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Sex: Female

Height: 5 feet 8 inches

Weight: 120

Build: Well toned from running deliveries

Race: Arthorian

Pets: N/A

Profession: Magic

Bio: Mira Knoxton was born in a Small artifact Delivery store called the raven in central of vanya. She lived with her parent’s human best friend Marco and helped by delivering packages to locals. marco hated her because he felt as if her parents just dumped the child on him. He was Necromancer, He would summon zombies to scare Mira as child and uses the blood puking curse just for his own enjoyment as a punishment. After the so many years of being frightened she has developed deep fears of the undead and blood.

Mira had a strong relationship her parents who actually is a Witch and a Wizard who would read her books of magic. One day they left a note saying he wanted to enjoy life with the woman he married so he went to find his destiny. He would have taken Mira but she was too young. Mira misses them dearly and wished she could have gone with them.

Ever since her parents left Mira actually has been researching magic herself hoping to become stronger in spirit and both mind. She actually enjoyed her job delivering packages it kept her away from her monster marco and kept her fit . Also it helped her get some more research done at local libraries and taverns. In taverns she would hear stories of travelers far wide fighting monsters, finding treasures, and forming groups. Every story she heard she can picture them doing it.Sometimes she would spend too much time there lose track of her delivery schedule. Resulting in getting attacked by Marcos’s zombies for being late.
On the day of her 18th birthday she finally decided It now her turn to see the world then be locked up in a store with her crazy.

So that night she packed her Sack with food, water and some books of the magic books her father used to keep. She left a small note on the door saying she was leaving for good so she won’t be a problem for him anymore. She slipped into the night and ran down the street. Despite her depressing misdemeanor she was quite happy and excited leaving the shop. She found ad on a wall about the Vanya Agency. They were accepting adventurers far and wide to become agents. She knew the agency wasn’t far from here. She took as a ad as sign to for destiny to see the world and its magic’s in it. She decided to to enlist.

Descriptive Stats:

Hair Color/ Style:Glacier blue
Eye Color:Amythest
Skin Color:Colbalt

Possesions: Books of simple magic and creatures.


-Spells: Level One Magic-