Light & Wu, Skuld & Xian Poo~

It was a typical day or Xian Poo. Bicker with Dongo, make a few mixes, stay put in case any of the royals showed up. Then take a walk. Walks were appreciated, though he didn't really need them. The lands were beautiful, though. And, a creature that greatly enjoyed beauty, he somehow managed to get distracted while admiring his home and ended up a bit.. further than he'd expected. Still very inside the lands, of couse. But the blue-and-purple leopard lived in the central house, so he was a bit surprised to find himself this much further south.

... But, ooh, was that a nice little herb he saw? Xian smirked, stalking to the small plant, growing in a crack between two rocks like it were prey, then sniffing at it a bit. Satisfied, he grabbed and pulled it out completely. He could use this! I wonder if there's any more, hmm?

Skuld, too, found herself meandering the lands, though she was keeping mindful to stay within the South House. In case she was needed to deliver a message and such. However, the cheetah was searching for something more suited to her own personal interests. She'd seen an interesting flower the other day, but was too busy with something else to stop and take notice. She'd returned to the vicinity of the plant, but was having some trouble finding it. Her brows furrowed as she searched. She hadn't even taken the time to catch the scent of it, this would be so much easier if she had.

Looking for that flower would have to wait, though. She caught scent of someone else nearby... The cheetah turned her golden eyes to the horizon to find the source. A leopard... Not from her house, but she recognized him from within the pride. ... Central house. She was pretty sure of it. "Hey there!" She called out as she padded towards him. Maybe he would have an idea about her illusive flower....

An ear flicked backwards, and Xian's head popped up from nosing about the plants, immediately alert and suspicious. Oh no, they might take his herb! He glanced backwards to see a cheetah coming his way, and turned around to face her. Young, hm. It was funny to see cheetah here. They usually liked wide open spaces, didn't they? Hm. Funny. "Hi. " He said, through a mouthful of plant, sitting down and curling his tail around his paws. He also found her vaguely familiar, but Xian Poo rarely bothered to pay attention to anyone besides the royals.

"Who're you? "

Skuld looked about the plants he was nosing through as she approached. That flower wasn't here, either. Though, they did look interesting. She turned her attention quickly back to the leopard. "Oh, my name's Skuld. I'm a messenger for the South House," she added, figuring it would perhaps help the leopard to place her. "I'm pretty sure you're from the central house, right? I can't remember your name, though," she said with a sheepish grin, wondering if she ever knew it in the first place.

And then her attention went to the fact that he was gathering whatever these plants were. "... Say, whatcha gonna do with those plants?" she asked with a headtilt. "I'm always trying to learn more about plants and bugs and stuff, just curious," she continued quickly, trying to explain herself before she was asked to do so.

"Ah, okay. " South house, messenger. Got it. He nodded slightly, eyeing the cheetah a bit. What kind of messages would anyone have to deliver via cheetah around here? Hmmm, interesting! .. not really. "Yes, Xian Poo. " He didn't have a proper name yet. He should probably get one before anyone lost their patience with that. He didn't bother saying what his job was just yet, because its hardly a great title you carry around. Xian Poo, beautist. Well, okay, -he- liked it, but he was well aware that not everyone thought so, and he'd rather just spare himself the mockery.

"Um... stuff. " What was the proper term? "Mix them up. With my other stuff. " He shrugged. Other plants, fruits and honey. Those were pretty much his tools of trade.

Skuld nodded as she locked away his name into her memory. Xian Poo, Leopard of the central house. She listened intently to his description of what he was planning to do with the plants, despite its lack in specific-ness. She tilted her head a bit more before looking down at the plants on the ground. She bent over to sniff at them. "Interesting... So you mix them with some other stuff, what do you do with the resulting stuff?" She asked, voice raising in pitch at the end of her question, though her eyes didn't leave the plants. She simply tilted her head from one side to the other. She would get it out of him, what he used these for, Skuld just had to know now. The fact that he wasn't just collecting them because they were pretty was proof enough that they had some purpose. She returned her gaze back to him, wondering if he was going to tell her.

He paused, flicking his tail tip. Why did this girl care, anyway? It has always been strange to describe his stuff, and he doesn't appreciate being asked about it becuass every time he's a bit stumped on how to explain. "Ir rub it on.. fur. And skin. To make it healthy and soft. And smell good. " He shrugged, glancing away for a moment. Yeah, that was a rather.. strange explanation. "Like.. my fur. " He shrugged. "Or the empress and her cubs. " The Emperor didn't bother with this stuff. He wondered why, because the emperor had a very huge mane and he could do with some grooming.

"Oooh!" Skuld said with a nod. It made some sense now, though her first guess would've been that he was a healer of sorts. She supposed he was, really. A healer of fur. "That's pretty cool, I wouldn't have thought to try to do that at all," she said, turning her gaze to his fur. Now that he mentioned it, he was quite shiny. She made a mental note: This plant was good for fur, somehow. Yet another random fact she would know. "That's a pretty cool idea!" She supposed if he used it on the empress and her cubs, she was in no position to ask for it. Sounded to her like something those in higher ranks got to experience, so she'd have to leave it at that. "Need some help or something? I could pick some for you," she offered. She had nothing better to do, and maybe she'd learn some more about it.

He blinked, pleasently surprised by how she considered this 'cool'. Oh good, someone who appreciates his work! Like that royal kid who's name escapes him. The one who really liked smelling good. Well, whatever his name was, that one also appreciated his work. And he appreciated people appreciating him. "Thankyou! " He said happily, puffing out his chest a bit. He paused slightly at her offer to help, pondering a bit. "No, thankyou. I'm fine. " She probably wouldn't know what stuff he wanted. And he wasn't quite sure he wanted to teach anyone. Especially not someone he just met!

.. Even if she seemed nice. "Did you want help with anything? " Well, she's the one that'd called him first. Maybe she had wanted something.

"You're welcome!" She said with a nod. "And alright, if you're sure," she responded. She'd offered. His question, though, reminded her of what she'd originally come to speak with him about. "Oh yeah! Say, you wouldn't have happened to see a purple-ish flower somewhere nearby, have you? I came here looking for it, I saw it around here somewhere just the other day..." she hoped nothing had stepped on it... Or eaten it. If there was one around here, there had to be more, anyway.

He nodded. Yep, he was sure he didn't need any help. They were just plants, he could tear them from the floor himself. And they coud smush together pretty well. He paused in his mental-rambling to listen to her, and blinked in amusement. She had come all over here just to look for a flower? Xian smiled slightly, looking around for the flower. Hm.. purple? "Um.. not reallyy.. " He paused, hopping up on a few rocks and ledges, getting a better look around. Nope, nothing here. Or waait. "A-ha! " He exclaimed, vanishing behind a ledge before popping up again, a purple-ish flower trapped in his jaws, along with his herbs.

"This it? "

Skuld watched Xian as he jumped from level to level, wondering as he did so if he'd seen it. She rose to her feet and tried to peer over the edge after him. She hoped to see a purple flower, and her hopes rose when she heard his exclamation from beyond sight. Ears perked forward and all, she looked to his jaws when he returned.

"Eee! That's it!" Skuld said with an ear to ear grin, making it the rest of the way over to his location quite quickly. "Wow, thanks Xian Poo!" All she'd need is the scent and she'd be able to track them down from now on, but she'd certainly investigate this one while she had it.

He smiled, dropping the flower, and his herbs, consequently. After separating them with his paws, he scooped his herbs up into his mouth again and nudged the flower towards the cheetah. "No problem! " He nodded happily, though he was still somewhat amused by the entire situation. "Happy to help! " He purred slightly, before galncing back towards the central house territory. "Weeelll.. I should get going back. And put these away. " He flicked his tail, glancing back at the cheetah.

"It was nice meeting you, Skuld! " He said, waiting a bit in case she wanted to answer before hopping off the rocks and ledges, beginning to make his way home. That had been a rather pleasant encounter!

"Thanks again, Xian Poo! See you around!" Skuld said after having picked up the flower herself. She turned back to head a bit further South, more towards where she was staying. She was glad she'd talked to the leopard from the center of the pride.