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[LOG] Just another face [Ingelosi x Persephone]

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Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:46 pm
AIM Log -- Felyn & Krysin
Ingelosi & Persephone

He was taking his Bibi's advice at least, and he thought he should honestly get a medal of some sort for that. He wasn't hitting on the females within the pride (not that there was a surplus unrelated to him anyway), and thus, wasn't making trouble for this grandmother in the end. She had been quite adamant, so he had resolved to simply finding pretty rogues to work his wiles on.

That meant spending a lot less time at home, though he supposed that couldn't be helped. Either have a riot at home, or spend the time looking elsewhere. That was the reason he was trotting around the outskirts of the pride, bright red eyes gleaming as he looked for any sign of a good time.

With a comfortable stretch, he leaped up to the top of a boulder, then settled into a regal little sitting position. If there was anyone that let his grandmother's position as queen go to his head, it was probably Ingelosi.

A pristine, or once-pristine, white lioness wandered near the forest-line that protected the Kusini'mwezi lands. Persephone, or as she preferred to be called - Sephie, was farther away from home than she had ever dreamed of being. Back in the Pridelands she had her group of tight-knit friends, and she had quite the few boys she enjoyed leading on. Needless to say, life had been comfortable in the Pridelands for the adolescent, but there came a time in everyone's life when a change was needed. Sephie left her home, barely stopping to say farewell to her three sisters and to the aunt that had raised them.

She was a lioness on a mission, and that mission was to find her mother. Sephie couldn't recall what she looked like, at least not from memories. Visions. They were rare and fleeting, but always did they hold the image of her mother, a large lioness, slate-blue in color. In contrast, Persephone barely resembled the missing lioness, but she knew they were related, she felt her. Her mother had disappeared on a chase to find the murderer of Sephie's grandmother, but had been gone too long. Sephie was going to find her and brinng her back home where she belonged.

Of course, it wasn't going so well. She knew that once upon a time her mother had passed through here, but she was long gone. Sephie hardly knew how to take care of herself outside of pride life, and had yet to become an accomplished hunter. It wasn't hard, but sometimes Sephie was just too hard-headed to give up, even if some part of her longed to return home so she could flirt with boys and giggle over them with her friends.

Just as the mostly-white male thought his search this afternoon was going to turn out less than fruitful, his eyes flickered over a glimpse of an all-white pelt at the borders of the pride. At first, he mistook the shape for his mother, coming out to find him and perhaps ask why he so rarely came to visit now-a-days. Then, after careful observation, he realized that the figure swiftly approaching was not his mother - in fact, she appeared to be no kin to him at all. He couldn't recall her in the pride, but then, it was large - perhaps he had simply missed her.

"Hello there," he called out lightly, waiting until she was at least within a reasonable distance, so that he didn't have to look too eager. His tail twitched, and he inclined his head towards her with a little bow of his upper body. "You don't look familiar in the slightest, miss, I don't believe you're from around the Kusini'Mwezi?"

She paused at the sight of a male lion, mostly white, but she could definitely see a bright distinction of red upon his pelt. Sephie hadn't met many rogues, because most of them avoided her before she even came into seeing distance. Contact with other lions was something that she surely missed, but some part of her was anxious about meeting someone new, if only for the trouble it could possibly bring her. But, in the end, her need for some company was too great. One paw moved in front of the other, and she continued her approach.

"Hello," she replied in a naturally sweet voice. Persephone was pretty, that was without a doubt, delicate and feminine, it seemed impossible that she could be anything but some innocent, lost creature. She was lost, but she wasn't entirely innocent. Her pink eyes swept over his image, assessing him silently before she spoke. "No, I'm from the Pridelands - I was looking for my mother, but I don't think she's here, or has been here for a very long time." She shrugged gracefully, eyes fixing upon the male's face. "I'm Persephone - Sephie, if you will."

"Sephie," he drawled out, as if tasting the name on his tongue, before a light smirk spread over his maw. It was contagious and charming, his smile, to be sure. "I'm Ingelosi, though I greatly prefer Ozzy." If she was comfortable enough to let him call her by a nickname, then so would he be too.

His eyes danced over her lightly, quickly, just a sweep of the eyes that could have been passed off as juddging her condition. It probably was partially, in his defense, though he wouldn't pass up the chance to get an eyefull. He could appreciate the beauty that lay under her travel worn exterior, that was for sure, but he could also tell that she had been travelling for quite some time.

"The Pridelands, hm? That's quite a ways away, isn't it?" He glanced off in the general direction that he'd been shown once, staring as if the pride might suddenly come into view on the horizon. "I have family there, well, so I hear." He shrugged lightly, turning to look back at her. "Your search must be drawing you a long way from home."
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:49 pm
Her lips quirked up in amusement as he gave her his nickname, because personally she would have just gone with Ingelosi rather than Ozzy. But, despite her amusement, she managed to keep herself from snickering behind her paw, and instead purred a response, "Well, it's nice to meet you, Ozzy." She was naturally flirtatious, hell, she'd been flirtatious ever since she had reached adolescence. Persephone knew how to lead boys on, and she knew how to dump them face-first in the dirt and leave them feeling stupid and cheated. There was no better game than playing the flirt.

"Yes, it is quite a bit away by now. I miss it, but I'd rather find my mother and drag her forcibly back than give up now and go home with my head bowed." Home. It was something she had started thinking about more and more as the days passed. There was little else to occupy her mind with when she was travelling alone, and it almost made her wish she had dragged one of her sisters along for the trip. But, no, she didn't want to uproot them. They had a good life in the Pridelands, and Sephie, in contrast, was likely more suited to wandering than either of her siblings.

"I'm sure you do, the Pridelands are pretty large. I've heard of the Kusini, there's quite a few lions that share some relation to your bloodlines." But, she really didn't want to talk about the Pridelands - she didn't want to come to miss is more than she already was.

"Nice to meet you too," he nearly purred out, shifting to lay down atop his rock. He studied her for a moment, then turned to look around him. He couldn't imagine what it would be like if his own mother had left. His sister and brother were leaving soon and even that thought left his chest tight and constricted. For one of the cornerstones of his family to leave? That would have been heartbreaking.

"The Kusini royal bloodline has spread far and wide," he said with a little chuckle, flicking his tail as he turned to look back at her again. "We're a strong family." He could tell she didn't really want to stay on the topic of her mother, or the pride she had left, which left the conversation a little more awkward than he was used to.

"Eh, well. You must be tired, right?" He tilted his head, gaze flickering over her again. In all honesty, though, this time was mostly just for the sake of assessing her condition. "And maybe hungry?"

She hadn't known her mother, but the effects of her mother leaving were clear and easy for anyone to read. In the end, Sephie knew that it would be best to bring her mother home, so no one would have to worry over her or mourn over not knowing what happened to her. Sephie knew her mother was alive somewhere, she just had that feeling in her heart. One day she would find Ghali, and she would bring her back home where she belonged, despite her mother's own quest to find a murderer - a murderer who was her own father.

When the opportunity to skirt away from the discussion of family presented itself, she gladly and eagerly took it. "I'm rather all right," she purred pleasantly. "I'm stronger then I look." Sephie batted her eyelashes at him, a purely flirtatious gesture, because, well, she wanted to take her mind off of her family, and he certainly was pleasant to the eye. A little flirting wouldn't harm either of them. Sephie was very close to the kind of lioness mothers didn't want their sons tampering with, if only because she held the promise of dumping them as soon as someone more handsome came along.

"But, I will admit that I am a little hungry." A sheepish smile flashed across her face, and maybe there was a pink tint on her cheeks, just visible underneath her pure white fur.

"I bet you are," he said with that same contagious little smirking half-smile, brows rising slightly. If she was the female that mothers warned their sons against, then he was certainly the male that mothers warned their daughters against. He was a flirt, and where as she might dump her victim on their face when she was tired of playing, he got what he wanted and ran away as soon as his intentions were fufilled. It wasn't really his intention to be so heartless, he just had no desire to dabble in that 'loyalty' thing.

"Ah, well, if you're hungry, I can lead you to the pride. I'm sure one of the lionesses has brought back a meal or two, and there's probably plenty to share with someone whose a bit down on their luck." He pushed himself back up to a sitting position, staring down at her with a little tilt of his head.

She had the distinct feeling that he was as bad as she was when it came to flirting, and it brought a pleased, pretty smile to her face. Her flirtatious behavior had yet to lead her to the possibility of no longer travelling alone, but it was needless to say that she towed that line dangerously. It was all in some honest and good fun, though her aunt would have a heart attack if she knew half of how flirtatious her charge was. With how they were interacting, she was sorely tempted to skip the idea of free food altogether in favor of flirting a little more.

So, she decided to kick the charms up a little bit. She purred, slinking forward to pass by Ingelosi, seemingly on her way to the forest's edge, though her tail flicker against his paw. "I wouldn't want to be a bother, truly," she glanced over her shoulders at him almost idly. "I'll be fine until I can catch a meal for myself," which was true, and the hunger wasn't so great that she'd take a few pieces of meat from the pride, even if it was offered to her.


Eloquent Lunatic


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:05 pm
He had honestly tried to be a good sumaritan, even if his ultimate goal had been, well, a little less honorable. But he had offered her food, and shelter, and as far as he was concerned, he had done everything his Bibi could expect of him. If she was convinced that she was perfectly alright to go around flirting with him like this, putting off general life necessities, then he wasn't about to start fighting her over it. What the hell did he have to complain about?

"I'm not really sure you'd be a bother," he murmured, his lids drooping momentarily as her tail brushed against his paw, "but if you're sure that you don't truly mind." He shrugged, to show that it was fine, trailing off his words as he leapt lightly off his rock to follow her. His smirk had settled back into place and his eyes followed her calmly.

There, she was plenty pleased that he had jumped down from the rock to come walk with her, not necessarily because she wanted him at his side so that they could enjoy a walk and chat together. Rather, it gave her the opportunity to show off how pretty she was, and she delighted in it. She didn't bother to slow down, at least not yet, taking graceful steps that showed off the muscles of her body, her pretty white fur, and steps that sent her hips swaying. Oh, she knew how to tease and torment boys, and she had done just this to get a few of them drooling over her. It was unneccessarily cruel, because she could just about do it to anyone, and only considered flirting further with a few of the more attractive ones. Sephie was a born and bred tease, after all.

"I'm sure I will be quite fine, and I'd rather be able to continue on my way soon. I'm not that much of a delicate flower." Sephie snorted to herself before glancing over her shoulder to make sure that he was watching her. She wanted to be able to gauge what type of flirt he was, because really, she just wanted to play around and take her mind off of more important things. Petty, needless flirting was exactly what she needed right about now, or at least that's what she told herself.

Her little movements weren't lost upon him as he carefully padded after her, his gaze drifting over the aspects of her form that she was purposefully trying to make stand out. His half-smile of a smirk faded to something quite a bit more mischevous and he moved up closer to the side of her form, sweeping his gaze up along her side before meeting her own eyes.

"I understand, you have an important quest and all," his voice was low, though, deep and husky as he spoke to her. It was more like he was simply speaking for the sake of filling space, letting his voice ring out for her to listen. His brow quirked as he let his tail flicker behind him, gently brushing up against her own fleetingly before falling back.

He was letting her lead this where she wanted to though, that was fairly obvious. He seemed to be versed enough in this to know not to let himself get drawn in too far, not to start making assumptions that would leave him hanging.

She was playing through how far she wanted to take this, but she had never taken these things as far as any male would like. For now, she was content to play in her normally flirtatious way, watching him out of the corner of her eye as he moved up to walk beside her. Seeing him look her over made her purr, because she took it as quite the compliment to have his intent attention. Of course, she had no idea what kind of lion he was, and perhaps he was the kind to chase after any female who'd move his tail to the side for him. But, he looked like he was better than that, and it eased her.

"A quest?" she giggled sweetly as his deeper voice sent a little chill down her spine. That was what she liked to hear, the deep rumbling of a male's voice, and she could really just keep him talking just to hear it. This was tempting her, far more then it had ever before, and she didn't know whether to attribute it to her lack of contact with other lions for so long, or if he was just really that attractive to her. Now it was really becoming quite the debate, whether she wanted to delve further than she ever had before or not.

Her tail flicked briefly back against his, as if to tell him that she approved of his behavior. Veering from her original course, she instead cut him off, the top of her head buffeting underneath his chin, the length of her body pressing against his chest as she brushed against him while passing in front of him. "The weather is quite nice today, wouldn't you agree?"

He had to admit that he was a little surprised when she was veered suddenly, cutting off his path, and butting her head beneath his chin. He couldn't say that he truly minded, but this was the second female from the roguelands that he had found to be so.. foward. Of course, this one was quite a bit different in many ways (first and foremost being that whole mortality deal) but he wondered if there was just something different about rogue girls and Kusini girls? He would have put the theory to the test if his Bibi's warning wasn't glaring inside his skull.

"Quite nice," he cooed after her as she walked past, his gaze wandering again, and his reference obviously not intended for anything close to the weather. His eyes narrowed as that smirk drew wide across his maw, his muscles rippling as he set off after her in a determined strut. "It's turning out to be a lovely afternoon," the deep voice drawled again as he came up to her side.

He hoped every little hunt went as well as this one, though he supposed he was eventually going to run short of flirty, white females wandering into his homelands. Still, he wasn't going to judge whatever game fate was playing with him right now - he'd just thank her and move along.
[IC] Kusini'Mwezi Lands [IC]

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