Ok well here I go..
I am looking for a new background for my computer. Right now I have the lovely piece of art AlishkaNix drew for me. But I have a 22in widescreen and a 17in std monitors on my computer. Looks nice on the 17 in one but 70% (about) of the 22in one is blank... So this brings me to be looking for something that is a "wider" scale that would look nice on a wide screen monitor. And it came to me yesterday while surfing Google. Could some one draw my Avi as like the Firefox holding onto the world and have a simple-ish background? Sadly I am not a rich Gaian so I only have 11k gold at the moment but would be willing to figure some payment thing or a price.. (I would be reliable for paying if it was over time.) Would anyone be interested in helping this become reality?

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