Name: Osaki Yamamoto
Aliases/ Nicknames: Yama

Physical Description:
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18, died June 15, 2008

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: (N/A)
Sho-ro Otomes (Crying Maidens)
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Zanpaktou: (N/A)
A basic Katana but is has a bell on the end of the blade handle, that Osaki is always seen toying with.
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Shikai Release: (N/A)
"May your cries be heard from the heavens, Sho-ro Otome..."

Shikai: (N/A)
Osaki's Blade becomes two twin blades. The blades are curved and with some sharp ends sticking out. The handle to the blades have no guards because of the size of the blade. This shikai is made for stealth attacks/ full on attacks. He also seems to get a long twist scarf with three tails, endings.
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Not Achieved

Special Accessories:
None as of now...


Shikai Skills

Skill #1: Shojo-senpuu/ Maidens Whirlwind
-Osaki builds up energy in his blades than slash them into the ground creating a whirlwind that can cut & slash through even rock. When this attack is used a maiden is said to be heard sing.

Skill #2: Hishou Kousa-Uingu Kai/ Flying Cross Wing Cut
-Osaki dashes at high speed with his blades at his sides ready to slash his target. When he is about 10 feet away he leaps is the air at his target, but with an upward momentum and slash the enemy in the chest or torso area. The blood that comes up from the enemies wound is said to resemble wings that rise than fall to the ground.

Not Achieved

He is very Quiet, kind, some what of a loner, but when angered can push you buttons like Gin Ichimaru.

Osaki lived most of his teenage live and was about to head to a very well-known college. He was talk to a friend as they were heading to the park, where a reckless driver suddenly turned the corner. Osaki quickly pushed his friends out of the way and was struck by the car that than crashed into a small shop moments later. He awoke not alive but dead, unable to leave the world of the living, that is when a soul reaper allowed him to pass tot he other side (Rukon district) where he spent one year and made his decision to train and become a soul reaper.

Signature/Patented Technique:

Guild Status:

Online Schedule:
On at different times depending on when I get off of work/ school