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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:46 am

(guess who's back? BACK AGAIN~)


A foreign word, I know, as the term itself has long since been used in the appropriate manner. Elders are our elite Soquili, our leaders, the most mature and wisest of all the herds. They are not categorized by a particular species, for members from each group have the potential of achieving this honor, should they meet the criteria.

Below, you will find the definition of an Elder and the requirements of what it takes to have your Soquili become an Elder. If you feel your Soquili is qualified for Eldership, you also have the opportunity at this time to enter an application.

If you have any questions, please read all of Soquili's posts to see if your answer is within her writing. If you still have a question after reading her posts, then feel free to shoot a PM to one of the people listed in the Rules Post.

[Credit to Skye/Caj for the original application process from whence an enormous portion of these posts are derived from]
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:47 am

Part 1: What is an Elder?

If you’re reading this, you are either A) an involved person who believes in reading updates (in which case, good for you!) or B) owner of a potential elder. So I’m sure that you’d like to know what that potential is all about!

Basically, Elder is the highest stage a Soquili can attain. It’s purely optional, and only attainable through rp. Buying a life cycle Soq doesn’t mean you’ll get an elder if all you do is stick that pet in your sig, so don’t get bent out of shape that yours never makes it that far. Becoming an Elder is an RP PERK.

So, you have your pet and you rped it and now have all 100% stats. Why would you want to go elder? What are the benefits?

For starters, you get a new stage of your Soquili. A stage that only a few others have achieved so far. There is male and female elder art, and elders will be upgraded to this beyond-adult stage that they might look as regal and dignified as they now are in their new in-character state.

Secondly, elders, being bigger and tougher than regular adults, are also capable of bearing more children! In any breeding where a parent (be it one or both) is an elder, that breeding will yield THREE baskets, guaranteed, plus have a chance at getting a whopping FOUR! (And for comparison, normal adult Soquili can have two baskets, three if they’re lucky, so this goes to show the breeding perk!)
*However, owners are still only allowed to keep one basket each; this just means more to give away!

Now, by this point, you’re probably thinking, “GREAT!” Who doesn’t love art and baskets? Why, I want EVERY SINGLE SOQ I OWN TO BE AN ELDER AS SOON AS THEY HIT 100%

Wrong answer. Sure, the perks are nice. But beyond the perks, there are a few basic elder truisms that need to be remembered.

Most importantly, the very name elder implies something about this stage. An Elder is often a leader; be it religious, or spiritual, political, or merely formal, Elder implies that the person (or in our case, Soquili) is an individual worthy and fit to have this role. Elders are leaders among the Soquili, individuals who can be looked up to by others and exhibit the necessary traits for the important role of elder. Just because they may be a kalona does not restrict them from becoming an Elder; if they fit the role within their breed, then they too are eligible. Roleplay development of these Soquili are key to a good Elder. And Elder cannot be customed or born at that rank, they achieve the status after hard work and development to obtain such a high standard of status.

Basically, elders are leaders/leadership material. Keeping this in mind, not all Soquilis are meant to be Elders. We hope that owners will be using their best judgment in putting Soquili candidates for elderfication forward, and to help you all decide whether or not to go elder, we’ve put together a basic list of what will be looked at when considering that Soquili for elderfication.


Responsibility and leadership. Obviously the elders need to be able to handle themselves and situations that come up; they are the ones to which other Soquilis will look in times of trouble, so they need to be up to the challenge. The definition of responsibility and of a good leader varies from breed to breed, and this will essentially be looked at on a case by case basis. What makes a Kalona responsible might be different from a Regular, and so on and so forth.

Rp development. Elders are supposed to have grown and matured to the elder stage through rp (see, it all links back to roleplay). Consequently, the roleplay of the Soquilis in question will be checked to determine whether or not the Soq in question has grown into a character worthy of being an elder. If all you have is mate-finding rp…chances are you won’t be elderfied.

So, keeping that in mind…



PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:48 am

Part 2: Becoming an Elder

As mentioned in the introduction, becoming an elder is a multi-step process. So, in a new and streamlined list format…how to become an elder!

Step 1:Have all six stats at 100%
Step 2: Have trackable, readable rp (although this ought to already exist if your stats are at all 100s, it’s best to make sure)
Step 3: Post the elder application HERE in this thread. The elder application itself can be found in the post below.
Step 4: Wait for it! All applicants will be notified whether or not their Soqs have been approved for elder, so PLEASE BE PATIENT. Once approved for elder status the art will take time as well. Keep that in mind when applying!

*Approval of elders is done via group. Specifically, a panel of individuals will be considering each application and jointly deciding if your nomination is valid. As mentioned above, owners will be notified of the verdict regardless of whether it’s affirmative or not (aka, we'll make an announcement post once everything's decided, so keep checking THIS THREAD, and not PMs!)

***In addition, if your Soquili is rejected for elder once, you are welcome to try again later after working more on your Soquili’s character in rp. However, for reasons of scope a Soquili may only be submitted for Elder status three times before you are put on probation. So if you're rejected thrice, after the third time, you must wait a full physical year from that rejection before you will be permitted to enter for Elder application again. (This is an attempt to show you that this honor is a BIG DEAL, so merely throwing your horse up for the chance of NEW LINES and MOAR BABIES is simply a waste of yours and ours time).

****The staff reserves the right to change details as circumstances merit. No changes will be retroactively applied, and all changes will be clearly indicated.


[b]Name of Soquili and Link to Image:[/b]
[b]Link to Teepee:[/b]
[b]Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:[/b]
[b]Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?[/b]
[b]Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?[/b]

Elder Application Status Is Currently: Closed.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:49 am


• Read the above. If you don't, we won't read your entry.
• This is a free service, Elders cost nothing.
• There is no pre-determined amount of Elders we accept each time.
• Custom edits always appear on Elders, Trading Post items do not. You can request TP items to be re-added freely, to match the previous adult stage or altered.
• If your Soquili doesn't get picked, take it like an adult. We don't reject for petty reasons like "OMG THAT PERSON TOTALLY RIPPED ME OFF IN THE EXCHANGE" (though if you are that person, I will be dealing with you later), but we reject based on required criteria missing from your entry. If you would like to discuss what you can do to improve for next Elder opening, we would be happy to give pointers/advice if you PM this account.
• The colorists currently doing Elder upgrades *vary* - you do not get to choose who does your upgrade. When possible the original artist will have first choice of doing the Elder.

If you have any questions, please PM Soquili.



Supernatural Sweetheart

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:37 am

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Sibalto
Link: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y170/Kiralto/Pets/SibaltoCert2.jpg
Link to Teepee:
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
Old World and New Sibalto's Encounter with a Soquili, who becomes his lady love. He's shy and unsure of this new world, but intrigued by its beauty and possibilities, which are embodied in the dark Firefly.
Paradise Found A sort of continuation from Old World, Sibalto and Firefly reunite, and a family is born!
Let's Talk Sibalto and Tashika encounter Harij and his human Aely. They decide to join company for a time, and have a little race for the fun of it!
Wild Hearts Sibalto Teaching Ayden how to Dance... Rescued by the younger stallion and owing him a debt of thanks, Sib offers pointers from his past....
A Long Expected Meeting Sib and Oath had met before, but here again the two cross paths, and this time, form a bond of friendship.
Prince Charming Meets Bratty Princess (Sibalto x Psychotica)
I Know You From Long Ago Tashika and the Shaman Foalen, Sibalto and Elder Ayita: Sibalto first asks about becoming an Elder, and considers the responsibilities...
A Fair Lady and A Fair Sir Sib's Encounter with a Regal Filly, whom he comes to care for
Thread devoted to his Backstory: The Silver Stallion's Story (A WIP I'm doing to show Sib's 'timeline' of sorts...)
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? "I am Sibalto, the Silver Stallion from across the Sea. In my Youth I was brash and arrogant, and have been through many trials. Saved by a human woman and brought across the sea to this New World, I was left behind when they returned home. I have found a new human, a mare to whom I have given my heart, and good friends. I have raised three foals to adulthood, and watched as they moved on to raise their own families. I have met Skinwalkers and Kalonas, seen vibrantly hued horses and those who are called flutters, unicorns, or Winds... If I may help any by passing on my knowledge of telling them my story, I do so with all of my heart. We are all kin, no matter what our colors may be, or where we once called home..."
Sibalto feels like it should be his role to teach others... He wants to tell them about the horses from across the sea, about his life there, and if they wish it, he'd like to teach them how to dance. But he also constantly learns things. How to deal with a bratty princess, how to get himself out of the trouble he gets into, how offering someone kindness can result in everlasting friendship or love... Ayita told him that there have been times in her life she was able to protect her loved ones, simply because she was an Elder, and this too makes him seek such a position.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Sibalto is one of my favorite Soquili. In his backstory he was brash and arrogant, mistreated and then rescued. Coming to the new World taught him many things, and each day was yet another experience. He met Soquili in colors he had never seen, in patterns he would never have thought of. He befriended a Skinwalker, chatted with winds, and saw the horses of the sea when they first spoke to the Kiwani. He lives every day to learn and teach and dance, and he wants to share that... Elders are the teachers, and Sibalto would guide any who wished to learn.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:01 am

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Oathkeeper
Link to Teepee: My Teepee
Links to RP(s) that show the Soquili has met both the first and second examples of 'what makes an Elder':
-Like Christmas In July- (Oathkeeper & Tori) While this may seem like starter mate-finding RP, I believe it helps show his raw/base starter character. He also never sees Tori again after this and learns to handle rejection light-heartedly. -A Father Indeed- (Oathkeeper & Maui) Oathkeeper takes full fatherhood responcibilites for the abandoned filly, Maui, when her mother Paris decided to up-and-leave her role as a parent. He proves his love and gaining wisdom a thousand fold in this heartwarming RP. (Don't know if the Oath x Maui counts as it was actually written in word ages ago, but posted recently...and in story format rather than post by post.) -Ever Realize How Small We Are?- (Oathkeeper & Auriga) Again perhaps considered mate-finding, but it's the road to him achieving his 1st true dream --- a lifemate and a loving family. It also shows a bit of his intellectual/philosophical side. -Long Passed The Night- (Oathkeeper & Auriga) Finally achieving his lifelong dream, he finds his lifemate and (not in RP obviously) shortly after is blessed with three beautiful children in which Oathkeeper is so proud of. -A Long Expected Meeting- (Oathkeeper & Sibalto) Oathkeeper first met Sibalto during the in-shop introduction of the White travelers and their Saddled Soquili. (Also he was very active in that event, encouranging others to meet the newcomers and become friends/offer peace.) In this RP, the two meet again, share a mutually enjoyed race and realize that the best of friends can come from 'two different worlds.' -Of Keys & Blades- (Oathkeeper & Reikon) Oathkeeper proving some social skills, by chatting with and befriending a rather troubled stallion knowns as Reikon (in-progress still, as I lost internet completely late September 08.)
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?: I am Oathkeeper, devoted mate to Auriga, loving father to my children, Starseeker, Starwielder & Eridanus, father figure to Maui and friend and open ear to any stranger in need. Eldership to me means the highest of honors and the upmost responcibility a Soquili could take on. I would continue to be the one to turn to for guidance, love and friendship. As well as using the added strength of Elderhood to protect those innocents who deserve protecting. I believe that there is much I can still learn in life and by being a figure looked up to, can teach me things in return.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Oathkeeper has truely lived life. Although he has avoided major crisses, such as deep battles with kalonas and such, I believe he has indeed 'aged' in character. His 1st three main RPs are the start of every stallions road to responcibility, finding love, learning rejection, finding love again and this time landing himself the big loving family his heart has always truly desired. Also there is proof he makes friends easy and is always there for directions. Oathkeeper, at heart, has also always truly desired to be dedicated, devoted, looked up to and in any given situation, is always seen taking the role of dad/leader/teacher/friend/shoulder to cry on. I believe Oath would be a proud and protective Elder.



Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:31 am

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Shadow
Link to Teepee: Here
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:

A Falling Star
In the Moonlight (These first RPs are mainly an example of how Shadow used to be a free spirit, more or less of a rogue and a flirt, not attached to anyone and preferring it that way.)

To Catch the Wind
As the Rain Falls (The interaction here between who are now his closest friends and the first long encounter with someone who he came to see as a friend for the first time- Tequila- begins to show Shadow that there is more to life and having companionship than he had previously considered. He begins to see things in a new light, and even develops a crush on Luna.)

And the Sky Comes Crashing Down (After spending more time with Luna and coming to terms with the fact that he has fallen for her, Shadow is faced with the dilemma that his feelings are irrelevant, as Luna has had a child with someone else. Instead of feeling betrayed, as he would no doubt if he had felt less for her, he has to swallow his pride and accept it, and even goes a step further and offers to help once her offspring are born. This is startlingly new to him, as he never even considered the possibility of settling down.)

When it Rains, it Pours (Returning, as promised, once Luna's basket is born, Shadow makes a small mistake, and has to come to terms with the fact that Luna does not trust him. Unable to deal with this truth on top of the unrequited feelings he carries, he leaves- more in an act of cowardice, though he does not realize this until much later.)

A Friend in Need
Nursing a Broken Heart (These two are a testament to the feelings Shadow had been carrying for Luna, and the subsequent heartbreak he had to endure- and the further maturity he gained from dealing with such an issue. He also becomes increasingly assured that close friendships are a good thing- he is never more grateful for his friends' help than at this point, and going back to his free-spirited and flirting ways never even comes to mind.)

The Cause Found (A chance encounter with Luna's now fully-grown daughter brings back unwanted memories, and tears open old wounds. In addition, Amoena seems to hold a grudge for her mother's pain. Shadow, in uncharacteristic maturity, does not defend himself, or even offer his side of the story until she has let out some of her pent-up rage- and then he proceeds to tell her that he is sorry for her pain, though it is questionable who is at fault. He confesses that he would have been a father to her if Luna had wanted it- a startling revelation for him as well, since he never even considered the possibility of children.)

To Feel the Wind Again (Wondering at Amoena's words, Shadow soon finds himself back in Luna's presence. For the sake of closure, and to sort things out once and for all, he tells her of his feelings, and that he does not blame her for the way things have turned out. This is a big leap from Shadow's original character- he had a bit of an ego to go with his flirtatious advances, and acknowledging his own unreturned love has taken a blow on his pride. Still, after some consideration on Luna's part, she returns the sentiment, and Shadow is ecstatic.)

Heart's Desire (New to the whole idea of commitment, but not opposed to it in the least, Shadow has found himself beyond happy at their progressing relationship, only to be shocked into speechlessness as Luna reveals her pregnancy. If faced with this before his growth, this would have sent Shadow running for the hills, or at least put a little strain on their relationship, but once again, he shocks even himself as he can't find anything in his heart other than happiness. His brief conversation with Amoena is also an example of his greater maturity- and of course, the small bouts of hormone-induced upset from Luna.)

One Big Happy Family? (Having a family of his own has mellowed Shadow and made him into a loving mate and father, and his growth is blatantly showed in the interaction between him and his loved ones. There are no doubts or insecurities, only love and acceptance for the path he has chosen.)

(There were also numerous OOC RPs and self-constructed plots within my herd around the development of the three leaders- Sukari, Nanaki and Shadow- and the interaction between them as well as the rest of the herd.)

This is my most recent herd plot, and an example of my improved RPing skills since I first started out in Soquili with Shadow. He will appear later as the RP goes on.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Shadow was once known for being an insufferable flirt. He hated the idea of commitment and monotony, and the mere idea of settling down and having a family. For all his protests, though, falling head over heels for Luna, and the trial of heartache it took to finally get them together has changed him for the better. He is a bit old-fashioned in some ways, and though he has never thought of himself as noble or selfless, but the love of his family has given him a love for the world that he never thought possible. Now a grandfather and still happily in love, Shadow has developed a certain wisdom in matters of life that have made him into a respectable leader. As the head of his family and the oldest member of his herd, he has had to show responsibility for his charges- not just his children, but the ones he considers his kin, and even those he isn't particularly close with within the herd. His dislike for the mare Sukari has, over time, changed from blatant distaste, to grudging respect, to distant kinship, and finally to a sort of brotherly affection. They still argue from time to time, but the dynamic is so drastically different from what it once was that one might wonder if the two are really one in the same as the two who had shouting matches. Shadow has learned much from Nanaki, who he came to know as his adopted brother, and always admired for his strength. The three of them have formed a close bond that is unrivaled by the rest of the herd, and Shadow has earned respect from them as the herd has grown, and is undisputably seen as one of the three herd leaders for his own inner strength. He may not be a warrior like Nanaki or Sukari, but he is fiercely protective of those he considers his own, and his will and heart shines with a light that the youngest have been awed by.

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Shadow has always been one of my favorites, and was in fact my first soquili- co-owned with Meeki at first, before she relinquished ownership to me. I was a bit new to RPing when I started out with him, so it seems that I have grown with him as time has gone by. I think out of all the soquili that I own, Shadow has grown the most into someone that I could see as an Elder. His tale of heartbreak and happiness with Luna and the trials of dealing with his step-daughter while raising his own children has given him valuable lessons, and the development of his herd is something that he has taken an interest in overseeing to the best of his extent. Although he didn't play an immediate part in the later trials within the herd, he was a constant source of support and wisdom from those who needed guidance.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:36 am

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Eric Draven
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=9504081&page=1
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:

[x] Haunted By The Past - His first meeting with the mare that would become a dear friend; Nostalgia. It is an early morning of reflection, as suggested by the title, and the Past brings itself to the surface. Here we learn about what sorrow made Draven the stallion he was when he came to the Soquili lands.
[x] Definately Needed This - Having begun his reflection on the past after crossing paths with Nostalgia, Draven finds his thoughts interrupted by the brightness of another mare; Fortune. She reminds him that there is a lighter, brighter side of life (and himself) and he imparts some of his life's wisdom on her.
[x] Situations Have Changed... But Have I? - Nostalgia and Draven meet again, each changed in some ways while remaining the same in others. Nostalgia informs Draven of her situation and he offers to help her in any way he can with her foals.
[x] Family Gatherings - During an outing with Nostalgia and her foals, they find themselves confronted by Nostalgia's former mate and the daughter he took with him. As a good friend and protector he stands firm by Nos's side, encouraging the foals to remember the lessons they'd been taught as they were faced by the unknown.
[x] Protecting the Herd - After Trevalyn approaches Draven and broaches the topic of fighting Draven takes him aside and informs him that being the protector means more than just getting into fights. This is the first of their 'training sessions' in which Draven imparts his wisdom to the next generation.
[x] The Dead of Night - A gathering group at night attracts the attention of a Skinwalker. To defend those present Draven steps in, taking the brunt of the Skinwalker's beatings almost as if expecting to end his life. The Skinwalker, Demona, spares him for reasons of her own, dragging him to a place where he would be mostly sheltered.
[x] Restless Souls - This RP marks a turning point in the story and introduces a new character of importance; Kochu'akai. Even wounded and unable to move, Draven is still looking out for others, warning her that it's not safe in the area; that she may be in danger. She leads him to water where he is soon found by Nostalgia who heals what wounds he'll allow her. He asks about the mystery mare, soon believing her to be a dream.
[x] Do You Believe In Fairies? - Another encounter with Fortune, this one isn't as lighthearted as the last. He seems to realize in this RP just how much he means to others; that they are looking out for him just as he looks out for them.
[x] Where Is Your Mother? - Finding a foal failing at foraging in the woods, Draven takes it upon himself to take the young one under his proverbial wing; another lost soul in need of his protection and guidance.
[x] The Dark of Night - Thanks to Nostalgia, Draven is reunited with his phantom savior. Their conversation is interrupted by a storm in which Draven insists on being a gentleman, leading Kochu to a place where she can weather the storm while he stands guard against it. The rain passes and, parting ways, Draven is filled with a sense of freshness and new beginnings.
[x] Is This Goodbye? - The end of the first chapter of Draven's Soquili life. Nostalgia comes to inform Draven that she must leave for a time. He lets her know how much she's meant to him and how important she was in giving him a second chance at the life he'd distanced himself from prior to meeting her. He promises that he will continue to guard their home and her children even after she's gone.
[x] Embracing the Darkness - One chapter ends as the next begins. Kochu comes in search of Nostalgia, finding Draven instead. He tells her of his friend's departure and explains his feelings on the matter, certain that they'll both see Nostalgia again someday. By the end they come to an agreement to stay by each other's sides; accepting and appreciating the company of each other's presence.
[x] Home - Having been off exploring their new adulthood and, in Memory's case, searching for stories to tell her mother, Draven greets Nostalgia's two children upon their return, informing them of their mother's departure. Standing strong he reassures them that this isn't the end; that, one way or another, their stories will continue.
[x] One for Sorrow; Two for Joy - Draven is finally given a second chance at a family of his own; additions to the small herd of 'spooks' that had started with Nostalgia, Memory, Trevalyn and himself. The news brings about new worries about a past coming back to haunt him with loss; thoughts that he'd believed to be abandoned until that point. By the end he's regained his calm, welcoming three foals into the world alongside his mate.
[x] The Past, The Present, The Future... - Ever the watchful guardian, Draven is reunited with Nostalgia... And a guest. Wary at first on instinct, he warms up quickly, quite happy to know that Nostalgia's found someone just as he has.
[x] Explanations - Draven explains his fears to his daughter along with his complete distrust of her new 'friend'; a stallion that is half Nightmare. Of all of the things that he managed to overcome from his past between arriving in the Soquili lands and now, fire was not one of them. It took all that he lived for from him in a violent blaze and the last thing he wants is to see the same thing happen to a child of his.
[x] Burning Bridges - Against the odds, Draven finds himself working alongside Pyre after the young half-nightmare stallion steps in to defend him from a Skinwalker. It forms a bond between them and sends an important realization to Draven; not all things possessing fire are bad.
[x] Sanctuary - Draven withdraws his command that Pyre stay away from his daughter, admitting that he was wrong and accepting that what marks one as 'evil' might be another's saving grace, finally putting the last of his past fears behind him in favor of working towards the future.

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? From the time before his former life ended up until now, Draven has always been a protector. Now that he's come to terms with everything that has happened; the death of his first mate and the fires behind it, the start of a family beginning with friends and extending to their foals and his own, he's ready and willing to do whatever it takes to keep all of them safe and extend his knowledge and wisdom to the next generation. He's striven to be the best that he can be; the best friend, the best father, the best mentor and the best protector, wanting everyone he crosses paths with to somehow come out of it for the better, giving him something to take with him in return. He would chose the elder path to become that symbol of everything he's stood for throughout his life.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Draven is the second Soquili I owned and, from the start, I wanted something special for him. Taking a note from the character he is a cosplay of, I gave him a tormented past and set him on his path to redemption. I chose the Elder path for him because, out of all of my Soquili, he's the only one whose entire development has been a push towards that goal.

His stories have been told from RP to RP; love lost, friendship gained, a new life beginning... And facing that final fear; the flames that took one family away and the possibilities of them claiming another. He's come to terms with all of them and pressed on, letting nothing stop him from being who he is. Through RP I've lived alongside him, delving into the mind of a character so deeply in touch with things that I even found myself crying during one RP that contained goodbyes between old friends. I believe wholeheartedly that he's ready... And now I turn him over to you.

Skye Starrfyre

Magical Lunatic

20,775 Points
  • Tipsy 100
  • Magical Girl 50
  • Brandisher 100


Blessed Friend

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:28 am

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Eloran
Link to Teepee: Teepee
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
The Love of Warm Hide and Warm Heart
A Refreshing Experience
A World Falling Apart
Shades of Brown
This Will Not Blow Over
Lonely Souls
Pull Yourself Together
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Eloran does not see himself as a leader, but acknowledges that there are times when life thrusts you into the position of leader. He accepts his responsibilities without murmur, and gives his whole heart towards fulfilling the role he has been given. As such, he would consider being an Elder an honor, a privilege he may or may not be worthy of, but that he would strive to uphold. It would never cross his mind to consider it his due or right. In fact, Eloran would frown upon such ideas, and scold anyone who might suggest he rightly deserved the honor... such as his daughter Zoet!
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Eloran is a gentle soul. His heart is large and encompasses all, regardless of their role in life. He is ultimately very fatherly, to soquili and forest creature alike. He has been a steady and reliable character, dependable in his mellow attitude and fair perspective. I think his temperment and life experiences would make him a fine Elder.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:21 am


And you guys are welcome to edit your post until closing. After that point, I'll lock this sucker up and you're stuuuuck.


Hopeless Memory



PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:43 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Shihab
Link to Teepee: [x]
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
Two Musketeers plus one(Shihab/Ares&Cynara) - Comes across a mare and a foal, and shows the foal a trick to flying
The Chime of Silver Bells(Shihab/Adelle) - Shihab meets a mare from the northern lands and finds himself in love. Also shows her how to harness the skies and dance with him.
Gaining trust of a new Friend…(Shihab/Tigerlily(Human)) - Shihab meets another human much like his own, at first not trusting it, but soon comes to find that some humans are worth trusting with a life.
On coming Storm(Shihab/Istas) - Shihab stumbles across a frightened foal while a storm is brewing. In the end he takes her home.
Remembering the Past(Shihab/Adelle) - Shihab and his mate Adelle return to her homeland to only be confronted with high winds and snow. When they find shelter, it takes Shihab a great deal of courage to stop his mate from throwing herself to the wolves that she claims were waiting for her return.
A Basket? Can I keep it? - Adelle finds a basket and Shihab agrees to help her raise it as one of their very own children until his youngest Daughter drives the foal away saddening His mate greatly. (Hopes to follow this one up sooner or later) xD

Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?
I’m Shihab, beloved mate to my silver bell Adelle, loving father, grandfather and Great grandfather to many in my few years on this land. Most my line have taken to the art of Skydancing, an art I cherish, but I know you wish not to hear the details of the un-necessaries. There are many reasons, foolish and not, for someone to chose this path. Most chose it just for the sake of being elder, I chose this Path to further my knowledge of our homeland and to better help those I can. I have come far from the young stallion I once was and find myself gaining years to most never come. To my selfishness as well, thinking that perhaps, if I were wiser to the knowing of my forefathers before me, one of mine line would come to respect me for her elder instead of a foal who’s wings should be torn off.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?
Shihab is a loving, caring Soquili, somewhat of a coward as well at times, I would like him to become Elder to perhaps strengthen his courage and become a better father then what he already it, True the thoughts of the perks do cross the mind, but I seek none of them at this time. Being my oldest and well loved Soquili, I think he would do well as an elder to help those ‘weaker’, though that word can be twisted to one’s choosing, then himself to build their own strengths and become what they wish themselves to be.
I know well that I may not make it this first try, but this loss will just strengthen me to try harder for the next time.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:04 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Dyami
Link to Teepee: x

old teepee that has some rps my current one doesnt have
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
x - Dyami here shows he is willing to work with anyone even someone as foal like and high energy as Cualtzin and even become his friend.
x - in this rp the new mother tic tac toe asks Dyami some parenting advice giving the fact she finds out he has already raised foals before and has helped his own kids and grandkids raise theres.
x - here he gives his grown adult daughter Tori some advice when she comes to him seeking comfert, and advice having found out she was preggo.
x - Dyami here trys to teach his new grandson some respect and give him advice giving how Anttir seems to be very tempermental and a bad way of thinking.
x - this rp is where his grandson decides to try and be a tough guy and stand up to a kalona where in the end Dyami has to come and save him to protect him from being killed cause no foal would servive against an adult kalona.
x - in this rp it shows just what he will do to try and protect his mate from a Kalona attack wether it ment geting injured badly or killed, he would protect his mate no matter what.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Dyami icly would choose the elder path as he would put his life on he line for his family or friends to help them and with elders being stronger than normal regs, he would want the strength to keep his family safe and to help others when needed. he is a loving father, grandfather and great grandfather which he has always been willing to give advice to anyone who seeks it from him. he has come along way from when he first came into soquili being a overly proud stallion who hating just about everything even the christmas holiday, to now being a loving father of six kids.
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? i would chose the elder path for Dyami ooc because he was my very first soquili i ever had. he is special to me for that reason and also his personality to me makes me feel he is fit to become an elder as he definatly has come along way.

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

Excited Apathy

Obsessive Hoarder

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:15 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Helaku http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a354/soquilipets/soqs/Tags/soradelph2.jpg
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2372876 (A lot of RP links will lead back to here, as most of the pages in it are of his RP.)
Links to RP(s) that show the Soquili has met both the first and second examples of 'what makes an Elder':
... o.o *glances at her teepee* Ah heck, I can't narrow anything from his teepee down. gonk Reading most of it is probably a good idea, but the first few links here are a bit of a snapshot.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2372876&page=2 (continue to page 5) Helaku meets and falls for Tetyawna, attempting to court her and seemingly with some success...only to find out a short time later that she has taken a mate.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2372876&page=7 Helaku meets Chu'mana, who he later takes as a mate in a ill-planned attempt to replace Tetyawna.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2372876&page=12 Helaku and Chu'mana split, and not on the friendliest of terms.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=2372876&page=14 Helaku meets Olathe for the first time, and while his head is afraid, his heart starts to have other ideas.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=6663249 Helaku and Olathe meet again for the first time since the skinwalker event, and he seeks to make up for his absence by proposing to be her mate.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=7832173 Helaku helps a lost, frightened native find her way back to the Kawani village.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=7975079 Helaku runs into a friend of his mother's, and passes a pleasant afternoon chatting...and warning her of the dangers of skinwalkers.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=8057207 Olathe visits Helaku while he's basket-sitting, and voices her concerns about the lack of success in producing a family.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=8098979 After many long months of trying, waiting, and hoping, the spirits bless Helaku and Olathe with foals.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=8478995 Helaku brings one of his eldest daughters to meet Delphia.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10196975 Some time after his split with Olathe, Helaku meets a mare destined to change his bitter views and his life.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10222559 They say grief makes you do crazy things...in this case, it's true.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=10297451 Help comes from the most unexpected of places...
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=11636649 After a few months of healing as he resides with his savior Amara, he decides to make their relationship official...only to be greeted with a happy surprise himself.
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=13093705 Noting a troubled air about his granddaughter, he decides to pry deeper. Upon hearing her tale, he tells her his own in hopes that it might be of some help.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path?Helaku stretched, eyeing the human in front of him with mild amusement. "So...you want to know why I'd wish to be an elder? This could take a very long time...but no matter. We both have that time." The dark grey stallion took a deep breath. "I was a happy foal, full of curiosity and innocence as young things often are. There's not much to tell of my earliest youth, for my parents protected me well from life's hardships. Once I grew and took off on my own, however, things changed."

He smiled, but it was a slightly mournful thing rather than an expression of joy or happiness. "Her name was Tetyawna...a beautiful mare, with a russet hide, short scruffy mane and long striped tail. When I met her, I was almost instantly won over to her side. But...it was not meant to be." His expression clouded slightly as he remembered. "Although I've long since attributed it to the will of the gods, I still remember the day she came to me with the news...she was mated. I had met the stallion once, when I was with her...I was suspicious of him at the time, but I had no clue...none." The stallion shook his head, sending ripples down his long mane. "I was devastated...angry--no, more than angry, enraged. Whenever she came near me, whenever I heard her name, I wished for nothing more than for her to go away. I took a mate, but she soon realized I was still caught up in my pain and we parted ways. Pain added onto pain...so it was for a time, slowly fading until I met Olathe."

His smile this time was fond, recalling the memories. "Spirited, yet sensible...I loved her very much. We were happy, even though Akila and her sisters were so long in coming to be that she feared she was barren. I told her then, that even if she were I would not go...but what separated us in the end was, in a way, our offspring...and myself. As always, I have been at the root of my own problems. We didn't approve of Akila's chosen mate, you know...and combined with my own lack of attention with Olathe, she left." Helaku sighed. "Akila felt herself responsible, and ran away...I wandered the forests, angry, alone, shoving away anyone and everyone--especially mares. Amara I met during this time...I was hostile and rude to her, that first meeting, yet she was patient and kind with me. She...she was the one to find me a short while later, after I was nearly killed."

The older stallion laughed now, a rueful grin on his face. "Even at my age, I can have a temper, but I bit off much more than I could chew. Even with the aid of the unicorn Amara found, I had to be careful of my broken ribs for quite a bit. After some time...I had become more comfortable with her, even more than comfortable. I realized I loved Amara...I asked her to be my mate. This was about the same time that I found Akila again." Helaku smiled contentedly before continuing, "I think...that was one of the happiest times in my life. Even after all of that, I could still be happy..." He coughed. "Anyways, you probably have an idea of why I'd like this honor by now. I love my family, and I want to do all that I can to guide and protect them."
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC?Well... you can see that Helaku's had a long and sometimes painful path to walk. I got teary-eyed a couple times reading some of his old hurts, because he's a much-beloved character, one that I care about quite a bit. Watching such a young proud stallion get his heart broken not once, but twice before finally finding a lifemate, a family, contentment... I'm very proud of my boy Helaku. He has grown much in maturity and wisdom since his first days as a frolicking young colt, fresh out of the basket. (Note: I have Mai's uncerted image if it's needed. <3)
PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:19 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Bella
Link to Teepee: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=9451509
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder: **I'm only choosing the most relevant RPs concerning her growth, not every RP I've ever had with her.
A Whole New World - This very short and unfinished RP was one of the first with my filly. It sets the stage that she was mostly alone as a filly and proves her initial innocence.
A Little Turned Around This RP is Bella's first meeting with Azumoth. Up until this point her other RPs were with fairly normal looking soquili. . . This shows her stubborn nature and natural desire to do good even for the most 'dark'. She makes an oath of friendship in this RP and fully intends to stand by it.
More Mares This RP, though short and never finished, was a meeting between Bella and Helaku after he lost his love. It gives her yet another opportunity to help those in need, and lines out her typical loving and innocent nature. She is still young and still believes in finding the best in everyone.
Fuzzy Dealings After being told off by Azumoth initially, Bella fully intends on keeping her oath of friendship to the stallion.... Even with his strict warning on leaving him alone, Bella refuses to believe he's an island. Everyone needs a friend, or so she believes.
The Morning Mist Bella meets a very disturbed colt, Ezriel. Little does she know just how broken this one is and she does her best to offer some sort of friendship and comfort. Her compassion shows once again though her innocence is still quite apparent.
The Stain of Crimson This RP is where her friend, Meshach, and she wind up bumping in to a very nasty kalona, Malice. Bella believes in the good of all but never expected to be attacked unprovoked. Meshach and she are wounded and the mare loses some of her innocence.
This is How I Disappear After the fight with Malice, Bella runs to the one place she feels safe - Azumoth's grove. It is here that she begins to lose her filly-hood fear of the woods and finds safety and comfort with the one who continues to try to push her away. She is taught how to defends herself, but also struggles with new emotions and feelings concerning Azumoth.
I'll Come to You Bella is healing back in her small grove on the plains. It is here Azumoth actually comes out of the safety of his grove just to see her. . . proof that her optimism and good nature has begun to settle in and change the stallion for the better. It is here she finds out about a war with his father and she must learn how to say goodbye.
When the Stars Begin to Fall Bella is unfortunate enough to run in to a very cruel stallion. . . she learns how to use some of the defenses Azumoth had taught her but this stallion is crazed and doesn't let her go without a price.
The Hunt Bella meets another mutant, Saber. The stallion has had limited contact with others but the mare recollects that one must never judge a book by its cover.
Wake Up, My Little Starsweeper After the attack with Amaroq and with no word from Azumoth, winter sets in. It is here Bella learns how to play mother as she stumbles across an abandoned basket. Unable to leave the basket, and finding no parents near, Bella adopts her first foal and names him Raphe. Her first touch of family.
To You I Give My All Bella has cared for Raphe but still hasn't seen Azumoth. It is here she finally has the courage to admit her feelings to the stallion freely and show her concern for her son. Azumoth moves her away from the plains for her own safety and discovers that she isn't as alone in the world as she once assumed.
Things Just Aren't the Same Azumoth leaves once more after needing to finish hunting down his father, Kiyoshi, leaving Bella to her own devices. Unfortunately, Bella finds out after he's gone that she's pregnant . . . Despite raising Raphe, she admits her insecurities and fears to Moppet.
Show Me What I'm Missing This RP is still in progress but, outside of raising Raphe and two sons (Azuell & Penance) Bella shall be adopting yet another a foal, this time a little filly Nakanadi. With her two sons grown she finds herself a smidgen lonely and can sense the need of the little one before her.
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Bella doesn't believe she is anything special, but she has touched many in her life. From starting out with a very humble and lonely beginning, the mare had grown in to a naive optimist, but eventually matured in to a devoted and compassionate ever loving adult. Living quietly within the grove with Azumoth, Bella wouldn't seek out playing a leader for the glory or honor that might come with such a position but she would humbly accept the path of Elder so she could continue being a role-model for those in the Kawani lands.

Bella feels she has learned many life lessons and has developed a wisdom through a multitude of challenges and experiences, some good, some bad. Out of this wisdom, and remembering how very alone she had been as a filly and young mare, Bella can't help but desire to assist any and all she meets. Even her meeting with Amaroq shows a care and concern for the well being of others, even at the cost of her own health. Peaceful, compassionate and optimistic her resolve and stubborn nature is apparent as she struggled with assisting Azumoth in accepting others within his world. She knows what its like to be alone, and through Azumoth she has come to an understanding of the cruelties that happen against mutants and others that look 'different'.

Bella wants nothing more than to spread her warmth and love to those around her. To give strength to those who are weak, to guide those hearts that are lost, and to save those that might be in need. Though she doesn't believe herself to be anything special, it is her actions that show her strength and compassion and her history that proves her to be an exemplary mare.

Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Out of all of the soquili in my herd, I feel Bella is the only one that might be right for the role. As my very first soquili, she started out with a very simple personality and temperament and through a boatload of RP has grown up in to quite the mare. She has been through a lot of experiences, both good and bad, and has transformed in ways I had never initially intended.

Originally she had started off alone and quite inexperienced. She lived in a world full of sunshine and roses and overall happiness, albeit a bit of loneliness, and was content in such naivete. Since then she has witnessed the darker sides of life (i.e. meeting a kalona, the crazed, and learning of the battle between Azumoth & Kiyoshi) but never has she allowed such dark times to truly get her down. From the innocence of her youth, she has since played the role as mother, grandmother, friend and devoted mate. Her devotion and care for others is more than apparent with all the time and patience she had dealing with Azumoth - and he left her in tears on more than one occasion - as well as a need to care for those abandoned or in need (i.e Nakanadi, Raphe).

Honestly, Bella has found her happiness and niche in the world, and I think she would perfectly fit the role as future leader and teacher to those who might take time to listen. When other soquili are in need of supplemental guidance or a shoulder to lean on, Bella is always the first mare I think of using/offering. I would be honored to have her considered a role of elder and believe this is an opportunity for further growth and development.


Shy Mage

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:03 pm

Name of Soquili and Link to Image: Malis Delnaria
Link to Teepee: Rynth's Teepee
Links to RP(s) that show how the Soquili has grown over time, proving his or her development into an Elder:
Meet and Greet - Malis meets three new soquili, her first RP in the Kawani lands shortly after arriving there
Trolling around - Malis meets up with Kifo for the first time and realizes there are other travelers just like herself.
The rose and the Thorn - Malis and Zacchaeus, in which she meets someone who doesn't immediately turn away upon listening to her...
A chance Meeting - Malis and Eros in which they chat a little about her growing up
Finer points in life - Malis, Kifo, Taylor, ect. (in thread RP) Malis and the like talk about love and she shares her views about not wanting to be pinned down.
Baskets arn't edible? - Malis and Imogen. Malis' views on 'hellions' and how she would never want to be saddled with them.
Soon after, however, she began to take care of Cadance who popped out of one of those baskets she had mused about eating and she watched over them as they played (not posting those links as she is only mentioned in passing) Cadance's desire to explore things reminded her of her own childhood and she began to grow a little more open to the idea of children to pass on her own teachings.
Wandering - Malis and Kifo meet up once more and trade fond memories. It is about this time she realizes she would like to try and impress him but as of yet did not quite know how...
The Games we play - Malis finds Ashura and ends up finding out how the mares of the Kawani lands flirt and charm the stallions. She tries to practice on Buiscut with disastrous results. *important growth*
It is about this time she attempts to court Kifo, going on numerous trips and adventures together and she isn't home about the herd that often.
Making a great escape elsewhere - Ezriel finds a pregnant Malis and she teaches him how to combat the demons within that he received from his heritage. *important growth*
Tai'jin and Zul'jin are born, something which is a big change for her. Kifo wanders back off with Zul'jin shortly after and Malis sticks around the WillowGlen herd and teaches Tai about her heritage (a lot is mentioned in Tai's RPs at this point) Malis is very proud of her daughter who also has the wanderlust she had as a kid and young adult. Malis has become more thoughtful at this point, not as spontaneous, though she still has her weakness for shinies.
Apples = Good, Grass = Bad - Malis and Zei, in which she starts foraging afield once more
The Perfect Gift - Malis helps Zaribe find the perfect gift for the one he cares about and gives up her much coveted shinies.
As the Sun Rises - Malis and Septimus meet up, the troll-mare is starting to miss her lands greatly and yet trying not to let anyone else know as she has ties to the Kawani lands now.
The Butterfly and the Troll - Zayn almost crashes into Malis and then she teaches him a little about his powers as a flutter.
A Beautiful Dawn - Malis and Various, Malis at this point is not pleased with the mate her daughter has chosen being that she has an almost irrational fear of the water and he is a kelpie. She hoped that the children would at least show their heritage enough that the bloodline would not be polluted by the water but unfortunately this was not to occur and she ended up disowning both her daughter and granddaughter (mentioned in other RPs)
A Trip to Feralis - Malis and Tempest
By then, her more negative traits had been showing through with her nonacceptance of the newer additions to the family, Tai'jins mate Icarus and her granddaughter Zandali. She had become greatly introverted and grouchy, even to the point at snapping at the rest of the herd. Where once, the others used to come to her for advice, they started to shy away in fear of her unpredictable reactions. This changed, however, when she tracked down Kifo once more and went on a journey with him. The result was a very heavy troll which prompted her return. (summerized here) She birthed three beautiful children, who she was very proud of. She dotes a lot on the elder son Sen'jin and her youngest son Rokkhan made her fiercely proud when the birth of their trollish kids extending the family line. With their birth she has become a little more softer around the edges and she looked to the south to where her other granddaughter had disappeared. It was shortly after that she decided to go on a spirit journey of her own to bring back her granddaughter, now accepting her as part of the family. (This part of the storyline is still being written thus I do not have a link)
Why would your Soquili (IC) choose the Elder path? Malis stared off into the distance and considered the spirit's words carefully. "Why ya be thinkin' that ah be one for t' be an elder?" She thought of the travels and adventures she had been a part of, the trials the spirits had pulled her through and blinked, the light of the fires upon her face, making her deep red eyes glow. "So many reasons, so many things be makin' an elder. T' desire t' teach, t' want t' pass on ya knowledge wit' t' ones around ya." She shook her head, "Ah not be one wit'out faults, or lessons t' be learned." Closing her eyes she remembered her transgressions. How she had turned on her very family for wanting to be a part of one who was linked to the very thing she feared the most. That Icarus, that kelpie, Opening her eyes once again to look towards where the fire made the shadows dance she frowned, her single tusk gleaming in the light. With a deep sigh she started again, "Once when t' lands were new and fresh to mahself, ah be goin' on a long journey. Ah not be knowin' where ah be goin' but travel along wit' t' spirits ah must an' they be leadin' mahself to these lands. Ah not be thinkin' much then, just goin' where t' wind be takin' mahself, explorin' an' not worryin' about who ah be meetin' except t' learn a little about them an' move on. Ah be meetin' many people here, even someone from mah past who ah be havin' t' luck t' be having a beautiful family wit'." She tilted her head to the side, her long dreads clinking, their length now going all the way down to her knees. "Ah not be one t' cast judgment but ah be doin' terrible things. Ah be turnin' out mah own flesh an' blood 'cause of mah superstitions an' through doin' so ah be loosin' mah daughter an' granddaughter." She looked down to her hooves and regarded them for a long moment. "It be takin' me a long time, too long, but ah be bringin' them back, ah be learnin' there be much more important t'ings then worryin' about t' purity o' t' blood. Ah not be one t' hide when ah be wrong but instead tell t' others so that they be learnin' from mah mistakes an' can grow from them." Looking back up with a fiercely proud grin the troll-mare growled slightly, "An even if it be t' thing that be killin' mahself ah be t' one t' protect mah family an' take care o' each an' every one o' them. Ah be takin' care o' t' WillowGlen herd, even t' ones who may not be of mah blood an' flesh. They be one of mah kind an' once one becomes so ah never be lettin' them suffer or be alone," her eyes flash a bright red for a moment, "No matter what it be takin'... an' really, ain't that what an elder be about?"
(I can translate if needed >_> )
Why have you chosen the Elder path for your Soquili OOC? Malis is my favorite character and has grown and changed so much over the years. Though both WoW and Faire she has come from a flat character that was created because I wanted to be a grouch at faire, to one who is loved and enjoyed by all. I brought her into Gaia and it was in the Soquili thread that she grew and took on a fully-fledged character of her own. I am astound by the many twists and turns that have developed this character and (some can say slightly obsessed) so many storylines has been inter-twined between Soquili-Malis and WoW-Malis. (One day I hope to bring in Rynn to add to the storyline on Gaia, but that is for another time) In the WoW storyline she is in, a chapter of her life has ended, she died upon the unveiling of a server-wide plotline and moved on to the realm of the spirits. While Soquili-Malis is not one I would like to see die, I'd love to have her eldership granted to reflect and partially mirror the changed that have been going on through her other story lines just like they have been affected by her children and grandchildren she has had here.
Malis has grown to be a very wise old mare. She helped create the WillowGlen herd with Immi and, while the flowery mare was the nurturer of the group, she was the protector. As time has passed, with her own children and grandchildren (and soon great-grandchildren!) she has become quite the nurturer herself and has learned a lot through her travels from her old village in the South Americas to the Kawani lands and their peoples. She has learned to accept people who are different, especially when they are a part of her own herd, and that everything happens for a reason. At first she had rejected the mate her daughter had chosen but through the trials of her granddaughter she has accepted that part of the family and now counts them among her own. Very proud of her ties, she treats each and everyone around her with the respect they deserve and believes that there is always a good aspect to everyone around, even if at first they do not seem that way, for if the storm blows and uproots the trees, it also stirs up the mud and dirt around the roots to provide new growth and new beginnings. This is quite a change from the high-spirited and obstinate mare who was known for her spontaneity and aggressive demeanor that she started out with. While she will always be a little on the boisterous side, she has grown into a much even-tempered role model.
A little extra detail: If Malis is chosen for eldership I would love it if her dreads are even longer than before. She never cuts them, believing that to do so would sever her ties with the spirits of the land. As time goes on her hair has gotten longer and longer and I would love it if her new 'look' reflected that.

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