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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:27 pm

Tonya scurried down the alley, her tail swishing behind her. She was to meet her lover. The baby was coming. Kane and she would meet secretly every few weeks. For a bond between a feral and a human was unthinkable. If they were ever caught dreadful things would happen. The feral half-breed (half human, half feral) would be taken and Tonya and Kane slaughtered. But, the two didn’t care they were in love. Love makes you do crazy things you know. It even makes you defy all the rules.

The pain had started as Tonya entered the under path. Kane was nowhere insight. What had happened? He should have been here by now. Suddenly she saw him in the distance. Something was wrong. A man accompanied him. No not a man, a control robot. Tonya tried to run, but the pain was unbearable. She saw her lover being forced ahead. A gun glistened as it prodded his sleek back. Tears strew his face.

She watched as the robot shoved him to the ground. It pulled a sharp metal string out of its side. Its arms descended and the metal wrapped around her lover’s neck. His head snapped and his body listlessly descended to the gravel. Through her eyes you could see her shattered soul. Kane’s body lay before her. The rain soaked his soulless body. The robot turned to her.

“This is your fault,” he said. Rained mixed with her tears and the pain came once more.

Tonya screamed out in pain. The robot watched in disgust. There was another rule. No child would be killed. Not even the vilest of creatures. Instead they would be used as servants or worse as slaves. She gave a final scream and a child was born. The offspring was human by looks. She wore a head of blue and silver streaming hair. Fair skin covered her small frame. The robot took the child from her mother. He brushed back the baby’s hair. Two fox ears uncurled.

“Retched child, you know not what you parents have done.”

The robot turned on his heel and strode away from Tonya. “Please, please just let me hold her.”

He left her there to bleed into nonexistence. When seeing that he was out of sight, and knowing that she wouldn’t upset the baby, she clenched the dagger. With one last final breath she spoke these words “I will always be with you my child.” She looked at Kane, motionless and icy cold. “I’m coming my love!” Tonya thrust the dagger into her chest. Her body let out a sigh and she fell on top of her lover. Another feral had been ridden from the world.



The robot carried the abomination to a wealthy family’s home. He grasped the golden lion and knocked. A young woman answered the door. She held a child in her arms. The robot quizzically looked at the bundle in lady Magda’s arms.

“O, I’m sorry commander this is my son Dallas.”

“Ah so this is the young prodigy I’ve been hearing about, very fine boy.” “

What brings you to our home?”

“I’ve brought you a present: A servant in the making.”

Magda uncovered the child. A look of horror overcame her features.

“That... That’s a feral!”

“Do not be alarmed, she is harmless in this state.”

If you wish, you may take her. And raise her to be your servant.”

“Well I guess we can use her for something. We’ve always wanted a pet,” smirked the woman.

Magda left to put her child down for a nap. As she lowered him into the cradle she whispered “Don’t worry I’ll keep that little demon away from you.” She bent down and brushed the spiky blue hair from black eyes. Then she turned and went to fetch the thing from commander. He placed the child in her arms, and thanked her. Magda closed the door and called for one of her servants.

“Cynthia, come here!”

“Yes mam.
What do you need?”

“Take this filthy creature and set it up in the basement.

She did as she was told. Cynthia took a crate and laid a rag inside. She then grabbed a blanket and layered the makeshift cradle. Carefully placing the baby into it, she smiled. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Cynthia knew what a life she had ahead. It wasn’t a pretty one. Magda came down the stairs. She saw the servant smiling. In a fit of rage she kicked the cradle under the stairs and locked the door.

That night Cynthia couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t bear the thought of that child sleeping alone in the dark. So she grabbed the torch and descended down the stairs. Every time the floorboard creaked her heart stopped. If Magda woke up, Cynthia would be beaten. She didn’t care; a strong force drew her to the child. Cynthia was to bear a child last year, but Magda found out. She beat her so bad she miscarriaged. The feral was the closest thing to the child she never had. The servant opened the basement door and fiddled with the stairs lock. When she opened it she saw the child. She lay in a corner of the crate curled into a ball. The baby was terrified. It was so cold. Cynthia lifted her up and crept towards her room. She locked the door and laid the baby on her bed. She dressed the child in the clothes she had for her lost child. Cynthia cried the clothes fit perfectly. Her daughter was home now.



Eighteen years had passed from that day. Sophitia as Cynthia had named her grew up into a strong child. Full of will and hope with the help of her mother’s love. Cynthia treated her as her own. She raised the feral and taught her how to read and write. Taught her not to resent her owner’s for they were too naïve to know their wrongs. Magda kept Sophitia locked in the attic along with the dust encrusted crates. The forgotten treasures were her only friends. They told stories of far away lands. Sophitia read the books, from the attic, every chance she got. Once, Magda caught her reading. She scolded her. Told her she would disgrace the literature. Magda threw the book into the flames. She held Sophitia back as she whimpered for the book. After that she only read them when Magda was asleep. She would stay awake for hours and read by candle light. Her fox eyes adapted to the darkness making her able to be lost in the stories. They took her to a better place, and showed her what living really is.

Little did Magda know, her son was fascinated by Sophitia from the first time he laid eyes on her. Dallas grew attached to her quickly and they became friends. Whenever his mother went to town he would stay behind. He would climb the attic stairs and sit with the feral. Dallas wasn’t afraid of her he was sorry for her. Here he was able to do anything he wished. While Sophitia stayed locked up all her life, he enjoyed the outside world. She had never smelled the roses bloom or heard the birds, He would change that. Dallas would show her the world. He would show her how to live. He had to get her out of here before Magda crushed any hope of a life.
Sophitia awoke to arguing. She got out of bed and crawled to the peak hole she had made many nights before. Below you could see Magda yelling at Cynthia. Cynthia was beginning to show. She was pregnant again. This time by a feral man, an outcast of society. She had sealed her fate. Magda opened the door and shoved her out.

“Get out of my house you ****. You’ll never see Sophitia again. The first chance I get I’m selling her for research!”

“Please mam don’t,” Cynthia pleaded.

Sophitia had heard it all. She lay there shocked at the words. What was research? What would they do to her these people. She had to get out…Had to leave soon before her fate was sealed.



The next day the house was vacant except for Dallas and Sophitia. Dallas awoke to sobs above. He dressed and pulled the ladder down. Climbing it he could hear louder and more frequently cries from the attic. Something was wrong. Sophitia was in pain. He didn’t like that. Dallas slowly pried open the door. When he lifted himself onto the attic floor Sophitia was no where in sight. He lit a match and looked around the room. There she was curled up in a corner. She rocked back and forth sobbing pitifully. Her wrist was bruised. She had been biting it again. It was a nervous habit of hers.

Dallas slowly approached her. He laid a hand on her shoulder. She slashed out at him. Claws extended they sliced threw his hair, barely missing his eyes.

“Thanks for the hair cut,” he laughed.

She turned around angrily and tried to smack him. He caught her arm and pulled her into and embrace. She let him pull her to the floor, and they stayed there and just hugged. The warmth of him calmed Sophitia. She told him everything. He resented his mother. Dallas didn’t have much compassion for her. He hated her at that moment. A plan was boiling. Dallas would take her away from this place. She wouldn’t go to that retched laboratory! Sophitia would be his forever. She was the only true friend he had. He couldn’t loose her.

They would leave Friday night, the day of his graduation. Sophitia and he would live off of his trust fund. Friday morning he would extract it from the bank, and they would go. Dallas awoke the next day and hurried to school. His silver gown tripped him every few steps. Sophitia watched from the window smiling. She knew tonight she would see the world. The servant girl would now live out the adventure in the fairytales. Little did she know that wouldn’t happen. Dallas ran up the stairs to his home. He threw some clothes into a travel bag and went to wake Sophitia



Dallas threw open the attic door.
“Sophitia come one were leaving”. But she wasn’t there. He called again in case she was hiding. She was nowhere. He called one last time.

You could hear the fear in his voice” Sophitia!”

She didn’t answer. He slid down the ladder. Dallas ran to his mother’s bedroom. He was furious. He rammed her door with his fist. When she didn’t answer he broke the door down.
“Mother where is he! Where is Sophitia?”

“She’s gone. I sold her.” Tears rolled down his face.
“How could you?”

“What do you care? She was just a piece of trash…. a piece of trash that needed disposing of.”

“A piece of trash! A piece of trash!” Dallas raised his hand in rage. He clenched his fist and shoved it in his mother’s face.

“You are the piece of trash mother! You are what need disposing of. You are the vilest thing on this earth. Go rot in hell for all I care!”

Magda just laid there. Horror stricken she was lost for words. Dallas ran out of the house grabbing his bag on the way. He ran screaming his friend’s name. After running for what seemed like hours he collapsed. He collapsed against a wall and just cried. Dallas yelled Sophitia’s name until he could no longer speak. Throat scarred and heart broken he crawled into a sewage pipe and slept.

Sophitia awoke to an icy cage and a death filled room. She could see the other animals. Some dead, some diseased, most cried out in pain. What was this place? Where was Dallas? He promised. He promised her that he would free her. Dallas lied. He must have. Why did he lie? She thought he cared for her. She thought he was her friend. Sophitia cried out herself. She cried for the pains of her life, and for the pain to come. A needle pricked her spine. As she fell against the bars she could make out a figure. A man stood in front of the cage and wide evil grin across his lips. Her world blacked out and she fell to the cold metal floor.



Dallas woke up to a midday sun. How long had he slept? He had to find her. He had to find Sophitia. A busy market lay before him. Puddles layered the alley. He looked at his reflection. His long spiked blue hair lay stuck to his face and clothes. It had rained that night. Dallas was soaked and hungry. He walked into the market. An open bakery lay in front of him. Carefully he grabbed a loaf of bread and cheese and stuffed his pockets. In his haste he hadn’t taken much money. Only enough to find out the information needed. A bribe as you would say. He hated to steal, but he would do anything. Do anything to get her back. Dallas found another alley and ate breakfast. Then he got up and went to search for a snoop.

Sophitia awoke to find herself in a large room. She lay on a cold slab of metal. Her arms latched with thick pieces of metal. Needles suspended above her. Sophitia looked around the room. When she saw the viles she stopped. Baby and adolescent ferals lay in greenish liquid. Some with eyes closed others with horror stricken faces. Footsteps approached. A man in a white coat walked towards her. He grabbed her chin and looked into her ----- eyes.

“So you’re awake. Now we can start the fun.”

The needles closed in on Sophitia. They thrust through her skin. Tears rolled down her face as she thrashed and screamed in pain.

“Ahh,” Dallas was pushed to the ground by some unknown pain. His arms and chest burned like molten lava. In his mind he could here Sophitia’s cries. He felt her pain. Tears came from his eyes. Dallas could see her before him. It seemed as if she was there. He crawled towards the illusion. What was this? She wasn’t really here. Where was she? Dallas tried to call out but he blacked out. The pain was unbearable. Their bond was too close their minds now linked.

Sophitia choked up blood. Not only did the experiments cause her pain, but the mental images she had sent Dallas drained her energy. She tried to break free. The latches were too thick. Her strength was gone. At least the strange man had gone. She missed Dallas. Sophitia was going mad in this hell hole. She wouldn’t last long. Dallas must hurry.



Dallas regained consciousness. He had to find her quick before time was out. Scrambling to his feet, he went to seek someone that could track her down. After walking for hours Dallas came to a small building. The sign read: “Futuristic Private Eyes--- We Cater to all your needs.” Entering the shop an odd assortment of gadgets greeted him. Everything from self servings forks to robotic parents. He approached the counter. No one in sight he rang the bell. A middle aged man trudged in. A notepad in hand, pen behind ear, and a hat lay over one eye. He turned the corner and walked towards Dallas.

“Can I help you?” “I need to find someone fast.”

“Ahh… this way.” He motioned to a door.

“Now what is all this about?”

“I’ve lost a friend. “

“O, a lady friend?” he grinned.

“In a way yes, but it’s not what you think. “ “She’s my servant,” Dallas lied in a way.

“I see. Why not just buy a new one?” He thought for a while before answering.

“She’s a special thing, if you know what I mean? She’s part feral.”

” O, Ahh I get it kind of like a trophy to you.”

“Yea. That’s right.”

Dallas wanted to slug the guy. She wasn’t a thing she was a person. The guy asked him a few questions and then sent him on his way. Dallas had paid the man $200, and more to come. He promised to have her found within a week’s time. If he didn’t, Dallas would be reimbursed. He didn’t care about the money, he just wanted her. Dallas couldn’t live without her. She was the only one that every really cared for him. He wouldn’t loose her!



Sophitia was still coughing up blood when the man carried her to the cage. At this rate she would slowly bleed to death. The man threw her in and turned the lock. He then exited the room and dimmed the lights. It was going to be a long night for her. The serum they had injected was a new prototype. The drug would supposedly triple her strength, and help in overturning the government. The ferals were merely a tool in the conquest to tear down the rules. Turn the world back into its previous state. Before the robots came, utopia was freedom. Now it was rules and restrictions. But they had underestimated Sophitia and she soon she would be strong enough to escape.

Dallas paced in the lonely hotel room he had rented for the week. The room was marked from all the circling. He couldn’t sleep or eat. Dallas was afraid for her. After yesterday he hadn’t heard from her. He worried. What if he was too late? Was she already gone? Had they killed her? He had to stop thinking these things. It would break his heart every time her face came to mind. He sank onto the bed and couldn’t help from feeling guilty. He’d seen where she lay on the cold metal. No warmth to embrace her. No attic to hide in. Dallas couldn’t take sleeping on that bed. He walked over to the bathroom and curled up on the cold tile. If she had to endure this, he would be right along side her.

The bleeding had finally stopped. She tried to stand, but acid coarsed threw her veins. Her body was on fire surged with unfound strength. The drug was taking its affect. Slowly it changed her from the inside out. Her hair grew longer and eyes fiercer. A rage over took her and she fiercely began bashing the bars. They bended to her will and she scrambled threw. She pulled the lock apart and entered the room. Her eyes stopped at the feral children. Suspended in time they lay in the green liquid. She ravenously knocked them over ruining the test subjects.

Workers came charging in. She knocked them all to the ground. Sophitia was about to escape when a needle pierced her neck. She tried to pull it out, but already her body gave out. Blackness over came her and she fell into a deep sleep. Two hands picked her up and placed her in a bulletproof room. When she awoke the first thing she did was ram the glass. But it was in vain for no matter how hard she tried it wouldn’t shatter. She looked around the white room. A few feet away lay two hand weapons. Sophitia crawled forward and studied them.



No sooner than she touched them did a secret door open. A slender man entered, on his back hung a large sword. He motioned her forward. Out of instinct she grasped the weapons and ran forward. She slashed out and nicked the man’s ear. Crimson blood spurted from the cut. Sophitia watched in awe. Her feral side pleaded for her to kill him. The human side of her said no. The man lay on one knee cradling the piece of ear.

“You *****. I’ll kill you!” A bullet came from nowhere and stopped the man. He fell forward onto Sophitia’s feet. She screamed. Never had she seen a dead person. Blackness over came her once more and she fainted.

Dallas was growing impatient two days had passed. Still no word from the snoop, what was taking so long? He had to eat something. If he didn’t he wouldn’t last another day. And she needed him he must stay alive and well for her sake. Dallas awoke, dragged himself out of the bathroom, and went to a café downtown. Cars flew above him, people hovered past him. This futuristic life was never to his liking. It was too complicated, too profound. He hated this world, and most in it. All except Sophitia, only she did he care for.

Sophitia stirred inside the chamber. Was that a dream or was it real? The pool of blood around her told her the reality. She scrambled away from it. Frantically rubbing her skin with the towel they had left for her. What had she become? She wanted to kill him. Wanted to taste his blood, to see what a human tasted like. But something had stopped her. Something told her it wasn’t right. If she did what she wanted she would be the same as them. She didn’t want to be that.

Dallas decided to go out that day. He needed a break. Some time to clear his head. While walking down the streets he passed a run down building. If it was run down….why where the lights on? A crate lay under a window. He headed for it. Carefully he climbed it and peeked threw the open window. Inside he saw an examining table. His heart stopped. This was the room he saw in the vision. It was where the needles had hurt Sophitia. This wretched place had harmed his best friend. In the corner of a glass room he saw her. She lay curled up on the soft white floor. A featureless face he saw. Something was wrong.



He couldn’t wait to get in there, to hug her and take away all the pain. But he had to wait. He had to wait till dark. So Dallas reluctantly went back to his room. He had to ready him self for the task at hand. Weapons were needed and a change of clothes for Sophitia. A bit later he headed into town. Dallas bought the most expensive clothes he could manage. They would be for her. He hopes this would make up for time lots. Darkness was coming. Running he grabbed his bag from the hotel and headed for the laboratory.

When he got there he slowly pulled himself into the building. He threw the bag in front of him, and began working on the door. He was no locksmith but he had some skills. Within a few minutes the lock clicked and the door creaked open. Dallas headed for the glass room. He felt around for a switch and opened the door. Before him he saw a repulsive sight. A man was on top of Sophitia. His hands traveled on top of her clothing.

“Get your filthy hands off of her!”

Dallas ran forward and thrust the dagger into the man’s skull. He slumped to the ground and twitched on the floor. Blood splattered the two of them.

Sophitia lay unconscious. What had that beast done to her? Dallas gently lifted her and carried her to the window. He jumped out and landed hard on the grass below. As soon as his feet touched the ground he ran to the hotel room. He lowered her onto the bed and covered her. Dallas just stared of her. Afraid she would disappear he never took his eyes off of her. When Sophitia awoke the next morning, he was asleep beside her. She couldn’t believe it. “

I’m free,” she whispered.

Sophitia bent down and kissed Dallas’s forehead. He woke with a smile.

“Good morning my friend, I missed you.”
They laid there hugging till their stomachs rumbled.


“I’m hungry.” Dallas left to get them some breakfast.


When he returned a huge smile was on his face. He slowly went to her side and reached under the bed. A white box dragged forward. It contained a blue dress and white boots. They were fit for a noble. Tears swelled in Sophitia’s eyes. She gently ran her fingers threw the laces of the dress. Her hands traveled over the sleek leather boots. Sophitia threw her arms around Dallas and sobbed.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s just... No one has ever done something like this.”

“There’s more.” Dallas turned around so she could dress. She was so happy. The clothes fit perfectly, though it felt weird. It felt odd to wear such clothing. Dallas stood and turned around. His eyes fell on an angel.

“Wow. You look different.” Dallas sat beside her and stroked her hair. He brushed it till it shown. Then he washed it and brushed it once more. Her hair shown like metallic crystals. Dallas got up and walked to the door. Behind it you would find a familiar face, and a few new ones. The knob turned and a woman walked in. She was accompanied by a man and a child in her arms. The man was her husband a feral. You couldn’t tell though for he was a half-breed. He hid his features under long black hair.

Sophitia was elated. The woman was Cynthia. In her arms lay her feral child. But something was different. It looked human. Because a half-breed had bore a child with a human, the feral side of the baby was hidden. Cynthia hugged Sophitia. When she saw what she was wearing. She just smiled. She always knew her daughter would have the best. Now she did. But anger she also felt. They had to teach these people a lesson.

They talked it over and they all agreed. Dallas was a bit hesitant. He didn’t want to danger her again. But it was her choice. She felt as if she had to. After all the pain revenge sounded pretty good. They would do it within a month’s time. The five of them first would teach Dallas’s mother a lesson. Then the laboratory. Finally the government!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:33 pm
This is a mini novel i wrote fr a friend a few years back.  


Shard Of Ronin

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:19 am
A good read, I like it.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:45 am
woa did you read whole thing lol? xd eek
thanks biggrin  


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