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[PRP] Grumpy pants (Iroh and Azar) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:05 pm
User Image The little white female huffed as she wandered away from the den she was wandering away from her siblings and her aunt once more. But this time she wasn't in as good of a mood. Her mother and father weren't home on top of that... She growled under her breath before looking around. Now what was she going to do? Some of her brothers were picking on her now she was very angry. It always ended up like that. Her firekin side was showing a lot and she wanted to strangle something. But she wasn't instead right now she was just going to wander away from the den for a bit.

She flicked her tail angerly behind her before she stuck her head up in the air some and sniffed it. "I don't care about them." She told herself stubbornly. The truth was that she did, but she wasn't going to flat out say that, no, not at all. Not at this moment anyway. She was thinking about hunting down her father but she knew he was busy, and her teacher was also busy. Damn what else was she going to do?

She snarled again before making her way toward her favorite spot, a rock caught between two dunes. It was a large slab, big enough for a really large adult, and on top of that it always got really warm. She sat down on the middle of it, her hair standing up on end, and was even still grumbling. She dug her nails into the rock and sighed dragging them along the rock in a certain way, trying to sharpen them.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:17 pm
User Image Iroh, on the other hand, was wandering away from his family because he was in a brilliant mood and he wanted to go see the world with his bright, upbeat attitude coloring everything. He seemed to appreciate everything more when he was in this kind of state of mind. The sand, the bugs, the clouds, the sun, the rocks and, of course, the other lions of his home.

He hummed as he trotted along, looking around and recognizing some faces, going a while without seeing anyone, and then not recognizing the next face. It didn't matter to him. He said hello to everyone, and introduced himself when he had to. Eventually he grew a bit weary, and decided to find a place to take a rest. He spotted two dunes nearby and moved to them, interested in the formation because it looked like there was something between them.

And there was! A rock! But more than that, her recognized Azar. Smiling, he padded up with a jovial smile on his face, though he noted the air was a bit dense. Was she in a bad mood? Wincing at the sound of her claws on the rock, he cleared his throat.

"Hello, Azar! Are you okay? Or are you trying to make some kind of music there?"


Snuggly Knight


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:13 pm
Azar was quiet into sharpening her claws. Staring down at her claws she was slowly starting to calm down. She hated being mad and the time like now when she started to calm down was always the best to her. But if was she going to go back home and hang out with her siblings right away... Nope, no way... She sighed through her nose lifting her paw slowly before she jumped with a squeak to the sound of a voice.

Quickly she turned around, turned to face the 'threat' that was in front of her. Her hair standing up on end for a moment and a small growling escaped her throat. But then she blinked taking a moment to realize who it was, her first thought was her sister but then she noticed there was no marking, and there was a mane. Right after she realized that it was her friend Iroh she could feel her cheeks burn, but at that moment she was glad her fur was dark. It could not be seen but most likely the embarrassment could be felt. "You found my hide out." She looked for a moment retracting her claws and looking up again with a soft smile on her face. She was starting to feel better maybe some company wouldn't hurt.

"I... was kinda mad." She admitted looking down at her paws before back up at him. "Getting away from my siblings. "You?" She asked trying to get the subject off of her but last time she tried that with this friend he change the subject back to her. She smiled at him.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:10 am
Iroh saw the way she bristled at his voice, and he tilted his head in wonder. His instincts did tell him to be on guard, but he never showed it in his body language. He was getting pretty good at keeping his manner calm and friendly at all times, even when he was practicing his hunting. He knew how to coil his muscles without anyone seeing his intention, and not because he was one for sneak attacks. He just thought violence was a second choice, not a first instinct. He arched his eyebrows at her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was your hideout," he said, sincerely. "I just saw a neat looking formation, and wanted to come check it out." He smiled, closing his eyes and sitting down not too far from her, looking as content as the chubby cub always did.

"I can understand needing to get away from your siblings. You've got a big family, don't you? That's okay, there's nothing wrong with that. I don't like the idea of you being mad, though. It's often a waste of energy, staying mad. I'm fine, thanks for asking! How about we do something fun?"


Snuggly Knight


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:21 am
Azar was slightly annoyed at herself for getting annoyed at her friend. She didn't want to take it out on anyone, now she wa starting to feel bad. She tried her hardest to shrug it off before smiling at him softly. She flicked her tail behind her a few times before looking at him before nodding softly. "Its alright, I don't mind." She smiled at her making sure that he understood that she was feeling better. She giggled softly before shrugging. "I understand, I would have too. Thats how I found it here. Its a nice spot." She ggiggled softly brushing some of the sand off of the rock absentmindedly.

Her attention snapped back up at him and she nodded with a small laugh. "Yeah I do, I have seven other siblings." Every time she said that she felt out out numbered. Seven other siblings that she had to share everything with. To a point she didn't mind but some times when she wanted to spend some time just with her mother or father, or just with one of her siblings it ended up interrupting in one way or another.

She looked down at her paws for a moment when he said that he didn't like the idea of her being mad. She liked to hear it, but she could feel heat rising in her cheeks again. "Alright." She giggled softly before looking up at him with a happier look. "Fun sounds good!" She stood up and then trotted up to him, bumping her head against his lightly. "What are we going to do?" She asked with a smile.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:24 pm
"That's... that's an impressive number," Iroh said with a nod. He his family was of five, but it sometimes felt like nine or ten. Not that Iroh minded. He loved being surrounded by the people he cared most about, and he never seemed to get tired of it. At least not while they were around. He, of course, loved his peace. And it always found him. He didn't go out of his way to escape from the family, though, even when he started to feel like he needed to.

"I don't know!" He said honestly, glad that she wanted to play. "The last time I played tag, my friend fell down a hole and I felt bad about getting her hurt. So if we could avoid things like that happening, I'd be pretty happy," he grinned, making his face purposefully silly. Shaking his head, his mop of fur pillowing over his forehead, he crouched playfully after she bumped his head.

"Hide and seek is too slow, and not quite as fun with two people. We could make up a new game! Or go exploring?" he flicked his tail high into the air, tilting his head at her, almost entirely to the side, "anything you want to do! I'll be your toy, if you want, and you can play whatever you want with me. Since you're having a hard time getting away from your siblings, it can be your day today!"


Snuggly Knight


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:59 am
Azar nodded to him and then looked down at her paws. "Yeah it is." She laughed slightly before flicking her tail behind her. Sure she loved her siblings but some times they were a little too much for her. She wondered what it would be like if she was a only child... Or if she had fewer siblings but at the same time she wouldn't wish them away, when she was in the mood she loved them. It would be nice to get to spend some time with her father or mother alone.

"Ow." She said lifting her paw to rub her forehead at the idea of falling in a hole. She did it a few times when she was younger, she hadn't done it in a while. She giggled at his face before nodding. "Yeah, some one not getting hurt would be good." She giggled before sitting back on her haunches thinking some.

"We could play fight." She suggested before his next suggestion caught her ear. "Exploring!" She giggled before jumping up on her paws and wandering over to him, bumping him playfully and licking his cheek. "I love exploring." She giggled again before looking around and grinning at him. "You don't have to be a toy, you're my friend!" She looked around before flicking her tail behind her. "You lead the way." She nipped at his ear, leaning into him slightly with a smile on her face.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:29 pm
Iroh purred, in his broken, oddly endearing way, and bumped her back, rubbing her before he bounced away playfully. The tubby cub was more than happy to find them some place to explore, though he couldn't yet imagine where. He had explored a lot of the areas surrounding his den and the ones nearby extensively already.

"Let's go this way! I haven't been out beyond those dunes over there in a while. I think there are a lot of cacti in that direction. I could show you something I learned! It'll be fun!"

He loved sharing things he learned almost as much as he did learning new tricks. He bounced as he cantered, looking over his shoulder to make sure she was following. It was a good distance, and he filled the time with random stories of his games and asking her questions about her family and friends. Eventually, though, they reached a grouping of cacti. Iroh laughed.

"These are the weirdest things," he said moving to one and sniffing at it. "But they're really cool."


Snuggly Knight


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:48 am
Azar giggled softly at he bumped her back and rubbed against her. She licked her lips for a moment as she watched him before she followed herself. Trotting happily beside him before she stopped for a moment to look in the direction that he was talking about. "Ooo. I haven't been over there either." She said now wanting to check out the area. She giggled and nodded to him. "Lets go!" She grinned nipping at him softly before following after him once more.

Azar enjoyed spending time with Iroh, his conversations kept her interested as they walked. She looked around at the dunes as they walked making sure to remember where they were going. She was slowly starting to become a little less familiar with what was around her. She was pushing the point where she didn't know where she was. But she still knew she was home.

As they approached the Cacti she grinned looking at Iroh and then grinning. "I've ween a few of them but not as many." She bounded over to one looking at it carefully. She lifted a paw extending out one of her claws to poke a needle. She was being as careful as she could until her paw slipped poking her toe with one. "Ow!" She squeaked, falling back on her haunches and looking at the little amount of blood that was coming from her toe. She quickly licked it away making a small face. "Meany." she grumbled quietly at the plant before looking at Iroh with a grin. "I think they're a little more fun to look at." She giggled softly as she looked at one that was a little taller. "Ooo! That one has a flower on it!" She said to him looking back for a moment before her gaze went back to the flower.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:30 pm
Iroh bounced to her when she poked herself, looking half concerned and half amused. It wasn't a teasing expression, but he knew better than to worry too excessively. They were prickly little plants, sure, but they were mostly harmless. So he could take it in stride, smiling at her warmly and shaking his head. Lesson learned. He nodded when she grinned at him, in perfect agreement.

For the most part.

"They've got those spines, but inside them there's... well, look, I'll show you!" He remembered the lesson from when he visited the singing sands with Ilahle. Reviewing the steps in his head fist, he recalled her instructions clearly enough, moving to the cactus. He dug carefully at the base of the plant, where it was weakest and had few thorns. He then use his paws to push it a bit, tilting it so he wouldn't lose what he was working for too quickly. He lifted his head when she mentioned the flower. He looked up at it.

"That's... pretty high up, but I wonder if we could get it down? But first, are you thirsty? Because inside it has water!" He used his claw to slash at the cactus, and sure enough water began to dribble out. He looked at her, all grins and bright eyes, "how neat is that?!"


Snuggly Knight


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:08 pm
When Azar noticed Iroh bound over to her she giggled softly at him, bumping her head gently against his. She looked down at her paw again licking her paw making sure there was no more blood on it. She nodded back to him before she looked at the cactus thinking a bit. She flicked her tail behind her for a moment then nodded to Iroh. "There is more than the spines?" She asked giggling softly before nipping at his ear.

She moved behind him sitting down near his haunches watching him curiously she was wondering what he was doing, slightly confused at it. But she wanted to know what he was doing at the same time. She looked up at the flower when he asked about it before shrugging. "I dunno. I don't think we'd be able to reach it... Maybe there is a shorter one around here?" She asked looking around with a small smile on her face.

But then what he said next caught her attention. "A little." She said before his next comment. She leaned toward the cactus with a grin on her face. "That is aweosme!" She said before lapping a little bit of the water off of the cactus. "Ooo. And it is sweet." She said with a smile on her face before she turned toward him. "Its really sweet. Have you had some?" She nudged him again before looking at the cactus with a grin looking around trying to see if there was a shorter one that she could take the flower off of.
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:18 pm
"Yeah, I had some before! It's really nice. I like it a lot. I probably drink more than I should, which is bad because the cacti don't really like it, I think. But it's really nice. These plants are funny, in that way," he sat down, tilting his head thoughtfully, "they look kind of nondescript, but they have water in them, under all the spikes, and they grow pretty flowers."

He reminded himself with that dreamy comment that he wanted to help her get a flower.

Standing, he looked around, trying to see if there was one nearby. He couldn't see any, so he started moving around the scattered plants, trying to see if there was one on the other side of them. He spotted one he could actually reach, rising up to his back feet and carefully using his paws, balancing remarkably well, to remove it from the cactus. He stumbled forward a bit, poking his nose on a spine of the cactus.

Dropping to his paws, he rubbed his nose and shook his head, then the flower fell from the cactus and landed on his head. He smiled at it and padded back to Azar.

"I got you this one... it's a little small, but it's still pretty."


Snuggly Knight


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 2:25 pm
Azar looked at the cactus again, lapping up a little more water before looking at him with a grin. "It is nice." Then she looked back down at the spiky plant before making a face and nodding. "Yeah, I don't think they like for others to drink the water... I mean their all spiky, maybe they poke you because they are mad." She said with a nod, puffing out her chest slightly before looking around at the flowers. "The flowers are very pretty." She giggled softly before she started to look around herself.

She was really enjoying spending time with Iroh. He liked to learn just as much as she did... She wondered if he liked to Spar. That would be great if he did, she would love to see that. Maybe they could do that a little later? Or next time they hung out. She knew she wanted to hang out with him a little bit more. He was fun. Even though she was day dreaming his voice snapped her out of it.

She turned toward him and she saw the flower that was caught in his mane and her eyes lit up. She giggled softly and walked over to him, bumping her head against his softly before looking at it with a large smile. "Its beautiful Iroh." She giggled again as she looked at it closer. "I love it." Her smiled grew more before she looked at him. "Thank you!" She grinned leaning forward to lick his nose before carefully wedging the flower behind her ear.
PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:41 pm
He tilted his head when she put the flower behind her head, beaming a smile and nodding in approval.

"That looks pretty nice! Your black fur and the color of the flower are so pretty together! Flowers are very pretty little things, and I think they compliment a lionesses beauty perfectly. Sometimes I see others wearing flowers, and I'm always enchanted by them. I can't help but wonder if its the flowers, or some sort of strange magic that happens when the two are brought together."

Iroh spoke whatever was in his head, most of the time. It was safe, because he never had mean thoughts about any one. He generally loved keeping company with any and every one, and he liked sharing with them. Thoughts, ideas, were meant to be shared. It would do him no good if he was the only one who heard them. He didn't notice when he was being particularly flattering or blunt, though he was trying to get better at that.

Apparently it was bad, sometimes, to say too much.

"Anyway, I'm glad you like it. My nose feels better now, too." He purred, his sputtering, broken purr, and tilted his head at her. "What do you want to do now?"


Snuggly Knight


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 4:39 pm
Azar giggled softly before nudging him again playfully. "Well. Thank you so much. You have a good taste in flowers." She flicked her tail behind her a few more times. She was blushing a bit but she was very glad that she had a darker coat. Because of that fact she had a darker coat it was a lot easier to hide. If it wasn't because of that she would be bright red. The truth was that she knew that would be pretty embarrassing.

She leaned into him a bit as she was listening to him. She loved hanging out with him. He was interested in the same things that she was. He liked to think and learn things he was so much fun. She caught herself thinking one more before she used her paw to lift her flower back behind her ear a little more making sure that it would stay. "Its really beautiful. Thank you again Iroh." She giggled before nipping at his ear then giggling once more. "Good! I'd hope your nose feels better." She leaned over and licked it again before sitting back on her haunches.

She started to think about what they could do then she smiled gnawing at his ear a bit. Mostly playfully. "We could go hang out in the shade or we could Spar a bit!" She giggled standing up and bouncing around on her paws in a playful pose.
[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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