~::Shop Rules::~

.. 1) Be nice
.. 2) Please do not argue. Take this up to PMs, and if it continues and you find the need to bring it to the staff, then do so, but do this only as a last resort, and PM the mule only. Whichever one of the staff that reads it will decide if it needs to be forwarded to the rest of the staff.
.. 3) Do not flame
.. 4) Keep cussing to a low. We know that you're all people, you all need to rant. And we will know a rant when we spot one. So don't feel like you can't rant, but certainly don't fill every other word in an ordinary chatting post with profanity!
.. 5) We'd very much appreciate it if you wouldn't get a wolf and disappear off the face of Gaia, never to be seen again. If you've forgotten about the thread, just pop back in and say 'I LIIIIVE!' or something. We'll still love you!
.. 6) The staff reserve the right to alter any rules
.. 7) Do not take somebody else's wolf as your own!
.. 8 ) Do not manipulate other people's wolves unless you have their permission to!

~::RP Rules::~

.. 1) Don't fight Out of Character. Fighting is fine in character. It's what twists things up
.. 2) Do not kill other people's wolves!
.. 3) No god-moding
.. 4) There are no humans involved in Wolf's Woods arpee
.. 5) No giant wings, superpowers, anything. These are wolves!

~::Journal Rules::~

.. 1) Do not post in other people's journals unless they have plainly said it is okay
.. 2) Do not copy other people's layouts unless you have permission
.. 3) Do not use other people's banners without permission