very generous emperor and everyone loved him. But a ninja that survived the flames of the village that Kendoh destroyed found him, and with a throw of his kunai, he killed Kendoh, that cursed the ninja for eternal life as a guardian statue in the gates of hell.

Signature/Patented Technique: N/A

Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: Usually I am online by european time (Finland) but I am allso online at the same time as americans.