Name:Voldo Vercci, (Vol-Doe, Ver-Sie)

Aliases/ Nicknames: V

Physical Description: Voldo vercci is about 5'9". He has long black hair which has a shine to it when the light hits it. He has feirce green eyes which have a shimmering shine almost glassy. He has his left ear peirced and has pale white skin.

Picture of Voldo vercci
User Image

Age: Died at 17

Zanpacto:Touzoku Oushou (Thief King) (Toe-zoe-koo, oh-shoo)

Manifestation~ White ghost fox.

Picture of spirit of Touzoku Oushou:
User Image

Sealed Form~ Regular katana with black hilt. (acomplished)

Shikai Release Phrase~Snatch and steal Touzoku Oushou!! (acomplished)
The blade will form into an elegant chinese blade. THis blade will have three atacks called treasures. They represent the sacred treasures that the thief king stole. They are the following.

>Treasure One-The blade will steal spirit energy and rietsu from anything touched or cut by it.

>Treasure Two-The blade will steal strength from the victim.

> Treasure Three- The blade will steal one sense from the victim each time it cuts or touches them.

Shikai skills

Rietsu blade- allows Voldo to send Rietsu blade projectiles towards the opponent.

Rietsu Burst- By using the stored up Spirit energy, Voldo can release it in a shockwave with a blast radius of 15 meters in all directions of him.

picture of shikai released form:
User Image

Bonkai Release~ (accomplished)
Voldo's kimono will change from the standard shinigami kimono to an elegant royal kimono. He will become one with the spirit fox changing his hair from black to white and giving him a set of fox ears. In this form he can use all treasures at once. Not only that but he can also absorb spirit energy and rietsu through his body. In this form he has one more technique. 'The Fourth treasure'. this sacred technique will allow Voldo to copy any skill and use it when ever he wants, But only while he is in his bonkai form. In the form he can also fase through solid objects at will (objects must be Non-living material). and his speed will be increased ten fold.

~Bonkai skills~

Tripple Threat (five deadly strikes)- Using the full potential of his bonkai, Voldo moves at speeds unrecorded in the hystory of the soul society. He strikes five times at superb speed, thus to prevent the chance of countering. The five strikes will remove all of the key senses of the target, as well as criplle a moderate portion of their rietsu and stamina.

Picture of Bonkai release Form:
User Image

Special Accessories: None


Sacred sword strike- An ancient sword technique that was once used by the samurai. By concentrating the mind and body, the Voldo can cut through even a boulder.

10 paces- An old assasin skill that was developed by a man who tried to assassinate the emperor of china. If Voldo is within 10 paces of the target. He can strike with prestine accuracy.

Superb block- This blocking technique only works againts a thrusting strike. By dropping his sword he can then swiftly grab it again from a different angle, thus allowing Voldo to dithe opponent.


Speed abilities:

Dash- allows the user to run at high speed.

Shunpo (flashstep)- allows the user to go a certian distance a high speed. It is sometimes so fast that it is invisible to the untrained eye.

Air walk- allows the user to satnd or walk on air by focusing rietsu into the air beneath thier feet.

Power abilities:

Sand coversion- allows the user to convert certian objects ( such as the floor or walls) into sand.

Incantation: N/A
Description: Pushes the target away from the caster

#4.)Byakurai(white lightning)
Incantation: N/A
Description: Fires a concentrated bolt of lighting from the caster's forefinger

#5.)Tsuzuri Raiden (Bound Lightning)-Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through.

#31.)Shakkaho ("Red Flame Gun")
Description:Attacks the target with a red ball of fire.
Incantation: Oh ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all creations of the universe, fluttering of the wings, ye who bears the name of man! Scorching heat and disorder, evolve the transposition of the southern sea barrier.

#33.)Soukatsui ("Blue Lotus")
Decription:Fires a blue energy ball at the target.
Incantation: Oh ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all creations of the universe, fluttering of the wings, ye who bears the name of man! Truth and temperance, strike but slightly your claw upon this wall which feigns ignorance of sin!

#54.)Haien ("Incinerating Flame")
Decription:Incinerates a target by burning it to ash.

#63.)Raikouho ("Thunder Roar Cannon")
Decription:Calls forth a yellow wave of thunder that seeks the target.
Incantation: Bone of a straggling beast, spire, crimson crystal, disc of steel, when the wind shifts, and the emptiness ceases, let the clash of lances resonate through the relinquished castle!

#1.) Sai(Restrain)
Incantation: N/A
Description: Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.

#2.)Hainawa (Crawling Rope)-An energy rope entangles the target's arms.

#4.)Hainawa (crawling rope)
Incantation: N/A
Description: An energy rope entangles a target's arms.

#8.) Seki (Repulse)- Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it.

#9.) Geki
Incantation: Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini. Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!
Description: Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.

#9.) Hōrin (Disintegrating Circle)- Causes an orange hued tendril with spiraling yellow patterns to erupt from the users hand and attempt to trap a target. The end of it remains in the hands of the user allowing them to control the path of the tendril before and after capture. The Kidō is able to connect with another one of itself if both have captured a target and bind them together.

#26.) Kyokko (Curved Light)- Hides the target from sight, by bending light. The spell has the ability to totally hide the presence and reiatsu of the user or specified object.

#30.) Shitotsu Sansen (Beak-Piercing Triple Beam)- Forming a golden triangle with one's finger, it shoots three beams of light that pin the target to one place on a surface, slamming into his or her body in three places in a shape of an equilateral triangle.

#58.) Kakushitsuijaku ("Call forth the tracing sparrow")
Description: Traces the location of a target soul.
Incantation: Heart of the south, eye of the north, fingertip of the west, heel of the east, gather by wind, and scatter by rain.

#61.) Rikujoukourou ("Six rods light-prison")
Description: Six identical rods of yellow light bind the target's arms in place, rendering them immobile.
Incantation : Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel, with light, divide this into six!

#69.) Genwaku Kiri ("Blinding mist")
Description: When casted, there is a thick mist coming up which will blind the enemy in sight and in detecting reiatsu. Like the name, blinding mist, the enemy isn't able to see a thing.
Incantation: "I call forth, from the depths of the sea and the heights of the sky, the element in between."

#75.) Gochuutekkan ("Five pillar iron brace")
Description: An iron chain is fastened, then five pillars seal the target's whole body.
Incantation: Wall of iron sand, pagoda of priestly form, shimmering fireflies of iron, fill until the silent end!

#81.) severing void.
Incantation: N/A
Description: Creates an energy barrier in the form of a rectangular wall

~ uncategorized kido ~

Hakufuku (White Crawl)- This technique muddles the consciousness of its target, eventualy leading to the target passing out.

Hyōga Seiran (Glacier Vapor Storm)- A spell that fires a massive wave of ice capable of freezing its targets and surrounding area as well as destroying a group of Menos Grande through sheer power. It is also strong enough to go through Danku.

Personality: Voldo is very closed in nature. He wont open up to many people. He only lives to serve others and to fight. He Is kind when he speaks and opens up.

Biography/History: Voldo vercci was a odd Highschool student. He attended Bara Academy. He had no friends and his parents were gone most of the time. He had good grades and passed all of his electives. He was about to graduate early because of his high scores in school. On day he decided to tkae a longer route home and go throu the park. He walkjed down the street and stopped to get some ice cream. as he walked down the cobblestone walkway of the park he noticed that the roses were in blume a bit early. he heard a girl screaming so he when to find out waht was going on. He then found that she was being atacked by a man. the man had a knife and was about to kill her when Voldo stopped him. The man and him fought for a good thirty minutes. He told the girl to go and get the police. She did so and the man tried to stop her but Kuro wouldnt let him. The man pulled out a gun and shot Voldo then ran off. The poilce came to the scene a few moments late but it was to late and Voldo was dead. He then fought his way though death and whent to the soul society and entered the soul reaper academy. He passed with flying colors. He now serves the soul society with his life or...death... idk.

Guild Status: None

Online Schedule: at least 2 hours every day. ( most of the time its 3:00 or 4:00- 5:00 or 6:00.)