User ImageName : Zander Kinkade (Zen-der Kin-kayd)

Aliases/ Nicknames : Zander

Age : 33 (Died at 25)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Onyota"aka or Ony for short.

Zanpaktou (Not Achieved) : [x] Just a regular katana with a square hilt made from a very strong piece of wood that he uses to occasionally parry attacks leaving the opponent open for an easy counter attack. Or so it may seem. It is impossible for anyone besides Zander to pick up Ony. Ony can change his weight to any amount. Ony's weight cap is slightly less than the weight of Jupiter. When Zander tries to pick Ony up, he decreases his weight significantly and when Zander tries to strike down on an opponent, Ony increases his weight and adds to the force Zander puts on the sword. Ony's uncanny knowledge of physics helps him appropriately change his weight at the most opportune times to help optimize damage dealt by Zander's strikes.

Shikai Release: Crush my enemies....Onyota"aka

Shikai (Not Achieved) : [x] Ony turns into a rock palm hammer and now not only can he change his weight instantaneously, Ony can also change the size and form of the hand. Ony can make the palm bigger or smaller, he can also bend the fingers if he so chooses. Other than those extra abilities, Ony retains his sealed abilities too. The palm acts as kind of an appendage of Ony that sticks out of the handle Zander holds on to. One of his favourite things to do in combat is to grab a hold of his opponent and squeeze him and if that doesn't do it, slamming Ony palm down on the ground will put him in a position to increase his weight and crush his opponent while keeping him steady so the opponent wouldn't be able to squirm out.

Bankai (Not Achieved) : [x] Not only does Ony retain his Sealed and Shikai abilities, Ony's handle is now flexible and can bend and strectch as far and for as long as he wants. He can also control which parts of the hammer gain or loose weight to optimize damage dealt to his opponent. Ony can also rotate about the handle and it comes in handy when Zander fights long range because he might not be able to see the subtle movements of his enemy clearly and adjust the position of Ony accordingly for optimum efficiency. Ony now has the ability to draw reiatsu from Zander and collect and condense it into a large rotating sphere just outside his jaw. Ony now has the option to fire the orb at his opponent and it will explode upon impact, keep it in front of his face and physically going up to his opponent and burning them with the heat of the orb, unleashing the energy of the orb in a straight burst of pure power (much like a Cero), or a combination of the three.

Special Accessories: (None as of yet)

Skills : (None as of yet)

Abilities : Zander is extremely flexible, agile, and has unbelievable fast reflexes. His uncanny ability to apply physics and manipulate variables to everything he does helps him dodge attacks in combat and optimize the damage he deals to his enemies when using his Zanpakutou. His Zanpakutou, Ony, also helps him with the latter. Zander also has an almost unparallelled ability to manouver when leaping through the air and find weak spots on his enemy and take advantage of that.

Personality : Very carefree, almost to a fault, he never takes anything seriously. He sleeps like a log though...whenever he does catch a chance to sleep... It usually takes him about 5 hours to actually gain conciousness after waking and 'till then, he's usually a zombie and is apparently quite suggestable. Most people tend to take advantage of him in this time period. However, he does tend to fight better in this state. He loves his comrades and they are definitely a big part in his life. He wouldn't be as happy if he were alone. He also loves to take shortcuts, he is very lazy and he almost never takes a street, if he needs to get from point A to point B, it's most probable that he would take a straight line by climbing over buildings and walls instead of following the roads or trails.

Biography/History : Zander came from a pretty wealthy family in the real world, he never really did much in school, in fact, he skipped a lot of school. He spent most of his time climbing buildings and ledges and jumping off them from ridiculous heights. He'd jump across building roof to roof and always tried to outdo himself each time. Even if he failed, he'd keep coming back to the same spot over and over again 'till he got it right. He had been doing it since elementary school and had continued it on 'till college. Only God knows how he managed to graduate high school and get into a decent university but he did and he continued with building jumping. He even managed to join a crew of building jumpers and learned and grew much more from being around his crewmates than he ever could being by himself. From that time on, he always tried to keep himself around other people.

One fateful day, while Zander and his crewmates were jumping, they wound up at a small playground in their neighbourhood and they decided to take a short breather as they watched the children play. They talked about how carefree those kids were and how he wished he could go back to that. The crew decided that it could be done and from that day forward, they would try their best to be that way. Then all of a sudden, the crew heard a screeching noise coming from around the corner. When they turned to look at what was making the noise, they saw a drunk motorist swerving on the road, heading toward the monkey bars, where the children were playing. The crew with their quick reflexes, built up by having to catch minute details and react so they would know where to land after jumping blindly off a ledge, quickly jumped off the wall they were on and quickly went to grab a kid to take them to safety. There was however one more kid that no one was able to get because he was farther away from the group on the swings. The kid still had no idea of the impending danger he was in, so Zander dropped off his first kid in the trees with his crew and rushed back to the kid on the swing. He saw the motor vehicle looming toward the kid and decided he could not save the kid and himself at the same time. When he got within about 4 feet of the kid, he made a concious decision to leap forward and push the kid off the swing and to safety while he got hit by the car. Even 'till the end, Zander was smiling at the kid in hopes that he wouldn't feel guilty for the sacrifice Zander had to make.

He then found himself in Seireitei and without knowledge of where he had been brought and what had happened to his crew and the kid, he decided that he would start a new life here and he would make the best of it and he would hone his skills of mastering physics to make sure he could save more lives like the kid's.

Signature/Patented Technique : (None as of yet)

Guild Status : (None as of yet)

Online Schedule : Varies from day to day, it's kind of hard to tell. When I'm on, I'm on.