Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:56 am
This is mostly for my reference, but if anyone wants to post once I've got em all, feel free!
Notes: * I am a breed whore * I DO NOT RP. I plot. I do not RP. * AGAIN I DON'T RP LIKE EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES XD
1. ToC 2. Customs / incoming 3. Breeding Wish List 4. Baskets 5. & After - each individual post is a pony.
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:57 am
What's Coming in customs & bribes
* Cheshire Cat from American Mcgee's Alice mutant [ m ] * Seal based skinwalker Kelpi [ f ] * Mosrael, of Sabriel [ f ] * Chrysaora Colorata, purple striped jellyfish seathi [ f ] * Neku, from The World Ends With You [ m ] * Mr. H, from The World Ends With You [ m ]
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:22 am
BIG O LIST O BREEDING...O'S in no particular order
* Sanguinolent & Reaver Status; attempting, perhaps bribeget?
* Ivanov & Elysium Status; attempting
* Cholera & Ghost Status; attempting, do want Bribe
* Dust & Pthonus Status; attempting in raffles
* Paloma & Llyr Status; DO WANTtt somehowww not attempting much though
* Paloma & Heathcliff Status; WANT ALSOOOOO
* Dragonite & ... Status; ZEE I FORGET THE PONY'S NAME but she's cute and orange? >>
* Telperion & Devaeka Status; ASK TIG
* Drosera Capensis & Vetis Status; WANT
* Telperion & Ithuriel's Hour
* Vetr & Anastasia
* Vetr & Ithuriel's Hour
IF WE HAD A BREEDING AGREEMENT AND I FORGOT post and let me know I am just very, very /very/ forgetful >>
Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:15 pm
Baskets!Chumani & Poe Nick & Lirael Bahamut & Lilitu
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:56 am
The Red PyramidSilent Hill Cosplay - Pyramid Head Personality; The Red Pyramid functions on a ******** up sense of guardianship-- I kept him as true to being a wind as I could despite him being totally skewed. He kills and maims in order to protect others from themselves. Now; He's had three sets of children by Misery, and is getting up there in his age, a little. He mostly just does ******** with his kids' kids' kids. Friends; None. Allies, though, are mostly within his growing family. Enemies; Not sure >> Offspring; Malady Paroxysm Cholera Sacrifice Phobia Sanguinolent Aorta Lesion Plots; Pyramid Head, now, is mostly a figurehead. He will talk foals and other Soquili through his logic, teach rather than act. He spends most of his time wandering alone, contemplative but not actively malicious.
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:30 pm
MiseryPersonality; Misery is cold, callous, and slightly bitter. She is alone, isolated and alienated, and is slowly losing her mind. Now; Three sets of kids by Pyramid Head, and now her mothering days (if you could call them that) are over. Some of her children and her children's children occasionally come to her, but rarely for any reason besides advice, or perhaps where to find their father. Friends; None, though she's grown closer to Pyramid Head over time. Enemies; Not sure >> Offspring; Malady Paroxysm Cholera Sacrifice Phobia Sanguinolent Aorta Lesion Plots; She is a quick tempered mare, and rarely puts up with bullshit. She may have bred outside of kalona lines but goddamnit, she's still a kalona. There is still a fire left inside her.
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:57 pm
ElanPersonality; Gentle, playful, a bit brash in terms of what he says and absolutely tarded. Now; Had kids with una once, up for another usdia lady if anyone wants. Friends; EVERYONE~~~~ Enemies; n/a Offspring; Tokala ??? Plots; He'll say the wrong thing at the wrong time and break the ice with a sludgehammer. XD
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:10 pm
HesperosPersonality; n/a Now; Has had two breedings, I think? Co owned with Nova, she controls most of him<3 JUST FOR PRITTYNESS Friends; n/a Enemies; n/a Offspring; ??? Plots; n/a, don't ask<3
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:14 pm
MaladyPersonality; Malady is anti-social, cruel and a...hermit. She has no sense of humour, no sense of honour or dignity. She is not a pleasant horse to encounter. Now; Looking for someone that might be willing to put up with her, evil is a requirement. Friends; n/a Enemies; Everyone that stands in her way. Offspring; n/a Plots; Someone stronger than her to put her in her place, or someone to hunt with? Open to whatever.
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:14 pm
KemePersonality; Keme is quiet, mostly nocturnal, and utterly in love with Luzianne. Now; Has had two sets of kids with Luzi, and is always a friendly shoulder and ear. Friends; Luzianne, his kids Enemies; n/a Offspring; Cheniere Chumani Twilight Pontchartrain ??? ??? Plots; Anything, really. Has a bit of a dry sense of humor, but no bbs for him besides Luzi's c:
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:14 pm
UnaPersonality; A quiet, contemplative thing, Una rarely speaks and when she does, it is calculated and precise. Her speech patterns follow the likes of Spock, following logic rather than her heart, with one or two exceptions. Now; Has had two children with Elan, and is looking for something more in life. Friends; Elan, Keme, Chumani Enemies; n/a Offspring; Tokala ??? Plots; Something to compliment her appearance and personality would be nice c:
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:31 pm
ChumaniPersonality; Not really fully determined, but takes after her parents. Now; Has had a kid with Poe, must ask Ithums what she wishes to do now! >-> Friends; Her parents, Una Enemies; n/a Offspring; ??? ??? ??? Plots; Stars, perhaps evil so she can stray down the path? But I think it is Ithum's turn for stuff >>!!
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:35 pm
CholeraPersonality; Violent and a bit of control and even more out of her mind, Cholera's flesh is rotting off the bone in places, held together by who knows what. She needs someone half as mad as she is. Now; Trying for bbs with Ghost! Friends; n/a Enemies; n/a Offspring; n/a Plots; Future breedings, plz? Evil and awesome <3
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:41 pm
DustPersonality; Dust is ever so fond of the earth-- especially its creepy crawlies. She is generally pretty harmless, the baby of the elemnhell sisters, and will talk many ears off-- however, if she finds out you've harmed any of her darlings, you are in for a world of trouble. She will stompinate you. Now; Trying for bbs with Pthonus! She's had kids with Audrey II, and is unsure of her future. Friends; Scorpions, spiders, centipedes.... Enemies; n/a Offspring; Drosera Capensis Tulzcha ??? Plots; Nothing really, unless you want to be creeped out by bugs. Lots. >>
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:54 pm
HarmoniaPersonality; She takes after no one in particular, wild and bright and almost too playful for her lineage-- she makes up for it in the amount of carnage her playing generally causes. Now; One set of kids with Talon, looking for more. Friends; n/a Enemies; n/a Offspring; Treachery ??? ??? Plots; BBs. Matching will be hard, will go good with an excuse as long as it looks good D8;