Name:Zack Sky
Aliases/ Nicknames:none

Physical Description:Height:7'
Weight:150 pounds
Others:red haird and a scar going down his right eye

Death:October 12 2007

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:none

Zanpaktou:not achieved
Shikai Release: (Release Phrase)

Shikai:not achieved

Bankai:not achieved

Special Accessories: (if any)



Personality:Shy when asking, independant, and boring.

Biography/History: (A must have)

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)

Guild Status: (Rank or Level)

Online Schedule:weekdays after 3:30 p.m sometimes on in weekdays and on weekdays im on most of the times