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Reply [IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]
[PRP] On The Outskirts...

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:16 pm
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"This is stupid. You're doing this thing where you're an idiot, and I won't stand for it." The Harrier insisted to his lion companion as they continued their march on the outskirts of the land. He had to admit, he was getting a little sick of Hifadhi acting like an idiot, and Pepo would be the first to admit to his concern for the old lion. But he had always known Hifadhi better than anyone else, except maybe Ngao... and his sharp tongue, or beak, was not about to stop him from attempting to patrol.

"It isn't unreasonable. You're the one who's acting out." Hifadhi told his companion, liking the way he could stretch his legs when he was out and about. His back still hurt him, and his muscles were sore, but he had finally fully recovered... as much as he could anyway, from the events of the summer. He was an old lion though, and that meant that his wounds continued to bother him, long healed or not.

He would never admit that Pepo was right and that he shouldn't be out and about on his own. But he didn't want a companion who felt that they were babysitting him, and Ngao was busy with her duties. His duties. No matter what Pepo told him, they had been his duties, so he still considered them... his. His stupid old age was just getting to him again. He knew he was supposed to be dead by now anyway. He should have died honourably, like any reasonable lion would have at his age. All of his friends were gone anyway... the last of them gone that summer. If not for Ngao and the children... and so many of the other lions he had trained once, would he even be needed anymore? He knew he was only there because they 'liked' him. Aside from that, he was useless.

"Oh no, I know that look. I won't have that self-pitying face." Pepo told him, reading his companion's mind effortlessly as he took off into a near-by tree. "You know that your advice is still highly respected Hifadhi. Don't act like it doesn't matter, you stupid old gazelle." He said. He often found that negative reinforcement helped Hifadhi to get angry enough to keep fighting.

And honestly, Pepo had seen too many birds of late trying to move on without their lions, and it broke his heart. He wouldn't have known what to do without the old man. He had been with him ever since he had been a child, an egg even. He didn't think he could have bonded with anyone else.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:31 pm
She was tired, and her throat was as dry as the earth beneath her paws. It had been days since she had run away, tears in her eyes that made tiny crusts in the corners making it hard to blink until she wiped them away. Her mother, she didn't understand, Ijaba merely wanted to be with her father, know her father, and her mother didn't want anything to do with searching him out it seemed, her mother, just wanted a perfect life, the two of them, and for Ijaba, that was enough.

She wanted care, love, devotion, attention, not the attentive over protective nonsense of babying her mother gave her every day, she was nearly grown now! No, she wanted something else, an adventure, a challenge, but, security, warmth, in the end, warmth in her heart no matter what the chase.

"Please Miss Ijaba, we must stop, you must stop, we need to find shade, and water for you and I," Maizanna was concerned, not only for her own health but for her companions. They had found each other the night Ijaba had apparently left her home, Maizanna was lost as well, and they became one in wanting and desire, in wanting something more than what they had. Maizanna had an unhappy life, tending to those that were too lazy to do work, but Ijaba, was kind hearted and wild spirited, but now...now...

"Please, you must stop, the sun on your back, your fur is dry, please," Maizanna flew down to Ijaba, hovered in front of her eyes and though she got no answer, she flew to Ijaba's tail, gripped it with her beak and pulled back, but let it fall," Please, please rest now..."

It was so hot, and Ijaba lapped her lips but her tongue was dry, her breath was short, almost in pants, and her eyes were half lidded. Her pelt was beaten upon by the sun, and water had not touched her throat in too long, and as if on cue, Ijaba fell onto her side, unable to even curl up closer to herself, her legs sprawled out, "I can't...go anymore...I-" she was so tired, there was no shade, there was only the longing in her throat, stomach, and heart.

"Miss Ijaba! Ijaba!" Maizanna landed beside her head and pulled on her ears but to no avail her companion would not rise, there was no security here, no seclusion, no protection, and she feared for her companions safety. "I will be back Ijaba, I swear it," Maizanna took off from the ground and headed in one direction, a call for help pouring from her tiny body as she flew on, hoping.



PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:41 pm
Hifadhi looked up. His body may have been old and 'decrepit' by his own wording, but his ears were as good as ever, and he heard something calling for help a while off. While Pepo chattered in the background, the large lion turned his head about, searching for the source of the noise, which Pepo apparently couldn't hear a word of.

"Pepo. Shut up." He said with his more booming commander voice, which immediatly silenced Pepo, who attempted to follow Hifadhi's head motions as he listened for the source of the cry. "Can you hear that? I think someone is calling..."

"Yeah, I can hear it." Pepo told him with a short nod, taking off high into the sky to get a better look around while Hifadhi stuck to the ground. The two of them had a long time to work out these kinds of missions, and worked almost in perfect syncronization when it was called for. Pepo was good at surveying situations, and had saved a life or two with his careful eyes.

With them he spotted the female avian he looked down at Hifadhi, "Don't move! I'll report back!" He said, zooming forward at his top speed towards the girl he saw, "Hey! Hey! Over here! What's wrong?" He asked, catching up to her almost immediatly. She really hadn't been that far away, he was suprised he hadn't heard her.

Hifadhi, of course, did not wait, and instead elected to follow after the bird, keeping a firm eye on Pepo as he flew towards the female bird. He wondered what her problem was... it wasn't exactly odd to see a bird around their pride, after all everyone had an avian companion, himself included... but he wasn't sure that he knew this girl.

Maybe she was new to the area and had gotten lost? It was hard to say who the bird Goddess would send them sometimes. Maybe her future bonded was in the area. It was always hard to tell.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:50 pm
Mai'zanna saw him approach, and for a moment she thought she herself was in danger but upon his arrival to her, she stopped and hovered in the air for a moment, "Please sir, my companion, she is a little ways away, she hasn't eaten or had a satisfying drink in several days, I told her to stop, to find an area of seclusion but she wouldn't listen and kept walking on, she's collapsed, please can you help me? Can you help her?"

She hovered for a moment, and saw the lion below where the male had flown from, were they companions to? "Your friend?" she assumed, and with no further delay she turned and dive bombed down towards the male, and before coming to the ground in a halt she zoomed by his ear, "This way, please come," and she started back towards Ijaba, she could see her pale form ahead, Mai hoped she had not been too long even for those few frequent moments.

Ijaba could hear a rattling, almost like the world around her was buzzing and she closed and opened her eyes and took a breath, moved her legs but to no avail she could not rise, "M-mai-?" she called aloud? Where had she gone? The intelligent little silly bird she was, Ijaba wasn't sure what kind Mai was either, silly thing, but she...where was she?

Flaps, in her ears, thats what she thought she heard as she tried to move again, and as she did, a horrible pain shot in her side and she gasped and moaned in pain, her stomach was empty, and was gripping her from the inside.

It hurt, adn she curled up somewhat, but could not bring her paws to herself in a vain attempt to hold herself, hoping the pain would subside. She shuddered, and felt hot and tired, "M-mai..."



PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:59 pm
Pepo nodded, racing after the girl. Well, in the cynical back of his mind he was glad that the girl's friend hadn't been attacked, because that would mean Hifadhi had to fight, and he wasn't sure the old man was ready for that... not now. But maybe this would be good for him? If the girl wasn't already dead that was. He really needed to stop thinking so negantively. It was really getting him nowhere.

"Don't worry, we can help. We're from a pride near-by, we know the area very well." He assured her, flying beside her. "Hifadhi may not look like much, but he's strong, he'll be able to get her to saftey, don't worry. We know what we're doing." It had been a while since they had saved a damsel in distress though. That had been something for back in their younger years... not to say Pepo was old. He wasn't that old. Not like Hifadhi...

Hifadhi was on the case without thinking twice. He ran after them as they went, despite the fact that his muscles and back would absolutely loath him for that later. But someone was in danger. He knew he had to help... to prove he wasn't still useless. That wasn't really the foremost thought in his mind, but it was always a lingering doubt. That he wouldn't be able to save anyone ever again, and would be forever be doomed to being saved. He would rather die.

He spotted the girl quickly, a young hybrid. He had always been more farmiliar with lions and birds as species, but he knew what she was at least. He had met the occasional hybrid on his travels. He quickly moved up beside her, looking down. He glanced up towards the birds after that.

"She's alive." Hifadhi couldn't quite keep the relief out of his voice at that. No one else would die on his watch. "Come on little girl, stay with me..." He muettered under his breath, sliding her onto his shoulders with a careful manouver he had learned long ago saving comrads from the battlefeild. Back when he had been Captain of the Guard. "I'll take you to saftey..." He headed towards the nearest spring he knew off.

Hidden, but not far. Most would have missed it if they didn't know where to look, but he had lived there a long time. He knew every nook and cranny of his home.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:09 pm
"Thank you, both you and to your companion," Mai'zanna praised as they flew on. Her wings fluttered to a halt when she set upon the ground, the male avian's companion already at Ijaba's side. Mai could see her eyes opening and closing, the slow rhythm and rise and fall of her chest, she was alive, but so tired and deprived of necessities, or nutrients and vitamins needed for her health.

This lion, although he seemed aged, knew what he was doing. Primed, in Mai's opinions, for such things, he was strong, fast, intelligent, his companion avian seemed to be the same. "Ijaba, do not fear Ijaba, they are here to help, stay awake, please," she chirped as the male lion moved Ijaba onto his back. She was tiny compared to his size, although she was not fully grown, she would still be small regardless. She flew on though, following the male lion and avian, and stayed silent the way there.

Ijaba felt herself being moved, lifted almost, as if she was rising to the stars to nestle amongst the clouds like stories she had heard, but fur was beneath her, rough yet soft, but there was warmth, tenderness in the touch, and she felt herself. For a moment when her eyes were half lidded, she saw his face, his eyes, he seemed rough, but there was a gentleness, and softness in his eyes, such a color, so calm, yet endearing.

She opened her mouth to say something, but couldn't find the words, only felt herself being carried, not at a hurried pace, but even, as she would not fall, she could move her toes slightly, and to keep herself from falling, she gripped his shoulder gently, softly as much as she could muster in her strength, which wasn't much, and she rested her head on his mane.

This felt safe...he felt safe.



PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:19 pm
"No need to thank us. I assure you." Pepo said kindly, flying along with her so that she didn't feel left out. She clearly cared a great deal for her companion... and he knew the feeling. Many times Hifadhi had gone into battle, or something completely irrelevant and stupid, and nearly gotten himself killed. He wouldn't have known what to do if the old idiot died...

No. No more thinking of death. Clearly everything would be alright. Hifadhi had it under control. Though he would probably wind up throwing out his back after carrying the girl... she wasn't exactly a large creature, but she was big enough. But now was hardly the time to point that out. He could make fun of his old friend's stupidity later.

Hifadhi felt the girl cling to his coat and couldn't help but smile, though he couldn't say why. She was going to be alright. She wouldn't die like so many before her had in this land... she seemed so small and frail. Though she was hurting his back a bit, he barely felt it as he took her into a more shaded grove where the spring lay. He set her down gently beside the water, slowly moving her towards it. He didn't want her to fall in by accident and drown...

"Here. Drink, you'll be alright..." He would have to find her something to eat as well. But for now water was more important, for the girl was surely dehydrated. He was sure he could scrounge up some food... or at least make Pepo do it. Yes, that seemed suitable. He didn't want to leave her alone and so vulnerable. "Pepo, go and find something she can eat. I'll make sure she doesn't fall in."

"Aye aye!" Pepo proclaimed, without a trace of sarcasm as he took flight from them, scowering for something that she could eat. He had hunted these lands often, and was certain he would be able to find something quickly. Perhaps not the largest meal, but at least something to help her get back on her feet.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:31 pm
"No matter, I still thank you, you don't know how much Miss Ijaba means to me," Mai'zanna said with a nod, her eyes shining in appreciation, she felt herself indebted to these two. Mai'zanna was able to go for water and without a decent meal longer than Ijaba, so she was just fine, Mai'zanna could travel farther than Ijaba while she slept, but Mai was too small to bring back any meal worthwhile to sustain her friend. As they flew, Mai felt at ease, and as Ijaba was set next to the water, Mai perched not too far from Ijaba and this lion.

He would watch her...this lion, would watch over her.

With his commands he seems so powerful, but so caring with his dedication, and as the male avian flew off, Mai stayed behind, watching over her, even though she could do nothing more but watch, "Thank you," she whispered to the large male lion before her.

She had felt herself moving, almost like flying without wings, and felt her coming to a slow and steady stop, sliding, gently though, and placed down softly, gently, and she felt cold when she had to let go of him, let go of his shoulders, and move her head from his mane. She didn't want to let go of his warmth.

Ijaba went to speak again, but she couldn't, and a almost inaudible squeak came from her throat although it was almost like a whine, like when one was scared, unknowing, alone, but she had him, whoever he was, and he was watching over her, he made her feel safe.

She lowered her head to the water's edge, and felt cold on her tongue, she couldn't drink too much at once, she knew better, though as she tried to swallow she coughed and grit her jaw together. She moved slightly closer to him then, still at the water's edge, but her tail touched his in an attempt to regain what she had moments before.

"Her name is Ijaba, sir," Mai'zanna began from behind him, watching Ijaba move towards this male, and it made her nervous, but this lion was honorable."



PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:51 pm
Hifadhi sighed with relief when she finished drinking and nodded towards the Avian girl, "Ijaba..." He said quietly, allowing her to stay close to him, but he remained close to the water in case she needed another drink. "Don't worry, my friend has gone to find you food... you'll be alright. No matter what happens, I'll keep you safe." He promised her. Strange how small and fragile she seemed then... like the cubs he had become so fond of in their pride. "I'll keep you safe Ijaba."

He wasn't sorry to stay close to her. She seemed like she needed someone who could watch over her. At least until she was safe... and she wasn't entirely safe yet. Not until Pepo brought her back something that she could eat. He knew he could count on his friend... and he couldn't abandon her. Not like this. So like his poor Ngao, so much like a daughter who was blind now... What was it about young women that always seemed to make him get tangled up with them? Could he just not resist a pretty face in trouble?

Pepo would not doubt tease him for such notions later.

Pepo himself swooped down, his long talons scooping up a snake which he carried back with him, peircing it's body so that it would not struggle. He wasn't ready to make fun of Hifadhi just yet... not until they were out of the woods and he knew that the girl was safe. At least her companion seemed to be alright, though she would no doubt have to sleep and eat soon.

But... if it had been Hifadhi in danger... if he had been the one who had been dying like that... alone, thirsty, hungry... and if Pepo hadn't been able to help him... The very thought nearly made the bird vomit on the dinner he had collected. It brought back too many painful memories.

"I've found something." He said quietly, landing beside Hifadhi carefully, "It isn't much, but it should do for now..." He said quietly, glancing back at the girl. Then he smiled at the female avian, "You should take a drink too. We wouldn't want anything happening to you. What if you die of thirst and she wakes up alone?"
PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:04 pm
Mai'zanna listened to the lion say her name once, and she nodded, and watched with a smile on her features and in her eyes, his words he murmured to her were some of those Ijaba told Mai about, the ones Ijaba had dreams of in vast adventures where she would always come back to a face and a voice that would be able to comfort her heart and soul and make her feel safe and whole. She smiled, her feathers ruffling, and she looked at the both of them.

As the male avian returned with a serpent in his talons, Mai watched, tilted her head at the sly beast caught by this ones talents, and she smiled at him too, she nodded, at his proposition, "Yes, silly me, I worry for her is all, you must understand, without her, I would have nothing you see," she moved from her perch to the waters edge and drank as much as she needed, she was satisfied, her stomach still sated from a meal a couple days before.

"I am Mai'zanna, and in the midst of these circumstances, I am grateful to meet you both," she nodded her tiny head, feathers furrowing and puffing up and she moved herself back onto her perch. "You see, Miss Ijaba and I came upon one another, and have one another now, we don't have anywhere we are going, just leaving behind what she did not want, leaving behind what I did not want, and here we are now..." who were these two that had saved Ijaba? She wished to know.

She did not fee the warmth pull away, and a faint smile crossed her maw as she moved to drink again, eyes closed, she heard the voice again, deep but soothing, like a low rumble or a purr deep and soft. Ijaba could hear his words, and wished to speak back, wished to open her eyes and see the entirety of her savior, but she couldn't do it now, not yet, and another voice crossed her ears, another one, had she not seen the other before? Cracking open one eye she saw another avian, brown in color and texture with this male.

The lion was older, but i didn't matter, his eyes...his eyes were young and youthful, with fire and spirit, she'd never forget those eyes. With the thought and scent of food, her nose wrinkled up as she moved onto her side to look up at the lion before her.

Her throat was still dry, and couldn't speak what she wanted to say...but she wanted him to stay.

She wriggled her body, brought herself closer to his side so that she felt close and warm, she couldn't lift herself up to grasp the meal that his companion had brought to her.



PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:20 pm
Pepo smiled at the girl, Mai'zanna, glad that she had taken his advice. Despite his rather full-of-himself attitude, he had spent most of his life in service to others. Helping other birds was a big part of that. She Mai seemed to be very kind, wanting to take care of the girl, Ijaba. That reminded him a great deal of... well, himself actually. He had Hifadhi had been together for ages. All his life, and more than half of Hifadhi's.

He knew what it would have meant to lose Hifadhi. He wouldn't know how to feel whole again. "No, you have nothing to be sorry about... sometimes we just forget to take care of ourselves when the ones we care about are in danger." He admited kindly.

"I am Pepo, and this is Hifadhi. We are members of the Aka'mleli pride, worshippers of the Bird-Goddess Hestia. We're... sort of retired now I guess." He tried to say that part a little quieter... Hifadhi still hated being reminded that he wasn't on active duty anymore. But Pepo was suddenly very glad that he hadn't stopped Hifadhi from going on patrol that day. Sometimes, for all his faults, the old lion could be right. "We were just out patrolling when we heard you..."

Hifadhi ignored the birds for the moment, turning his focus on Ijaba. He looked down into her violet eyes carefully... they seemed so intelligent when they opened. She was no doubt a strong girl when she was at her best, but hunger and thirst could be one's worst enemy when one traveled. She was younger than Ngao he was certain... about the age his daugher and son had been when they had died, many years before. But she was alive.

"Here, eat this... slowly." He said quietly though his authority was still clear from his tone of voice as he nudged forward the dead snake. "It will help you regain your strength. Don't fear... I'll stay here with you. Don't try to speak before you're ready." And he wouldn't leave her. He was a lion of his word, if nothing else. If he had left her she would have surely died.

...But he couldn't have left her. Not someone who seemed so helpless... It would have gone against everything he had ever stood for. But still there was something about her... She seemed so kind...
PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:05 pm
"Yes, quite true, Miss Ijaba means everything to me, she is my family now, as I am hers, what she had, from what she told me before the ordeal, was not a life she wanted," Mai'zanna said before flying down to take another drink of water. Within the pool she saw a tiny fish, not even fr Ijaba, but a little for herself. From her appearance, Mai did not seem like an avian accustomed to water, but she took chances. She reached into the pool fast, gripping the tiny fish in her talons, and looked to Pepo, and essentially broke the tiny fish in two.

Her bit was small, but enough t satisfy her stomach, and she offered the other half to Pepo, "For you, Pepo, as thanks, it is not much I know, and not enough for Hifadhi, I wish there was more I could offer to the both of you," she spoke between both companions before her, watching Ijaba struggle to speak, but she felt safe here, both of these new friends were quite nice, and secure.

Ijaba looked to Hifadhi, and to the snake, but she wondered if she ate it if he would leave. Since her journey from home, he was the only one who seemed to show kindness, for a little while she was chased by other rogues who seemed to do her harm. She moved slightly, to sit herself up some, but she didn't pull away from him. As she sat up, she leaned against his shoulder fr support, and felt dizzy, she closed her eyes and held herself against him, for she felt light headed. After a moment, she looked at him, and pulled the snake to herself, and ate it slowly.

It tasted a lot better than she thought it would, and her stomach was grateful, it took her several moments to consume her meal, and when done, she licked her paws and the corners of her mouth to clean herself. Although she was tired and her pelt was not as bright as it would be from the collective dust that had concentrated on her fur.

Ijaba looked to him again, and leaned against his shoulder, closing her eyes some as she was close, would he leave now? "D-" she started, and she stopped, coughed and took a breath, snuggling her head against his arm, "Don't...leave me...." she meant to add here to the end, but her throat was dry. He was the only one to show her kindness besides Mai and his companion, she didn't want to go out again and have this reoccur.



PostPosted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:51 pm
Pepo smiled and nodded, "Yeah, the old gizelle there means everything to me too..." He told her, smiling when she offered up half of her fish and accepting it gratefully, "Thank you very much. Hifadhi and I will be alright... don't worry about up. Our pride isn't very far from here. We've been pretty well taken care of." He had never really been on the outside of... anything. They had gone through rought times, and hard times especially as of late... but he and Hifadhi had always been in the pride and had always stuck together. They had been treated with respect for their entire lives, despite their respective losses.

"I'm sorry that the two of you have had to go through such an ideal." He said honestly, "And believe me... for Hifadhi your thanks will be enough. For me as well, I promise. Really we're just glad you're both alright. There has been..." He hesistated, not wanting to taint the meeting. Not with a mention of all of their failures... and there had been too many of those for comfort. "We're just happy to help."

Hifadhi didn't notice the food offered, or even take it into consideration. He just watched the girl, not taking his eyes off of her in case she ate to quickly or choked by mistake. He didn't move when she was finished, not intending to leave her. Perhaps ironically this was the first time in a long time that he had felt... needed. Like someone actually needed his help. And this girl had been through so much... was he really the only one who had helped her? He and Pepo?

"Don't worry. I won't leave you. Everything will be alright." Hifadhi promised her in all honesty. He wouldn't leave behind another person who had been suffering like they had... maybe not in the exact same way, but no one deserved to be abandoned when they needed someone to keep them safe. No. No he wouldn't leave her. From the sound of things, she didn't have anywhere to go anyway. At least he had always had a home...

"My name is Hifadhi. I'm going to look after you." He told her quietly, staying close and watching over her. He would. He wouldn't let anything happen to this girl... not to someone who hadn't harmed anyone to the best of his knowledge. He knew the pride distrusted outsiders now to a fair extent... but this girl had come to them, clearly dying... and she had a bird with her. Surely this was a sign of some kind.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:14 am
Mai'zanna was so grateful to the both of them she was not sure if they, either of them would truly understand what it meant to her, what they have done for them so far. What they have done for them now. Without there help, no, Mai'zanna did not want to think of it, but the truth of it was real. The truth was, that if they had not been heard and found by these two, such trouble, and anguish would have befell them both.

Mai laughed softly, as she was next to Pepo," It seems like she does not want the possibility of Hifadhi leaving her side," it was sincere, and interesting, almost cute in a style, Mai knew how untrusting others could be, and Ijaba, did not want him to leave.

Ijaba pulled herself close to him, feeling the warmth of his side against hers and she let her head lay by one of hie paws, a paw on his. A simple yet silent gesture she hoped would convey what she felt, how she was grateful, how she didn't want to be alone. Her mother seemed so distant, her father, she wanted to know and be with, but everything was astray, but now, here, it seemed so simple, so calm, even with everything that had happened.

"Ijaba..." she said softly, to offer her name in case she hadn't, she honestly could not remember if she had or not. What he said made her open her eyes halfway, where would they go, he really would not leave her here, he really, was, this kind.

Was this a dream?

"Where would we go?" she asked softly, was he part of a pride? She could not remember what words were passed, "would they let me, let me stay with you?"



PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:56 pm
Pepo wished she could express how grateful he was to them... but it seemed like it would be awkward for telling them 'thanks for almost dying on our doorstep, you've given the old man purpose again.' Yeah, no that seemed a little much, even for him. And besides, he liked Mai'zanna, she reminded him a little of himself. He was willing to do anything to protect the lion he had been bonded with. That kind of devotion was hard to come by.

He couldn't help but smile as Ijaba moved even closer to Hifadhi. It had been a long while since anyone had paid the old man that much attention. Or that much affection anyway... not since old Nomalanga had died. Ngao had always been more of a daughter than a romance of any kind. He was a little suprised Hifadhi hadn't started blushing yet. "Indeed... she seems to have taken quite a liking to Hifadhi. Isn't that something."

Hifadhi himself only smiled as Ijaba moved even closer to him. She did seem to be in a bit of a daze, but from that much dehydration he wasn't all that suprised. She was lucky to have survived at all... he wondered where she had come from. It must have been far... or perhaps she had come from nowhere at all. He did not know much of the hybrids and their groups...

"Ijaba, don't fear for now." He told her, knowing she would be safe where she was. No outsiders had come this close to the pride since... a long time. It had been a long time since the guards had been lax enough to let anyone through. Or maybe he was just further out than he usually was, which he supposed was equally as possible.

He tilted his head, watching her quietly for a moment as he listened to her speak. "I'll do my best to insure that you're kept safe... and close to me." Hifadhi told her. Yes, he would keep her close to him. He would find a way... he couldn't very well let her wander off. She clearly couldn't take care of herself. And he couldn't let anyone go off alone... but this girl... especially not this girl. Though he couldn't exactly say why.

She was special.
[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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