Name: Kiramizu Ikkareichi (my username use to be Kiramizu101)


occupation: A shinigami with an unknown past

Element: Dark Lightning

Reistu color: Black, and yellow on the outsides

Appearence age: 17

real age:unknown


combat: in rukongai, she had devoluped a kind of combat, that is maybe good enough to take on a unseated squad member, or someone in training. so it was good enough to keep her alive in rukongai, as in fending off robbers, ect.

Reistu: her reitsu can be used as a inviable arm basically, if she does it right. if it becomes solid enough,and she gets her eistu to go were she wills, she can make objects appear to levitate, (she doesn't like using this skill very often because of how difficult it can be, yet yes, she has done it several times, how her reitsu does this, is unknown)

flash techniques:

squad: 10

rank: 4th seat

(note: I can't fight that well in a shinigami outfit because of how baggy it is, so once im fighting, i usually am wearing the outfit in the pic, and yes its also what my character looks like
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battle outfit Fyi:
There are two basic reosons she prefers battling in her other outfit, because 1st off she thinks the originall shinigami outfit is to baggy. 2nd is she has several hidden weopons in it, there are basically like bladed armlets exept she had them made in a speciel way. (there are pictures of the blade part of them, but not what attaches them to the arm, leg ect) on the leg and arms they had a little conection that while they are hidden they lie on there sides, she also has them threaded in a certain way were if she moves her fingers in a certain way,(depending on how she does it depends on wich ones pop out) they spring out, by ripping the cloth, so once they are brung out there out till she repairs the cloth. They can be useful, Like in hand to hand combat, these blades can make every punch ,kick ect leave a huge scar. Also in the 1st pic you see there are hols in a part of it right? with that one it is roped on to there with leather rope, just so you know.
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zanpakuto name: KuroKaminariNeko(black lightning cat)
(Strike the darkest shadow KuroKaminariNeko)

zanpakuto behavior:
it has a bad habit of butting in in almost every fight Kiramizu goes into, and yelling at kiramizu everytime she messes up miserably. Don't get her wrong she is not that snobby (yeah right) SHe also has a short temper and.... yeah she acually isn't very pleasent but its all for the streagth of Kiramizu.. I think

Zanpakuto spirit appearence:
its a black cat with a lightning bolt down its side
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sure it may look like a black cat, but whatever you do, don't insult Kurokaminarineko about IT!!! its the most dumbest thing 2 be done!

Shikai: (achieved)

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black bolt: a black lightning bolt thats powers are the same as a cero

lighting strike:sends out a lightning bolt witha dangerous rate of voltage

shadow ball:takes 3 random sences away (taste, see, touch ect) but its temperary, 4 the next 24 hours

Dark Hideout: telaports her out of the place she is, replacing her with a shadow clone, and at the same time she is invisable in a dark space, such as a near by shadow although however since this move takes up alot of reitsu so it can only be used once per day.

it can preform other moves, Kiramizu just has these 4 basic moves wich are preformed more often

Ban-kai:(not yet achieved)
name: Hiraishin KuroKaminariNeko (lightning rod black lightning cat)
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Its quit strange acually,1st off, In Bankai form, Kira's Appearence changes, as in her hair turns into a blond color, and her battle outfit, changes from a red base to blue. 2nd It has a 2 part release,

PART 1 : This is when It basically is just a simple zanpakuto with over 1,000 volts serculating in it, So wich means, If you were to touch it, chances can be fatal. In Bankai I CANNOT do shadow ball, So in part one It basically has the same power and moves as shikai, Since this Bankai takes alot of energy, thats the reoson I have to wait atleast 5 minutes till I can release Part two wich boostes into full power.

PART 2: Once I have released part 2, the entire battle arena is swollowed up in darkness, The one sence you have is touch. BUT the thing is, the arena is like a lightning storm is brewed up in it, Once in a while Lightning bolts (these are hard to aim, so the aim isn't always accurate atless I have mastered Bankai) will be sent down at my enemy, and If they are dodged in a correct way, You have a chance to have a quick glance around. My moves have been powered up also, But I have a major limit on how Much I can use them

Normal moves (ones that originally were in Shikai) :
Black Bolt: 3 a day
Lightning Strike: 4 a day
Dark Hideout (in Part 1) : 1 every 2 days

Bankai moves(moves not found in Shikai) :

Curse Of the Shadows:
It in the most randomest parts of your body causes abnormal pain Its temporary, and lasts up to 15 minutes (thats longer then you think!)Its limited to 1 hit a day
Inner Illusion:
Like Curse of the shadows, Its temporary to 15 minutes, and is limited to 1 hit per day and its effect is causing Numbness, and disablity to use a certain selected limb and at times a joint.

personality: its very random, I do what i feel like doing.

online scedule: almost everyday of the week, (monday threw friday) yet sometimes i can't get on.

hobbies: as said i do what i feel like doing.

As said in her occupation its very unknown in parts, her family was attacked by her father whom was also a shinigami that was under the control of a hollow (hint: you know the holow that killed Kaien Shiba?) wich mercylessly slaughtered her and the family. And brutally killed her father afterwards. When she was sent to Rukongai she knew tried to sharpen her reitsu to were she go threw the acadamy. She eversince her death in the human world had a desire to grow stronger, and find that hollow, and to protect others from hollows so they don't die a death like hers. When she went threw the acadamy it was also attacked by a arrancar or possibly a espada. She then swore she would get stronger to also not be rendered helpless next time... If there is a next time.