EDIT: Use this as your starting base! The mole is the only item I insist upon.
Just click the avi, and then choose, "EDIT THIS AVATAR" Then save your creation, and post it, as well as the item list from Tektek, in this thread.
I want to plan a Gaia Wedding, but I'm not sure what outfit to wear, or what would look good.
I think I'll ask all you super awesome Tektek'rs out there to give me a hand.
The only things I ask for are that you guys limit the big-ticket items to what you know I have, or can get easily. I have a few evolving items and what-not, but some aren't evolved the whole way.
Here's what I have, for sure that you might end up using:
-3 Winter Roses
-2 Fully Evolved Inari's Beads
-1 Dreamer's Dust
-1 Enchanted Book 9th Gen.
-1 Picolitrosso's Urn 11th Gen.
-1 Snow Feather
-1 Western Zodiac
-1 Fallen Wish 1st Gen.
And there you go! HAVE AT IT! <3