Name: Takoshi (Abyss) Mutsuke
( Tah-ko-she / I-biss / Mut- sue- kay ) Aliases/ Nicknames: [/b]"Preferes" To be called: Abyss

Physical Description:Looks about at age 21; the age of her death.She has Punk type- hair style; longer hair is mainly set up in a pony tail; hair is of a deep black colour. Her eyes are dark; but have tints of blue hazel peeking through. She normaly shares a calm look to her, or a small gentle smile consuming her facial expressions hiding the true feelings benethe.
About 5'3'' in height, she normally complains of being to short. Having a weight of 145 around about; her smaller but musclur frame isen't given much credit for what it's worth. <__<; In other words; she self proclaims herself being fat.
Her Clothes is nothing (if not hopfully in the future) a soul reapers attire; having the infamous black & white outfit. Fitted with a extra accessories; such as a red beaded necklace inwhich she adores. >>;

Age: Died in Year 1184; at age 21. Actual age is estimated at almost 1000; although this is a round-up guess. Add up the years yourself. >_>;
Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Currently dosen't have one.
Zanpaktou: Currently hasen't achieved; None.

Shikai Release(Release Phrase)::. (N/a?)

Shikai: Has not acheived.

Bankai: Has not yet to acheive it.

Special Accessories: >>; Not anything aside from a normal beaded necklace; no.
Skills: Quick to reaction and her agility in other aethletic areas; although.. O-o; She can be lazy too..... She also has the knowlege of different weapons; arching, spears, & swords. Also has a high horse`riding skills.
Abilities: Highly senstive to her surroundings and movements within a medium distance. (20-55 feet maxed; depending on what/etc.) Although sometimes overly defenive and observent- the lady can't tell exactly what is around or or who; until short disstances... where it is easier to read. (Short disstances include anywhere from 0-10 feet at max)
Personality: A mixed personality; although normally calm and gentle to her expressions. She has a high respect and admiration for any levels above her. Admiring their strength, exprience, and ranking... Protective and easily tempered, she forces herself to be quiet if insulted in some way or how. O--o; A fire frenzy fan, and highly curious.. >_> Sometimes she can give a quirky responce, even at rare times can become hyper.
Biography/History: Born in the year of 1864, in Japan (original birth village/city is unknown) She grew up watching her father come in and out of her life as a well trained samurai archer. Although memories are vauge; she admired the power he obtained, and the honor that came in aswell. At age 8, news spread of her father's death; her mother now a widow... and her spirits higher than ever. She wanted to become what her father lived as; a samurai. Training hard ever since that day, records tell her in battles across the land- but one day... when a adult at age 21, having been known as a female samurai, the sisters of the sword And great admiration to the famous worrior Tomoe Gozen & her skills with weilding her nagainata. Due to the admiration of this person, Abyss ( or truely Takoshi Mutsuke) had also weilded this long handled blade and sword at her side while riding horseback on a black mare.
But on that day in the battle of Awazu; while battling agaist swordmen, her black horse had been periced from a flying arrow, fell- and Takoshi trapped under the fallen beast, where she struggled to release herself in attempt to get to her also pinned nagainta, before she could react correctly or with possiablity... another sworm of arrows had caught into her body. Peircing her red and black plated armor and rupturing through her vital organs... where her life was taken.
It is from here on, where she had continued this admiration of the sword, protecting, and the entire structure of the Soul Reaper; that she now wishes to prusuit for the rest of time.

Signature/Patented Technique: (n/a)
Guild Status: o.o; Soon to come? Hopfully? (Beginer? Sad eh? x3)
Online Schedule: Mostly everyday; from 6 pm; sometimes easier if lucky... But anyways. 6 pm Eastern- to 10 pm ..) x0
(A some-what detail of her characteristics... (sp?)) User Image