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FrostWolf McCloud

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:26 pm
(If I have grammar errors please ignore them, there should be very few spelling errors so be happy with that and as always the wolf theme will shows itself very quickly for my characters)
New story for you guys to join in on, it is pretty simple in theme. The theme is involves 2 shows and a game (mix of the 3 of course) so the 2 shows are outlaw star, cowboy bebop, and the game is xenosaga. No true characters from them, all standard rules blah, blah, blah, you get the idea, so here goes, if you guys have any questions just send me a pm with the question, so anyways here goes nothing

FrostWolf sat back and relaxed as he waited for the BlackWolf to get to its gate out point, he decides to set his alarm and get some sleep before he reaches the point which he decides was close to 4 hours away. He then set BlackWolf’s systems to auto defense and went to sleep.

4 hours later a A.M.W.S. gates out near a space station and proceeds to dock with the station. The A.M.W.S. is mostly black with a very dark green on its limbs and for the eyes and the inside of the ears. The A.M.W.S. looks very different from a normal A.M.W.S. as it sports a tail and a set of wolf like ears. Slung under each of the arms is a set of twin machine guns designed to be fired from under the arms. Attached to the sides were strange rectangle attachments which had the tip of something sharp sticking out of each. On the back of the A.M.W.S. were 2 rectangle green boxes which during the gate out had been extended into what looked to be wings with the bones being made up of a dark green colored metal and the skin being made up of pure energy. Once the A.M.W.S. was docked and secured into a maintenance bay, a single person emerges from the cockpit. He looks to be about 18, he is wearing camo colored short which have a number of pockets, a belt which has twin guns and twin swords attached to it, he is wearing a dark green shirt which has a logo of a black wolf against a full moon on it, and he is carrying a camo colored military type jacket which has a number of pockets most of which were filled and shut. He walks though security without being searched after he shows a simple plastic card to one of the guards. He then walks over to the elevator and finds himself a nice place to sit and waits for the 4 hour trip to the surface in the giant elevator to begin.

4 hours later he walks out of the elevator and walks to the entrance of the orbital elevator station and calls a cab to drive him to a research lab on the outskirts of the city. Upon arrival he shows the guards as the lab the same plastic card as before and says he has an appointment with the lead professor of one of the projects which is nearing completion at the lab. The guards summons yet another guard who escorts him to the correct lab. Inside the lab are a number of containers each of which contain what appears to be a person. Examining one of the stations next to one such container is the heavy set professor which the guy has an appointment with. The professor looks up when he hears the door close and smiles when he sees who has just walked in. “There you are FrostWolf, I was beginning to think you had gotten lost or something,” the professor says to him, “as you know this research is very important and requires field testing to be done.
“of course I am aware of that, but my A.M.W.S. BlackWolf only goes so fast, be glad it can use the gates or I would have had to of grabbed a transport and I would have been even longer. It would be nice if I got a warning a little sooner next time and maybe I can get here with a few days to spare,” FrostWolf replays in a clam bored sounding tone.
“Well at least you are here now, as you are aware we are attempting to improve on what is already considered perfection here, the breakthrough we had was both sudden and extraordinary, so I had little time to call you before the project will awaken and become active,” the professor stats in a annoyed tone as he gets back to making adjustments at different stations around the room.
“so I take it by your message and the way you are acting that she is due to awaken in a short matter of hours, her and a number of the ones slated for deployment with the military, FrostWolf said, after giving up on getting his point across to the professor, “It would be better if she would wake up before any of the military get here and start asking questions, as you know my A.M.W.S. is very unique and is possible more powerful than their best models since it can use the gates.
“Yes, yes of course I am aware of that fact, and she should awaken almost half a day ahead of the rest, in fact she is ready now all that remains if for me to begin waking her up.” The professor headed towards on stations seemingly at random.
“Good then wake her up already, I want to be out of this system before tomorrow and I would like to at least check the parts market to see if I can pick up a few spare parts and maybe a new gun or 2, those new vector rifles would look great as arm mounted guns.” FrostWolf headed towards the same station which the professor was now working at
“there that should do it, she will be awake in a matter of at most five minutes, but it should be just over 1 minute before she is awake, once she is I will empty the container and release her into your care.”
About a minute later the subject of the discussion begins to move within the container, by appearances it appears to be a young female with strange round metallic objects sticking out of her green hair. The objects are silver on the outside and with a black center. She is wearing a shirt and a pair of shorts which are both the same green color as her hair. As soon as she opens her eyes (which are the same color as her hair) the professor hits a button and the liquid inside of the container begins to empty, as it reaches the half way mark the glass itself begins to slowly lower at about the same rate as the liquid is draining away. Once the glass is completely down, the professor quickly pulls a weird looking scanner from his pocket and waves it over each of the strange objects in her hair. “Good no damage to her at all, she is good to go and she is all yours once you have given her a name and once I give her the rest of her equipment.
“I get to name her? You forgot to mention that or I would have come up with something already, no matter we can just call her FrostKitten then, it’s simple and easy to remember plus kitten was the classification and codename you used for them was it not so it would be perfectly fitting, so now that she has a name you can finish giving her all of her equipment”
“You did remember to add a second seat in your A.M.W.S.’s cockpit did you not, it will take about 5 minutes to finish gathering all of the gear she will need to take with her in order to do the job she was created to perform, by that time she should be completely awake and functioning, instead of being a mute station. Now if you will excuse me I will go see how my aids are doing with gathering her gear, please wait here”
10 minutes late the professor walks back in carrying a backpack which looked small compared to him but looked to be about the correct size for FrostKitten, who was now sitting in a chair looking about with a confused look on her face. “Good you are completely awake now, here is the rest of your gear, now take great care not to lose it now, the gear is not replaceable since it was made only for you. Now FrostWolf remember I need reports back about her performance and what problems you notice with her” the Professor hands FrostKitten the backpack, which she quickly puts onto her back.
“you do know I am not a robot or something, I am living despite what you might think,” Both the professor and FrostWolf just stares at Frostkitten for a few seconds surprised that she had finally said something
“Oh I’m going to have no problems with Frostkitten, none at all. I will do my best to remember to send you reports once in a while professor no promises now you understand, being a bounty hunter and a mercenary is not a easy business and doesn’t pay well at times. Come on Kitten lets go, we have a few things to do before we can leave the planet yet and I’d like to leave as soon as possible.

4 hours later FrostWolf and Kitten climb into the cockpit of FrostWolf’s A.M.W.S. BlackWolf, which now sported 2 back mounted vector beam cannons which when not in use pointed straight upwards, and quickly leave the station and head towards one of the gate points. Once there the BlackWolf deploys its wing like structures and gates.

(alright guys enjoy Ill post again later or tommorow with the next part of my adventure, enjoy)  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:55 am

Oil life…..check

Life support systems, complete with full oxygen and temperature homeostasis……check

Giget……check, couldn’t go any where without ya baby


Steering wheel……check

Engine….well I’m still moving at least

Sandwich…..check, ahh life is good

Moving at an almost complete crawl me and my 4 ton mini ship drift hazardously through the cosmos on nothing but my sanity. Not saying it was ever really there, just floating my boat I guess. Two weeks has gone by and I haven’t seen a single spec larger then the dot of my finger when I hold it up to my eye. What the hell am I saying, everything is supper tiny when I hold my finger up to my eye. O.K., correction Nothing looks to be alive any where around me. I was lucky to get hit by a large moving rock, aren’t those convenient in space, and when I woke up at approximately 4:27 I could see a larger spec of gray and tan mixed together in the background. I guessed it was some small backwater planet but it could be one of those space morage((ok word wont spell the right word but yeah, use context clues, it‘s the desert things when you see something that‘s not really there…gosh)).

What day is it. Last I remember the sun I went by on the last little planet my feet touched it was winter, some where near the end of January. Lets see…..two weeks….one two…drop the one… I think today is my birthday. Heck yes, I should celebrate with some scotch and a sandwich. Oh where did I put those stupid sardines. Yes my tuna and bologna, it really is my birthday.

Lets see, 6:54, time to get moving on those signals. Yum…I looove my sandwiches. O.K. so checking all frequencies, sending copied message. All right where the heck did the play button go. Giget, what did you do with my play button. Who am I kidding, your just a stupid wrench. I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean it. Just get over here so I can put on a new button. I hate these cheap e-mailing things. Is that what they called them. I thought all I had to do was yell into the mike and then any one around would hear me. I didn’t know I was going to have to “assembly required” to get the stupid thing to make a sound. Now I’ve got to create a profile and record myself. I thought the idea behind making new technology was to make life easier. Boy did I get gypped. Giget, where the hell are you. I said get over here, I need to fix this button. Right, I forgot, don’t give me any of that I don’t have limbs crap. I show you no limbs. I’ll build you limbs one of these days and…… and then…….then I’m a cut you up so bad….your…your gonna wish I didn’t cut you up so bad.

Sending copied message now.
All frequencies seem good
Where the heck is the play button again, oh yeah left it right here
Time to play the music.

“Can anyone here me out there. The names Barney and I’m broadcasting on all frequencies. Got into nasty dance while back and I’ve been drifting ever since. Practically a space hobo now so if you get this message come say hi. I’ll make you a sandwich, maybe have some scotch, then would you kindly get me off this God forsaken garbage heap of metal. Thanks…..over and out.”

Right now do I play it again or just let it sit on repeat. Hey Giget do you think people would think I sound a little like I’m begging if I set this thing on repeat. Ahh you scrap piece of junk you never where really all that good at being a friend. Just one simple question and you go and blow up. Hey stop making that face, don’t you make that face at me.

So yeah, Giget and me , we are pretty close, practically family if you will. I got her when I was just a young whiper snapper making my way along the old dusty trail of the dump of a planet the old folks came from. Ok so I didn’t get her, I more of stole her, but it was her fault you see, she was crying out to me….Barney…. SAVE me. I couldn’t just let something as beautiful as her go to waste at the side ship shop. Ha say that five times fast. I still can’t get it but every time I try I end up saying something naughty…hahaha….life is good. What was talking about. Oh yeah. So I jack her from this place and she starts teaching me the ways of better building. I couldn’t believe my hands at the magic they where creating with her in them. I mean by building for all those perverts out there. I became a full time engineer before I was drafted into The Law.

Yo Ho…I’m gonna bust ya up…Yo Ho…where my money at. Ah crap I got that song stuck in my head again. I hate the space rapper they always playing on the radio. O.K. resending message.

“Can anyone here me out there. The names Barney and I’m broadcasting on all frequencies. Got into nasty dance while back and I’ve been drifting ever since. Practically a space hobo now so if you get this message come say hi. I’ll make you a sandwich, maybe have some scotch, then would you kindly get me off this God forsaken garbage heap of metal. Thanks…..over and out.”

Now would so be a good time for another sandwich.  



PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:26 pm
“Captain, ships docked and we are ready to unload. Are you sure you want to do this.” Ivella said approaching a man standing cooling against the master controls of the ship. The model took after the 20th century Galleon and even though it was many centuries into the future the look suited the atmosphere. The man only turned with a shrug. His pace was quicker then hers as her moved to a gun rack outside the control room and into a hall. From there was 6 other doors, one at the end of the hall, another back where they came from and two on each side of the hall. The man reached outward for a long barrel hand gun and instantly harnessed it to a belt on his side. Then the man grabbed for a second gun. This one was longer and resembled a lengthy rifle.

“We are going.”

“but sir”

“No buts… we are going”

The captain ordered turning for the door and meeting with the rest of the three man crew in the loading dock. The cabin door remained shut and behind it was a bridge to the planets surface. They would have to go through the loading center before touching the soil but that was a free zone. Everyone was aloud there, kind of like a modern day sanctuary, just didn’t look the same. The captain raised an eyebrow to the sentimental woman begging him not to go. She shrugged in replay and grabbed for the last set of guns, a quick firing pair of pistols and joined the other two in the cabin.

“Good girl… Arbitor send us out.”

“As you wish captain Olin” a very robotic voice called back in response. The function was successful as the cabin door opened upward and the bridge was open to the three standing aside.

The third was a strange slender man. His figure was rough and well built. The man came to about twice the height of the Captain Olin. Rogge was what they called him. He was a Balakin, a strange species of space pioneers that resembled that of the earthly kangaroo. Although these guys where much taller and ther legs and arms curled out more, their facely features and pointing ears on top of the head said nothing other then kangaroo. In his hands was a large mini gun that had to be winded up for use before a single built would come out, but then had a great feature that allowed a very brief beam of energy to exploded from the end.

“This should be simple. We get inside with compliments of Ivella and then steal the parts we need.” Rogge said planting the large gun on top of his shoulder and strutting down the bridge to the dock.

“I still don’t like this. We are already high on the wanted list, what if they notice me.” Ivella returned with another far leaving her lips. Ivella was mostly human. Her only quality that said otherwise was her amazing talent of shape shifting. It wasn’t just any shape shifting, it was more of her physical appearance then shape. She could change anything from hair color to skin color. As long as a few things staid in place, the fact that she was a woman, and the fact that she was human, she could change anything.

“lets not discuss this any further. You guys have studied this plan and know it, lets not think any more but simply do.” The Captain finalized the conversation while leading the other two into the dock and past the shops. He took a deep breath before stepping outside onto th backwater planets hard-dry soil.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:32 pm
(so much for part of this makeing since, next post Ill fill in a few gaps for those who have never played xenosaga)
The BlackWolf gated out into at its final destination almost a week after it left the orbital station. It quickly headed for a space ship which seemed to be dead. As he approached the Spaceship FrostWolf keyed in a radio channel which according to the computer controlling the radio was to long of code to be a channel, after getting the BlackWolf to override the warning he started sending on the channel. “This is Alpha Wolf to Wolf Pack FireFly, wake up, hurry up and pick us up already, the job I left to do is done so you can come out of hiding and can stop playing dead.” The ship, which once it begins to power up completely, turned out to be painted in the same color scheme as the BlackWolf was, and on its side had a large logo of a black wolf against a full moon. The ship quickly approaches the BlackWolf, dwarfing it in size, and picks the BlackWolf up. Once aboard the ship FrostWolf and Kitten both dismount from the BlackWolf and head straight for the bridge.
The arrive just in time to hear a broadcast from a nearby ship, which looked on radar to be more like a escape pod than a shape. “Can anyone here me out there. The names Barney and I’m broadcasting on all frequencies. Got into nasty dance while back and I’ve been drifting ever since. Practically a space hobo now so if you get this message come say hi. I’ll make you a sandwich, maybe have some scotch, then would you kindly get me off this God forsaken garbage heap of metal. Thanks…..over and out.”
Upon hearing the doors to the bridge open the caption of the ship turns to FrostWolf “So Wolf what do you think we should do? Its not like we don’t already have enough crew or anything but the DragonFly is a bit short on crew, we could order it to go and pick him up.”
“Sure why not, if the DragonFly wants to pick him up, than they can that’s fine by me. Just make sure they know the guy has to work and can’t just free boat on one of my ships. We are not going to let anymore free boaters stay long term on any of my ships again”
“Right I shall pass that on, I think they were already headed to check it out. The made the most logical choice since they are the smaller and more expandable of the 2 ships we have in the area. Plus this being the capital ship of the WolfPack it can’t be ever considered expendable.”
The DragonFly was a ship that was much smaller than the FireFly, it had no carrying capabilities, it couldn’t even carry a single A.G.W.S., but it did pack some of the latest guns and amour that a mercenary could buy. The DragonFly quickly picked up on the tiny spaceship and began to track after it.
“caption lets hurry up and get the FireFly out of here, we have a appointment to keep after all. We wouldn’t want to miss out on a possible client due to us being late to a appointment.” The FireFly quickly turned to its new heading and headed towards one of the gate points, and quickly left the system leaving the DragonFly behind to deal with whatever was in the tiny spaceship  

FrostWolf McCloud

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:50 pm
Oh…what do we got here. I say turning around to get a better view form the window on the surface of the mini ship. I gave a little laugh as my eye caught sight of another ship. Cahhh just another one of those space moorages. Giget, shut that window, I don’t want to look at the space anymore. I get better things to do, like sleeping.

WAHH… I yelled practicaly falling out of my chair as a signal read on the radar. It was a loud long beep, like those heard form the very annoying alarm clocks. I mashed the button on top of the readying and traced it further. The ship was about 8 times the size of my bike mini ship but I knew I could take em.

Man the guns, fire at will, blow those mo fos out of the sky. Keep it together Barney we can do this. My hands move for a keyboard shifted away form the main seat and hold down on control-alt-delete. My ship gave a quick buzz and then the top rotated along the small broken engine that still pulsed out a few black dust clouds.

You mess with Barney, you get the Bull. I began yelling at the top of my lungs as I let lose with gun torrent mounted at the top of my little ship. I’ll burn you down before you take me in.

The gun fire was doing absolutely nothing by I wasn’t going to admit that. Giget, this is all your fault… you hear me…all your fault.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:18 am
Captain Olin moved briskly, like he liked to do, yet naturally through the abandoned market. There where few people laying about in lawn chairs and holding up signs that displayed their venues. It was almost robotic the way they smiled as soon as you looked at them but once you looked away you could feel a cold stare. The other two followed in close behind as they crossed the market. A few faces passed pleased with their selections. There where only a few good places to shop on the small and poor planet of Tantitonia.

“What makes you think this guy is going to deliver.” Ivella asked coldly turning to watch the passing people. She liked to take inventory of all of the different faces and body styles she could. One in particular passing caught her interest and she was careful to look her up and down a few times before closing her attention back on the matter of fact.

“This man has been in his line of work for quite some time. Many more years then you can claim your skin for.” Rogge said finishing his movements across a field and up against the wall near Olin.

Olin’s hand went into the air, demanding for instant silence. His face was tight as he twisted around the wall and peered into the building through a small window on the door. Just on the other side was a group of men all dressed in heavy black uniforms and guns resting on a coffee table. They seemed completely unaware of their watchers existence and continued conversing about the latest hotty in the Galactic Pageant. A woman from behind them got up and moved for the door. She turned gently and called back to the men, “I’m going out to get a few drinks. No reason we should stay thirsty on the job right,” She was fairly pretty, more of the dramatic kind of shape to her then most girls. The guys looked up and response and couldn’t look away until she was successfully out the door.

Meanwhile Olin backed away from the door and held a hand signal that meant for Ivella to step in. As soon as the girl crossed the door and moved out of line of sight of the window Ivella hit her firmly in a spot on the back of her neck that forest her to freeze up and fall to the ground. Almost instantly after Rogge bashed her in the back of the head with his large gun. She was out cold within seconds of leaving the building and Olin dragged her very fit body into the ally between this building and the one just passed.

“Get to work Ivella, these men are expecting drinks, so I think you should get them some, if you know what I mean. Keep me on radio one and notify us once your in and the guards are down.” Olin said to Ivella and threw her some money to go buy the drinks. Ivella stepped closer to the woman’s body and ran her fingers along her sides and the face. Then Ivella opened one of the girls eyes and watched the color fill around the pupil. Once Ivella stood up and turned she resembled an exact copy of the woman laying unconscious on the ground. Olin gave a quick look but felt ashamed for checking out his girl friend as a different woman.

“You look good Ivella.”

“Oh shut it, I look like that slut. I’ll be back” She took off around the corner towards the main market to retrieve the drinks. Olin and Rogge waited with the body. They both looked down at her and then to each other.

“You know, being a thief makes this really hard to resist.” Rogge said looking down at the woman’s body lustfully. Olin just shook his head and pickpocket her.  


FrostWolf McCloud

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:22 pm
(terms that you might want to know)
Gnosis- creature which normally cannot be harmed by normal weapons, the touch of a gnosis can cause people to go through an effect in which they turn white and most times shatter but there are cases were the person who goes though this effect can be turned partly or completely into gnosis.
AGWS(eggs)- anti gnosis weapon system, a piloted vehicle that is generally but not always a humanoid form in shape, made to fight the gnosis
AMWS(aims)- assault maneuver weapon system, larger more powerful versions of the AGWS
UMN- used for instant communication and spatial jumps
UMN Transfer Colum- the points in which one must use in order to gate jump
Realain- an artificial humans that can be made of a range of chemical bases, including carbon, liquid metal and that of a normal person, they are legally considered to be equipment. They fill a number of roles including combats models.
Vector- largest corporation in the federation, is involved in the manufacture of almost every product including, AGWS, realians, weapons, and everyday household items
100 series observational unit- a type of realain which has the Hilbert effect, the prototype 100 series was MOMO, before MOMO was produced, a number of test models were created, all of the 100 series realians appear to be young girls, they were based off the designer’s daughter.
Hilbert effect- brings the gnosis completely into real space allowing them to be hit by everyday weapons, normal 100 series without any equipment are limited to a range of a few hundred meters, and with large scale equipment have a range of 100 km
Auto-tech- generic name for autonomous mobile combat units
DSSS- sensory system to detect gnosis
(if I think of or run into any more Ill add them to later posts)
(I’m using meters just because all the information I can get my hands on is in meters)

The FireFly gated out at its destination right on time for the meeting, it gated out into an area which was well light by the lights of many other ships. The Firefly was almost 3000 meters in length, it looks similar to a arrowhead, it appeared despite its large size to be a slender and agile warship. It was a dual purpose warship, sporting some of the best armor and guns but also having one of the best carrying capacities per square meter of space. It had bays for both AMWS and AGWS but as of right then it only had a single AMWS in it, the past years had been hard on the WolfPack having lost about half of their ships and almost all of their AMWS and AGWS. Their client was located in the middle of the fleet. They were escorted though the fleet by a larger number of AGWS and a few AMWS. As they grew closer to the middle of the fleet their objective became even clearer and the true size of it surprised most of the people onboard. The ship was well over 1000 km long, it could almost be considered a colony except for the huge number guns and the heavy armor that protect the ship. It was surrounded by a fleet of over 300 ships, most of which had limited carrying capacity, being mainly for simple defense of the giant ship which remained at all times at the center of the fleet. Instead of docking against the hull of the ship, the FireFly was swallowed by the ship and it docked inside of the hull. The only person to get off of the FireFly was FrostWolf, who headed straight for a section of the ship. He was escorted by 2 combat type realain’s, both of which had the vector emblem logo on their shirts. Neither realain said a word to FrostWolf and FrostWolf seemed to have chosen to ignore them completely. Once he arrives at his destination he walks into a small meeting area in which sits a single person. The person is completely average in appearance looks, height, and attitude. In front of him sits a packet of documents which has all the information on the missions that vector would like the WolfPack to complete
“Here is your packet, take it, complete all the missions you are capable of completing and then return to this ship, the documents also include the information to find this ship again, once you have completed your missions, the 1st three missions can only be completed within the next year after that they will no longer matter and we will not pay for them. Go, do not say anything, and leave, take the packet with you, that is all.” Having said that the guy stands up pushes the packet towards FrostWolf and leaves. FrostWolf picks up the packet and as quickly as he can returns to the FrieFly. The FireFly then leaves and heads towards its first objective for the missions.  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:51 am
Dax always was getting himself in trouble every since school. It wasn’t his fault that he was so good at what he does and that the teachers were stupid. That’s irrelevant at the time. Dax was passing in and out of conscious. He kept hearing voices to kill him and what not. They were arguing. He was trying to remember the last thing, but his head throbbed with a immense pain. The room’s floor was a dark blue tile. It was slowly coming back to him. He was a navigator one of the best. He himself mapped 75% of space. If not more of it. And he helped other pilots navigate around the world. Then he realized he was helping some pilots and they didn’t want him to be leaving and wanted his cartographer. This is a small orb device that projects a map and plots a course that a navigator can manage. He was with some group of pirates, but forgot their names. He saw a few feet in front of him a sword. That sword he bought from an old man on another planet. He can’t remember much…what was his name. Dax that was it. He felt stupid. The sword was powerful belonged to a powerful man. He forgot that too. He was forgetting a lot of things. Then he felt a sharp pain in his back as one of the Pirate scum knocked him out again.
He awoke a couple hours later in a small room which was his prison. Then he heard one of the pirates to come in. The pirate just gave him a bowl and left. Dax was much to fine. He wore nice dress pants with a white button up shirt with a black felt vest. He also wore a Fedora. With gloves that had no fingers. He had Blue eyes and dark brown hair. He waited for the Pirate to come get his bowl and he jumped into the dark corner of his room.
“where are ya you fancy git.” The pirate said.
“here..” Dax said and tackled the pirate. He grabbed the first thing which was a bucket. He crushed the pirate’s skull in. He then quickly spotted his sword nearby. These pirates aren’t smart but violent. He ran through the ship as they found their buddy dead in the hall. The escaped pods he found one near the bridge after he jumped over the captain to get his cartographer. The captain was in shock as he ran for the pod and typed the first planet nearby. He then shot his pod to the backwater planet of Tantitonia.  

Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin

FrostWolf McCloud

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:34 am
A week later found the FireFly which was now renamed back to it original name of the Arctic Wolf, in the middle of the one of the largest space battles in its long and proud history. Both sides possessed massive fleets of the latest ships, over 50 battleships and a large number of smaller more nimble ships were present. The Arctic Wolf found itself on the side of the federation battle fleet while its opponents were a mish mash of mostly pirate vessels and traitor ships. The Arctic Wolf was on the left flank of the Fleet formation

“Admiral I leave the ship to you, I’m going to take the BlackWolf out. Kitten stay here and help the caption manage the Arctic Wolf. Take good care of my ship now, Arctic you know how much she means to me” Arctic who, when the WolfPack was bigger, used to in charge of the WolfPack fleet, had taken charge of the Arctic Wolf after her caption tried to munity along with other traitors. With Arctic back in command the Arctic Wolf could finally return to its proper name. FrostWolf ran to his AMWS and climbed to the cockpit and started it up. Once the BlackWolf was powered up, the doors to the main AMWS bay automatically opened and FrostWolf launched the BlackWolf out of the bay and on towards the mass of enemy AGWS and AMWS that were heading towards the fleet. “now remember we are getting paid based on what we kill so make sure you keep track of what you kill, now Arctic, kill us something big or better yet disable it so we can sell the parts for salvage.”
The battle started right before the BlackWolf’s guns came into range, both sides Battleships started firing at each other then the first wave of AGWS and AMWS crashed into each other and the battle was joined. FrostWolf quickly drew attention to himself when he drove the BlackWolf straight into a group of 20 AGWS and quickly destroyed them all. He quickly found himself on the enemy side of the battlefield with no nearby targets, so he quickly looked around and singled out a ship which was hanging back a ways from the fight and heading towards it as fast as his AMWS could move. As he approached it the ship began to fire a small amount of guns inaccurately towards him. As he got a closer look he was surprised at what the ship was. The ship was a research vessel or a design he hadn’t seen before. Making a quick decision he unlocks his restraints gives his AI program (named BlackWolf) control of BlackWolf, he then opens the cockpit hatch and jumps out of the BlackWolf and grabs a hold of the hull of the ship near a entrance into the ship. He then pulls out a hacking tool and connects it to the door which promptly opens. He then quickly unhooks the tool and dives into the door before it reseals itself. He quickly unlocks the next door and then walks into the ships main deck not knowing what was inside or what might await him.  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:35 pm
Ivella examined a long wine bottle inside a small and even smaller selection store. The wine was old and made from a cheap year of vines. The flavor wouldn’t be the motivation in making this any priority of purchase but seeing as it was the best of the bunch, she bought it. Ivella made her way to the desk as her new and undesirable form from her point of view rocked at the hips. She noticed the other guys engorging their faces in magazines couldn’t help but look up as she passed and she shrugged it off as the typical pig response.

“That will 3 quarter pounds.” The clerk said with a cheerful face as if her buying the wine off him was more like an early Christmas gift then any normal day business. He even shook her hand on the way out after the money was exchanged.

Ivella crossed town once again. She headed back towards the small building with their client safely inside. Ivella stopped just before entering and turned toward the alleyway.

“You guys are going to be ready…umm…were is the girls body.” She asked in quick surprise to both Rogge and the women Ivella was currently playing gone form the scene.

“She woke up a little before schedule so I had Rogge dispose of her.”

“You know just as well as I do what that really means and you didn’t have top make up a story for me babe.” Ivella added with a hint of untactful truth and leaning to Kiss Olin before heading into the building.

As she entered both of the men’s eyes raised. They looked pleased to see she had returned and brought drinks along with her. One stood to take the wine as the other leaned back in his chair for a better view. Ivella hit him across the back of his head as she passed and sat against the couch. There where cards spued randomly about the table and a very full ash try in the middle. Ivella was quick to note both of the guards name for personal touch and she turned on the radio one hidden on the elastic of her bra while they weren’t watching.

Olin, from outside suddenly heard the radio one transmission turn on and leaned in for the conversation. He took detailed notes of what Ivella asked and what the guys answered.

“Yo Zack, what’s keeping the boss so long. He still working on the final touches or are we getting out of here.” Ivella asked making sure to add a bit of dramatic whore effect by chomping her bubble gum. “I’m sick of this place and want to get back to, you know.”

“Will you shut it already. Krimer is done ok, he’s been done. The only thing that’s got him still in the lab is he’s working on a weapon to keep him and his invention safe.” Zack responded giving Ivella a groaned look and lights himself a sig.

“I’ll go check on the grams now. Be back in a sec, you watch the cameras Zack.” Alex said getting up, holding a Tommy gun, and leaving the room.

“Now is your chance babe. Go get them” Olin said from his side of the radio and checked out. He was into immediate action. Rogge was back and had his gun ready to go. The two stood on both side of the door and waited for the right chance to break in.  


Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:37 am
The pod crashed and Dax was noted that he was on the planet. He got out and noticed the nearby town. he dusted himself off and got his duster and began walking towards the town with his sword wrapped up and his cartographer. what trouble will come for him?

as he got into town he found a nearby bar and sat down and ordered a drink. he noticed a pretty lady coming in and getting the most expensive bottle and saw the bartender paid extra attetion to her. as the bartender came by Dax said under his breath. "pig." He went back to his drink and thought about his next move.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:09 am
Ivella looked around anxiously. Her eyes watched as Zack left and closed the door behind him. Ivella moved closer to Zack and very quietly folded out two guns from the backside of her waste. Then she took the butt of her gun in the left hand and drove it fiercely into the back of Zack’s head. He feel over the camera system roughly but was out cold.

As soon as Olin and Rogge heard the man fall they moved in. Still hiding in good positions around cover. Olin turned to his right and pulled up a tile as quietly as he could. He planted a C4 on the ground immediately underneath and triggered the remote. He gave a nod to Ivella and she moved for the door Alex had exited through. She could hear a conversation going down the hall in the last room on the left. She moved that way and waited just outside the door. She paused for a second and then knocked.

“Come in,” An old voice called as Alex’s stopped. The door opened to a small laboratory and a very old man holding on to some gray flashy liquid that he hovered over an open flame. Alex gave a look of surprise and quickly pushed her out of the room. He moved with her until they where both in the hall and he had a firm grip on her arm.

“What are you doing in here. You should be watching the entrance.” he said with a nasty voice that he tried to keep quiet. Ivella could tell the doctor was almost done with his work, if not already done and working on a counter for the goods.

“It’s seems we have a problem at the front door. There is kinda a large uprising waiting. They want in to raid the doctors work.” Ivella faked her voice perfectly and returned a very worried look.

Alex turned from her to head to the main door but as soon as he turned his back on Ivella she twisted him back towards her but grabbing his wrist and cracking it sideways, throwing his arm over his body and then flipping him on to the ground with his right arm broken. She jumped on to him and snapped his neck on the floor. Her next move was quick, she had to hide the body. She drug it into another open room on the left and hid him in the corner of the utility closet. She then ran back to the door for Olin and Rogge to come.  


Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:36 pm
Dax to decdied to follow the lady and as she cut the corner he waited at the end of the alley. Only after watching her come up with two men did pirates that were hunting him saw him.

"hey dax get your arse ore ere now."

"yea we like a word with ya git."

Dax ran down the alley and jumped over the three motly crew before hanging on to the fire escape and climbing up. The pirates opened fired on the alleyway.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:21 pm
“What the hell!” Olin yelled from the other side of his newly formed barricade. From inside the building Olin and Rogue waited behind the camera desk waiting for the doctors henchmen to come streaming in for a gun fight. What they didn’t expect was some random kid with pirates after him.

“Get out of here kid. We are kinda busy and your little parade could ruin everything.” Rouge said taking a few pot shots with his cannon. From down the hall where Ivella was there where a few more gun shots. The Doctor quickly figured out what was going on and had his lab in lock down. The area was streaming with henchmen bots. Ivella was in a bit of trouble.

“OK, well you better come with some plans and answers if your going to crash our party.” Olin directed to Dax  


Salfos Iga Ninja Assassin

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:42 pm
"Trust me im worth saving i have something important." Dax yelled. he pulled the Zenkou from under his coat and felt the vibrations run through him. everything slowed down and he ran past slicing the bullets in two. coming up to some the pirates he began to slice and dice into them.  
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