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Reply [IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]
[PRP - North] Decisions, Decisions.

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Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:11 pm
PhiferWolf (6:22:18 PM): From sunrise to the the high noon sun, the Lord of the house moved about the Zhi Ming's territory. Every path, every cliff face, from top to bottom, to the waterfall, down to the plans, the Lord made sure to make quick work of his patrol, quick and thorough, none shall sneak upon his land and escape without a scratch or two. With the sun high up, it was about time for lunch and he carried it regally upon his back as he ascended the mountain side to the pride's territory. The House's surrounding wall gave way to a gap to allow passage into the open field before the many dens upon the cliff face. In the center, high above the others, was his chambers and he had hoped a certain female was there for lunch.

"I have skipped my own lunch plans or two, but I will make up for it..." The lord murmured as he entered the lower entrance and made his way up.

SanLona (6:40:24 PM): Fu'Ren was within the den, as expected. She was cleaning her paws, as she had been walking around that morning observing some of the more central activities around the dens. House keeping, in a sense, was what she had to oversee, that and some aspects of politics that were not constantly in effect unless there were visitors about.

She lifted her head briefly as she heard him draw near. In that position she waited, head aloof as she glanced towards the den's opening. She knew it was him. He had a very distinct smell and sounds. He didn't typically come around at this time of day so a bit of curiousity was tickling her mind. Was something wrong? She doubted it. He didn't seem alarmed.

PhiferWolf (7:06:02 PM): A smile was forced onto his face, one just for her, as he rounded the corner into the Royal Den, carefully slipping the meal down beside the entrance. It was not unusual for him to carry food upon his back for he often found it dishonorable, and distasteful, to drag something along the ground.

"Lunch time, it seems," he spoke as he made his way to his mate. Over the many moons they have been together, he could not picture himself lasting long with another other female other than this one and he had settled to himself that she was his true mate. No matter who he wandered off to, something inside kept pulling him back. Luckily, none of that has happened yet. Proudly he placed himself beside her, regal and protective. "I suppose our day has been progressive, yes? Dull without the boys around." And by boys he meant their beloved litter. Still, some members linged here and there.

SanLona (7:23:14 PM): Although feelings of devotion weren't common with Fu'Ren, she could not see herself with any other mate. She was proud of his strength and position and, for the most part, he treated her as he should. A lady, such as herself, needed a certain kind of man. He fit the bill and she was very content with that. Most of the time.

"You brought food? Lovely, thank you," she murmured. It was an off-handed sort of graditude, but she didn't do dripping, gushes of thanks. It wasn't lady like. She did not, however, start eating just yet. It wasn't good manners to do so and converse at the same time.

"In a way, it is," she agreed, "But it is best they are off busying themselves. They have grown after all."

PhiferWolf (7:27:47 PM): "Of course, you expect me to allow you to go out and endanger yourself hunting?" Well, he actually would expect it, but that didn't mean she was a caged bird. If she wanted something, he was completely up for it unless it meant endangering the pride, the house, or themselves. Worse case scenario, she was taken from him, in which case, blood will be spilt. "You are welcome, M'lady."

Sheng moved his head to groom delicately, as delicately as he could, the back of her head and ear out of affection, a pseudo soft rumbling deep inside.

"Still, with them gone, we can discuss politcal matters without their voices to sway us. Would I suggest claiming an heir?" He questioned. In his mind, he doubted the need for it since he saw them alive for quite a long time to even leave the heir a chance at becoming Lord, but it was necessary. "And maybe some... personal agendas."

SanLona (7:48:13 PM): Fu'Ren only smiled at his suggestion. While she didn't agree for quite the same reasons, the less she had to hunt the better. Hunting wasn't a Lady of the House's job. She had much better ways to spend her time. And since he obviously enjoyed doing it, she indulged him. It was an easy balance.

"Mm..." she allowed a very light purr to escape her. It was something she'd never offer in public. He had gotten pretty good at grooming, for a male. She certainly loved the attention.

"Yes...that is quite important," she agreed. Seeing as politics was her expertise, she didn't foresee any problems in the decisions. She knew her choice. After all, she had trained him very specifically. "And...personal agendas?" The question was an afterthought.

PhiferWolf (7:52:59 PM): Sheng slipped a paw upon her chest and pulled her close to him, still continuing to groom her, a chuckling purr escaped his maw as she gave an afterthought to his last statement. The thought had been lingering in his mind, and it was only instinctive to do so, but it was still her choice entirely. But the tease of not telling her what he meant was far too enjoying to see her reactions.

"Well, I would like to propose the idea of Hasmal being an heir. Do you not agree or shall you challenge my notion?" Sheng questioned, eyeing her curiously with sharp, emerald eyes. Knowing his mate, she had something up her sleeve to throw into the ring just to complicate his own train of thoughts.

SanLona (8:04:33 PM): She thought she knew what he had meant. After all, it was almost that time again. Critically speaking, they should have done so a while ago. Her first litter had been old enough for a while now. She was more than ready to do it again. A lady's first and foremost duty and pride was to bare children and there was no way she would let her half sister have another before she did.

But, there was something more important to think about right now. It wasn't that Fu'Ren wasn't proud of Xun. All of her children were exceptional and she would hold them above any other lions or lionesses she met. However, there was one in particular she had given a great deal of attention: Ru'Min. Perhaps it was vanity, for he did remind her a bit of herself, but she had groomed him in the way of politics and other issues that had not necessarily reached the other children in the same way. They were all strong, that there was a promise from their father, but she didn't not want the next heir to be vunerable to...more underhanded tactics that she was used to. After all, whatever heir was chosen would not have Fu'Ren to watch them as Sheng did.

"Xun is excellent, as all our children are...but I suggest Ru'Min," she replied, unabashed by her different opinion.

PhiferWolf (8:15:21 PM): Sheng grinned and nuzzled her. The time has come and will remain until certain events happen, until then, personal agendas will remain.

Before, Xun clung to his future mate, Lahn, like a beetle to a pile of hippo crap. When Lahn was alone, he would appear to ask her to go with him or do something that it came to his attention that his focuses were not exactly in the right places. It was not until he had a secret conference with Fukuaji, the meerkat. It had reminded him that Xun'lin, as well as his brothers and sisters, were still cubs and no matter who they were, they could not have been forced to behave this way or that until it came to when they had to buckle down and take control of their lives. What Xun had been doing was established a relationship with his future mate as friend. To push another into becoming a mate without any emotion was as bad as Sheng being placed with one of Mwana's sisters. Still, Sheng kept a close eye on the two of them, maybe more so than the rest of his children out of worry for what he may do to impress her. With the recent changes of Xun not only ignoring Lahn, but taking to a future position as a guard, patrolling on his own and watching the entrance like a sentry. Perhaps it was true that he was finally buckling down. As for his attention to his mother's lessons, he has on numerous accounts correct his father in his own manners, as bold as it was, but with good reason. Especially a random encounter with the Empress where his manners were vital and appropriate for someone above his own ranking.

"As much as I would like Ru'min to be the heir, has he shown progress as to the interest to the House? I guess you would know his manners and knowledge of politics..." He countered, hoping she would know the answers to questions that would certainly benefit the house, but he was putting Xun up on a perverbial pedastal above his brother. Will she put her choice higher?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:02 pm
SanLona (9:19:27 PM): Fu'Ren felt her ears twitch with tension. She was always right, at least in her mind. To have her mate arguing that their one son was better than the one she had trained specifically was almost insulting to her. It was not her intention, but she almost felt as if she were defending her pride as well as her favored sons. She did not like her opinions being countered. She wasn't a woman with enough virtue for that.

"Of course. You think I would suggest him if he didn't?" she sniffed, "You know I'm always thinking of what is best for the strenght of our house." She gave him a sideways look. It wasn't a pleasant one. Certainly it wasn't hostile, but it was wary. Her pride was making her very cautious and sensative, though she kept her face as always.

PhiferWolf (9:40:24 PM): "I thought it was my job to get angry and snappy, but I guess you'd call this moody, huh?" Sheng scoffed and looked at her. Well, she was putting her choice up on a pedastal too, one that was too small to fit the both of their sons. If he spent some time in the west house, he'd know what to do. But with how strong headed and stubborn Mwana can be, it will be difficult to get his own way without making some compromises.

"Xun'lin is our son, one of our oldest. He is loyal to our house, but he can be rebellious. He can make his own decisions in which he believes to be right and just. He is strong and he has his faults. He has his heart in the right place and he will have a strong mate by his side when he comes to age when these trials are over. He has great potential to be a protector than an agressive offense like myself."

"Tell me more about Ru'min if you are certain you can change my mind," he replied.
SanLona (10:03:33 PM): Fu'Ren did not count his comment on her mood. That would have been petty.

"Ru'Min is strong both physically and mentally. He uses both these talents together, so that his actions are pointed and specific. He knows how to work with others, both of his pride and that of other prides. He is not suseptible to his emotions or urges. He is solid and he is sturdy. He also has a calm sense of ambition, seeking always what is best for his house," she listed off her son's qualities quickly and easily. She had no doubts about his capabilities. He had been, after all, the one she had chosen. That meant a great deal to her.
PhiferWolf (10:24:22 PM): Sheng scoffed again. Stubborn and countered as expected. The Lord looked out to the horizon and contemplated what he should do. He looked at Ru'min and nipped her a little roughly.

"I am not going to argue until they get back here, you do realize this. You also realize that this choice of who will be our heir means that they are susceptible to doing things they may not want to do. The last thing I want is having Ru'min or Xun'lin trying to step in to take lead when I am around. I refuse to allow my sons to be harmed. I refuse them to be miserable and suffering due to a choice we placed upon them they are not ready for. If you wish Ru'min to be heir and I want Xun'lin to be heir, we come to a barrier of which we must overcome," The lord let an exhale as he raised to feet, moving to the kill, placing a paw over it.

"If we keep arguing thinking of ourselves and our choices, we may not get anywhere in this conversation and only be pushing one another way," Sheng replied. "Why don't we compromise? Xun'lin could be the heir, the figure and strength, and Ru'min may be his advisor. From what you have said, Ru'min could fit that position very well. Look at Shu, he has done his job perfectly."

Turning back to his mate, he tried to smile but all he could do was a look of discontent. "If we keep seeing our choices as our own, we are going to get anywhere. And I am only saying this because I know you can stubborn, look how long it took us to get together. And I figure if we kept at it, I'd cave and let you win."
SanLona (10:51:58 PM): "So you admit you just don't want to loose, and this is your cheap way of winning," Fu'Ren clipped stiffly. His compromise might have been genuine, even logical, but since the argument had become such a test of wills all she saw was how she was being cheated; how the offer was saying "lets come to middle ground" when really her mate was taking most of the high.

"It's too easy, I don't like it," she huffed, "What if he isn't fit? What if he makes mistakes? I don't like it being so set in stone." She shuffled in her mind for some ace she could play. Ru'Min should be heir, of thise she had no doubt. But if she couldn't accomplish that in this conversation, she had to leave a back door.

"For the good of the house," she said primly, "We should ensure that we make the right choice. I say that we may name an heir, but unless the title is offically passed on we may be allowed to change our choice should something arise. That way our house's future does not completely hinge on our arugement." Though her intentions for that idea were a bit selfish, the idea itself wasn't too bad.
PhiferWolf (11:12:32 PM): "What are you suggesting? For the sake of this arguement, Xun'lin becomes the heir and Ru'min becomes the high advisor. Later down the line, when we retire from our places, and Xun'lin is injured beyond able to rule, Ru'min becomes the heir?" He question, perking his attention. The solution sounded like a good one as it was possible to happen. And the same can be done for Ru'min. But it still came down to, who gets the title...

"Now how do we choose who gets the title of heir: Ru'min, you're etiquet, polite, mindful son, or Xun'lin, my strong, protective, but rebellious son...." His paw traced along the side of the carcass before moving back to his mate, laying down beside her regardless of their disagreement just seconds ago. "Any suggestions?"

SanLona (11:21:17 PM): "Well, that bit is obvious, I mean that before either of us retire if we see a problem with the heir we can switch the title, if there is the need. That way we won't be choosing blindly without a way out if our predictions are false," Fu'ren clarified.

Her nose wrickled a little and she finally brought up something that had been bothering her, "I don't see how rebelliousness is a quality you're putting good value towards. That seems more of a vice too me. If one is too confrontational as a leader, or too unlikely to follow traditions...that is not good for leadership. You keep bringing it up, when if you were arguing for him you really shouldn't," She shook her head. A bit of her edge of ther argument seemed to be lost over her confusion.

PhiferWolf (11:29:04 PM): "You think I will loyally listen to your sister and Ahali? I got to make my own choices at times. I follow our rules, laws, traditions, and orders, but sometimes, I must make my own. If Xun'lin was absolutely loyal to the way this world of ours worked... I am afraid he will follow through with a ridiculous order and get himself hurt. I guess what I define as rebelliousness is being able to deviate for the sake of right judgements," Sheng replied, nuzzling against his mate, placing a paw boldly over her and pulling her close.

"I love our children, Mwana, and I love you more so. And if someone is going to put us to harm with a damn order to rush head first into a situation, I trust our heir will make a choice to disobey to save our House, our pride, and our family," he paused for a moment. "... All this thinking is starting to hurt my head."

SanLona (11:33:14 PM): "That is not rebelliousness," Mwana rolled her eyes, "Rebelliousness is disobeying just to disobey. That is very different. So which one is Xun? Your ideal, or the true definition of a rebel?" She was getting tired of arguing, of feeling hurt because he didn't agree with her choice, which she still didn't doubt was the right choice. But really...could she fight her boy's battles for him? Perhaps it was best to leave things and let him gain the title by his own means. After all, if he had listened to her he would find a way. That or he would find something far better to do with himself, something far more impressive than being the heir to the lord of the house.
PhiferWolf (11:36:35 PM): "The one you are thinking of," he replied with a laugh. He was glad things were settling down from their heated debate and now he had his mate within his paws as a purr rumbled inside him. The lord glanced around quickly before licking her. "You know, I am extremely glad I have you as a mate and none other," Sheng purred, trying to change the subject and move onto other matters.

"So what do you say we move onto personal agendas or shall we continue this naming and fighting?"
SanLona (11:44:45 PM): Mwana sighed, "I know which agendas you mean...perhaps tomorrow? I think I'm a bit too tired for that today." All her emotional defensiveness had left her a bit weary. She still hadn't even won...instead she had just found an avenue for her son to take charge and prove himself. She didn't like loosing. It left her feeling drained. After all, loosing wasn't something she allowed usually. Her mate should know that better than anyone.

"There isn't much to talk about with it so...tomorrow?" she pressed.
PhiferWolf (11:54:16 PM): "I wasn't suggesting it for today, love. I was suggesting the idea if you... well, ready for it," he purred as he held her close. The arguement wasn't over, but another day for that. With how long the adols have been gone, it will be a while longer. Sheng held Fu'ren close, giving her something comfortable to lean on.

"I think we will see if anything happens tomorrow." Sheng added nuzzling her quickly before placing his head down to rest. Tomorrow and the days following look bright, if one ignores the Heir arguments that are bound to arise.


Loyal Werewolf

[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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