Members are welcome to make all posts within the dragon's territory on the main forum. Here is a list of the various locations the posts will be able to take place.
Please remember to include the location somewhere easily recognizable in your post or else no one else will know where you are!

The dragons inhabit a large coastal mainland, an array of smaller islands, and another chunk across the ocean on the opposite coast.

Parts of the Mainland

The Kingdom - Located roughly around the center of the mainland lies the dragon's kingdom, a fortress concocted entirely out of solid rock and jagged stone, where officials, military officers, and the leader reside. It also houses the military base.
The Military Base - Easily deployed at any moment's hesitation, the military base is where all warriors live, train, and fight.
The Forest - The forest spans the northwest portion of the dragon's land and resides along the shore of the lake. It is thick and dense, purely natural and untampered.
The Lake - The lake is on the northwest side of the land across from the forest and divides and connects the dragon land with nearly every other tribe. It is springing with trout and other various life. It is clean enough to swim and drink but rocky enough to produce harm to unattentive or unskilled youths.
The Towns
The Market
The Inn
The Harbor


Various small islands

Opposite Coastal Land

The Harbor
The Towns
The Market
The Inn
The Military Branch