Name: Shigoro Koroso (SHI-goh-roh ko-RO-so)

Aliases/ Nicknames: 'Black Sand Demon' Koroso

Physical Description: User Image

Age: looks around 22 (died 18th year of Meiji, June 10)

Zanpaku-to's Spirit & Name: Black RavenUser Image

Zanpaku-to: Perfectly black sword about 7 1/2 feet long, black blade and sheath, perfectly round guard at the hilt. Instead of making a metal-on-metal scraping sound when it is drawn, it hisses like countless sand grains rubbing against each other.

Shinkai Release: Shift, Tengu Suna!

Shinkai: When he activates his Shikai, Shigoro can control the myriad grains of sand that make up his zanpakuto in whatever way he chooses, within limits:

- He cannot increase or decrease the number of grains of sand without a source
- He cannot draw moisture from living creatures above a certain level of strength, nor can he draw it from nonliving beings other than Hollows

If he directs the sand to cover his arm, leg, or any other part of his body, the sand effectively becomes the body part, rendering it immune to several forms of damage, including most attacks by regular swords.

Bankai: Tengu Suna Enma - When he activates his Bankai Shigoro can not only create new grains out of nothing, but he can also direct his sword to perfectly imitate any non-Kido-type Zanpakuto he has been able to observe in battle. (Not achieved)

Special Accessories: Fragment of the mask from his first Hollow kill, specially treated sandals that allow him to feel vibrations through the ground. As long as he is wearing them, he cannot be blinded, and knows instinctively where any opponent is, as long as they have some weight and are within 200 feet.

Skills: Inhuman toughness, instinctive ability to sense spiritual pressure (allowed him to survive Rukongai District 80 North, or 'Blood Ocean' 80, for over a decade), perfect balance (can't be knocked down unless his opponent is at least ten times as massive as he is or unless he wants to be knocked down).

Abilities: Slightly disturbing ability to see a person's true personality just from speaking to them, others mentioned above, desiccating reiatsu that can dry up small plants when activated (does not reach the plant-killing level unless Shigoro is fighting a 3rd Seat or higher)

Personality: Enigmatic, gives the impression that he knows more about the situation than anyone else present (given his other 'talents,' he's probably right).

Biography/History: During his life, Shigoro Koroso was a famous swordsman, on par with the great Okubo Toshimichi, and was considered one of the five greatest swordsman of all time...

Then the sword ban went into effect.

He was forced to give up his sword, and was reduced to wandering the streets, working for cabbage vendors, traveling salespersons, and other such distasteful company. He eventually found a new sword and revenged himself by killing the government official who took his sword in the first place. He then took up a wandering 'Ruroni' lifestyle, calling himself 'Kenshin Himura' whenever anyone wanted to know who he was. He secretly defeated several major threats, then went into hiding for the next decade or so.

He was killed in an Iaijutsu duel in Meiji 18 and taken to the Soul Society by a down-and-out Soul Reaper fresh out of the Academy. He wandered off and ended up in the 80th District of North Rukongai. Somehow he survived for the next decade without a single injury. Unfortunately, during that time the spirit of his zanpaku-to developed a 'split personality' as it were, periodically taking control of Shigoro and calling itself Tsukoro Marono. It has shown skills on par with several Captains, and may in fact be the sole reason Shigoro survived Rukongai at all. He showed up at the Seireitei gates one day and asked for entry. He was let in.

Shigoro has shown a natural talent for Zanjutsu, and passed his swordsmanship classes with top marks, in one case actually beating the teacher on a regular basis. After graduating suma c** laude Shigoro left the Soul Society for several days to visit his old home in Rukongai North 80. He has thus far refused to comment on this behavior, and shows no signs of elaborating in the future. He is currently a member of 3rd Company.

Signature/Patented Technique: N/A (yet)

Guild Status: Member

Online Schedule: I'm usually on on teh weekends for at least 3-4 hours/day, and during the weekdays around an hour starting anywhere from 5:00 to 7:45 Eastern.