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User Image

Age: ????

Sex: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 175 lbs

Build: Toned, Sleek

Race: Dark Elf

Pets: None

Profession: Assassin/ Death Knight, Royal Guard Captain

Bio: Zavad is a joker, and comes off as carefree. He doesn't give off any indication he's top ranking Kutyák, royal assassin. He is well liked among his fellow guards. Zavad is Kali's older brother and good friend to Keene. He was one a wanted criminal but thanks to the effort of Keene, he can now walk the streets a free man.
Additional Refs: [By jeyoriginal] [By Chiaku] [By syuzuki] [ By loveless-tan] [By DeZarin] [By myu-san] [By RedTempestt] [By Achikun]

Descriptive Stats
    Hair Color: Bright Blue Grey. Side parted bangs, Short and spikey in back.
    Eye Color: Bright Blue
    Skin: Grey tinged with blue.
    Clawed Hand: Left Hand is clawed and blackened.
    [Skin/Hair and Claw Example]
    Facial Markings: Black markings go above (your left) right eye, and below (your right) left eye. [Marking Example]
    Scars: The jagged scars on back between shoulder balades on either side of spine. [Scars/Clothing Reference]

    Wears Casual Clothes, even on the job. Likes subdued colors.