Name: Sora
Aliases/ Nicknames: The blur.

Physical Description:Takes the appearence of a young 12 year old to fool his enemies.

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Age: 19. Died 1989.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Riku
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Zanpaktou: Not achieved
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Shikai Release: Open the door, Riku.

Shikai: Not achieved.

Shikai zanpukto appearance:
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Shikai ability: Zanpukto shoots dark blasts.

Bankai: Not achieved.

Bankai appearence:
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Bankai zanpukto appearence:
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Bankai powers:
Enhanced speed.

Dark flair: Shoots a huge blast of dark spiritual energy towards opponent.

Light flair: Shoots a huge blast of light spiritual energy at the opponent.

Special Accessories: A necklace with a crown emblem. It gives him an extra boost of spiritual energy.

Spiritual pressure seeker.

Can hide his spiritual pressure when not fighting.
His zanpukto can unlock any door.
Reatsu defense: Shields himself using his own spiritual pressure.

Personality: Hyper, doesnt act his age. Afraid of sleeping.

Biography/History: A hollow killed him, and his family. Joey has seeked revenge ever since, so he hunts down hollows and punishes them. Joe seems to go a bit mad during battle.

Signature/Patented Technique: None.

Guild Status: Member?

Online Schedule:
Weekdays= 2 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Weekends= randomly between 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.