Name: Omaro Nisha (oh-mar-oh)

Aliases/ Nicknames: N/A

Physical Description: Omaro is a averagely built man with a scar that runs across is left arm.
User Image
Wight: 164
Hight: 6'0
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue

Zanpacto(Zamporato): A Japanese style long-sword with a black hilt and a red line going down the middle of the blade.

Release: In this form, the blade turns into two blades, as well as changing color from it normal steel color into a more acidic blue, also forming a slight notch on the back of the blades. The red line that goes down the middle of the blades starts to glow and gets brighter as Omaro's anger increases, to the point where it could blind the untrained eye. In this form, the blades have the ability to absorb the force of anything that comes into contact with it, making whatever struck it seem like them has no power behind it. The blade also had the ability to absorb Omaro's spirit energy, creating either a strong, destructive red beam with equal power as cero, or create a shield on a bubble like shape around Omaro's body capable of defending from a cero with ease. While the bubble is active, anything that comes in contact with the outside of the shield will have all of it's spirit energy or spirit particals instantly absorbed, causing them to turn to dust. All of this energy is transmitted to Omaro. He can also create the bubble shield around any other object or person he wishes.
(Don't Have Yet.)

Bankai: In this form, the single sword turns into two large knuckle knives with red blades. In this form, the blades not only have the ability to absorb the force of anything that they come into contact with, but it can redirect that force right back where it came from or even hold onto that force for however long Omaro wishes. In this form, it has been known to shatter Zanpacto with little effort. The blade also had the ability to absorb Omaro's spirit energy, creating either a strong, destructive red beam with equal power as cero, or create a shield on a bubble like shape around Omaro's body capable of defending from a cero with ease. While the bubble is active, anything that comes in contact with the outside of the shield will have all of it's spirit energy or spirit particals instantly absorbed, causing them to turn to dust. All of this energy is transmitted to Omaro. He can also create the bubble shield around any other object or person he wishes. Omaro can also use this spirit energy to enhance the cutting abilitys of his knuckle knives, allowing them to cut through almost anything like a knife through butter.(Don't Have Yet)

Special Accessories: Omaro has a special ring that allows him to disguise both his spiritual energy, as well as himself, making him appear as if he were a hollow. He also had a special necklace that possesses the ability to hide the spiritual energy of whoever wears it. It also has the ability to absorb the spirit energy of the person who wears it, allowing them to release it at any given time.

Skills: Omaro is particularly good at hand to hand combat. He is also exceptionally strong.

Abilities: Omaro possesses exceptionally good eyesight, allowing him to see things that others would not. He also has the distinct ability of being able to rely on any one sense at any given time.

Personality: Omaro is a very serious guy who's only joy in life is getting closer to becoming captain someday.

Biography/History: Omaro was a American MMA wrestler before he died. He was killed when someone he had beaten in a wrestling match got mad and decided to poison his water during a match, causing him to become very weak. He fell hard and broke his neck.After being reborn into the Soul Society, Omaro found that he had a very strange gift, even amungst the soul reapers. He could see things that others could not. He could tell when people were lieing even though there was no indication that they were in fact lieing. One time, he even saw through a Soul Reapers release form of his Zampakto that was ment to trick all senses.
It wasn't long after he was reborn that he joined the academy. It wasn't to his surprise that he had graduated at the top of his class, but it was surprising to him that he hadn't been approached by a squad captain. Throughout his years in the academy, the headmaster had always said that he would probably be chosen for a seated position right out of the academy. It was especially strange because the captain of squad two had said that they would be very interested in seeing him join their squad.
A few days after graduating, Omaro was approached by his former headmaster. He was told that instead of joining a squad, he was to lead a small group of soul reapers into Hueco Mundo. Once there, he was to destroy all hollow that he saw, but to do it very discreatly as to not be caught. The headmaster then handed him a while band with the word Captain written on the inside. "Congradulations. You are the new captain of squad fourteen. Hollow Control Unit. You will find that that ring has a very unique ability.
After arriving in Hueco Mundo, Omaro discovered, to his surprise, that a camp full of Soul Reapers was there waiting for him. Like him, they too were wearing rings, but their color was bronze, not white. Omaro was approached by a rather tall women with a Zanpakto the length of Omaro's body, which was around six feet. She had a wicked grin on her face as she approached Omaro, making him uneasy. "Hello captain, my name is Tainji, and I'm your Vice Captain," she said, indicating to her ring which was a steel color instead of white or bronze.
After getting situated, Tainji brought Omaro up to speed on what had been going on for the past couple months that they have been here. She explained that every two days, they move their camp to a different location that they had recon map out to make sure there were no hollow to go running back to Aizen. She also explained that withen the last week, at least twenty men and women had died at the hands of an Espada that had gone rogue from Aizen's forces.
After a few months of traveling around Hueco Mundo, exterminating every hollow that they saw, there was an explosion in the middle of camp. They had been there two days and were abought ready to move, but there was a report that Aizen's espada were reaveling the deasert, looking for the rogue espada that by this time, had wipped out at least 30 soul reapers.
When the exposion went off, there was a team that had been sent out to do some recon. Omaro was on that team. By the time he had gotten back, the only soul reaper left was Tainji, who was fighting the Espada in his released form. Tainji had blood gushing out of almost every part of her body with little spikes that appeared to have impailed themselves into her. Omaro guessed that they had come from the Espada, because in his released form, he looked like a poorkypine. "Bankai!" Tainji yelled as her six foot blade turned into a boomarang. The moment it left her hand, it was already back in it, but it came back covered in blood. The Espada, who had been laughing the whole time, had stopped when the boomarang left Tainji's hands, and now Omaro knew why. Omaro watched intently as the Espada was severed in half, allowing one half of it's body to fall to the ground, revealing it's innerworking, while the other just stayed there, supported by the spikes protruding from it's body.
Quickly, Omaro ran over to Tainji, who by this time had recalled her bankai, latting her Zampakto fall to the ground beside her. Omaro managed to catch her just before she fell to the ground. She smiled up at him saying, "I'll be all right," but with Omaro's gift, even without his gift, he could tell that she was going to die. Slowly, tears started to form in Omaro's eyes, only to be wipped away by Tainji's hand, and replaced by blood.