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[PRP] Fathers be good to your daughters. Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:43 am
Azar's ear twitched for a moment before she shifted her body slightly, lifting her head looking around the mostly dark cave. She grumbled slightly rubbing her face with the backside of one of her paws. She blinked a few times adjusting to the little bit of light around her. She kicked her back legs out from under her before looking over at her opposite sister Zii. A yawn escaped the young lionesses's maw before she grinned. Lifting herself off of the ground and twisting her way through the sleeping bodies of her siblings on the ground.

She spotted her target, a grin growing on her face. She flicked her tail behind her before crouching down on the ground. It was morning and she was up before her father. Perfect time for her. She loved the times that she got to spend with him and if she was up before him it was a good time for her to wake her up and spend some time with him. She paused for a moment looking down at Fia before gently stepping over her, why did she have to sit so close to their father. She giggled softly before pouncing on her father's side.

"Come on daddy!" She said giggling as she climbed over him and nipped and pulled at his ear, balancing himself with her paw in his mane. "Daddy." She giggled bouncing off of him and prying herself in between his paws. "Daddy come on get up, Daaaddd-ddddyyyy." She whined moving up some to his chin licking it and grinning ear to ear. She paused looking around the den making sure that no one else was stiring at the noise that she made. She grinned as she didn't notice anything before flopping down in between his paws worming around so that she grabbed his large paw with her two smaller ones and then she gnawed on it playfully.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:52 am
What was that?

He felt something press against him, brush against his paws. It stirred him from his sleep, had him blinking away the fuzz from his eyes. What was this? Oh, his daughter. Young Azar. Small still, but certainly growing up fast. Where did all the time go?

He smiled down at her, watching as she gnawed his larger paw. Yes, her teeth were getting sharper, too!

"Good morning, sweetheart." He murmered softly. "Aren't you full of energy today, hm?" He reached out with his free paw and pulled her a little closer.

Close to where he lay, an eye flared open. A golden eye that mimicked Kidondo's own. The eye belonged to Fia. Yes. The eldest of the twins was awake.  


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:28 am
Azar giggled as she finally heard her father start to stir. She flashed him a grin before giggling. "Morning daddy." She purred softly closing her eyes for a moment then nodding. "I wanted to spend some time with you before you had to go do some big important jobs." She flicked her tail a bit before snuggling against him.

Then something caught her eyes, she looked over and noticed a eye. One like hers, one like her fathers, it came from Fia, damn she woke her up. She wormed around for a moment hoping that she would fall asleep. She leaned against her father again before looking up at him. "What are you doing today?" She glanced over at the sleeping bodies again. Making seeing if her sister really was awake, was she noticing things. She licked her lips before putting her head on his chest.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:00 am
"Oh, did you now?" He smiled, leaning forwards to groom the fur between her ears. "That sounds wonderful. I was going to check up on how new apprenticeships were going today, but we can certainly do something before I have to go to work." He smiled softly, inwardly hoping that he was spending enough time with his children.

"Now, did you have anything in mind, Azar?"

She was indeed awake, though just barely. She wasn't very good in the mornings and she certainly was grumpy when she first woke up. Even still, she could sense something was going to happen and she definately didn't want to be left out.

She stretched her back, leaning her head into her twin's shoulder. Should she wake Ea? No, not just yet.

"Azar, you're noisy." She complained, not being exactly quiet herself.


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:55 am
Azar giggled and nodded to her father. "Yep!" She said proudly purring softly as he stared to lick the fur in between her ears. She loved, loved, loved having her fathers attention. She closed her eyes for a moment before grinning. "Yay." She giggled softly before shrugged before grinning. "I don't know." She shifted her head a bit for him to lick behind her ears. "Maybe you could shoe me around the lands more. Or we can Spar!"

She loved the sound of the idea until she heard her sister. She froze up for a moment before glancing at her sister. Aww... now she was going to have to spend some time with her sister too... Oh well. It was still time with her father. She didn't spend that much time with Fia anyway. "And you're not." She said back glancing at her sister again before closing her eyes with a purr.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:32 am
"Either of those ideas sounds fantastic. You can show me how much you've learned in your training. I'll bet that you'd beat me paws down in a sparring match." He looked up, casting his gaze across at his other dark pelted daughter. Fia.

"Now, now, you two. There's plenty of time for the both of you. It'll do you good to spend some time with one another as well." He reached back and hefted Fia up by her scruff, noticing how much weight she was putting on. Then, gently, he sat her down beside her sister, pausing to rub a paw across her head - smoothing the dark fur there.

"Okay, so, lets say we go outside before we stir any of the others from their sleep." And with a chuckle, he rose slowly onto his paws and moved out into the early morning sunshine.

He stretched and peered back, waiting for his daughters to emerge

"Ooof." She felt herself being lifted and threw her sister a happy smirk, leaning to scratch behind one ear as her father sat her down again.

"Outside?" She asked through a yawn, tipping sideways a little. "Where are we going?" And, leaping to her paws she made after her father, laughing with delight.

"Bet you can't beat me, Azar!"


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:34 am
Azar giggled softly as her father spoke of her being able to beat him in a sparing match. She moved closer to him and shook her head. "But daddy you're still so much bigger than me." She put her paws on his looking at the size difference. She looked forward to when she was an adult! Then she could spar with her father and she would have more of a chance of... not winning. She knew the adults let the win most of the time. Except for her teacher. She hadn't won against him yet. She looked over at her sister when she was next to her. She looked down at her father's paws once more with a huff, ignoring her sister's smirk.

She then blinked as her father got up. She was soon up herself and looking at her sister. For a moment a sneer was on her face before her sister challenged her. "Oh yeah." She grumbled softly before scampering after her sister, making sure as she passed her she pulled at her ear. "Nu-uh." She growled sticking her tongue out at her before heading out into the very little light of the outside. She paused for a moment letting her eyes adjust to the small amount of light before she trotted up to her father. "Where are we going daddy?" She asked as she looked up at him then around the area. She started to kneed her paws on the ground looking around trying to figure out what he had planed for them.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:51 pm
He glanced back as his daughters came hurtling out, smiling gently at how much energy they had. Would they never tire?

"Not far, love. Just far enough away not to disturb the others from their sleep." He left pawprints in his wake as he moved across the sheet of gold - otherwise swept clean from the night's wind.

"Okay!" He turned to face them. "Wait here a moment." And he moved out a few steps, unsheathed a claw, and began to draw a large circle in the sand. Large enough for perhaps five adult lions to stand inside comfortably. "Right, see this circle? This is going to be the boundary whilst we spar. You two against me. How does that sound?" He smiled.

"We're going to fight you, Daddy?" She stepped forwards and glanced at the circle around them. "We're not allowed to step outside of the circle, right?" She turned to glance at her sister, the twinkle in her mis-matched eyes evident and clear.

"What do you think, Azar? Think we can beat him?"


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:54 am
Azar grinned at her father and nodded, that made sense going away from the den, she didn't want angry bigger firekin after them. Oh no that wouldn't be good. She flicked her tail behind her before she turned toward her sister for a moment as her father stopped she then looked at Fia with a small smile before she looked p at her father watching him make a circle before she arched a small brow.

Hmmm... She made a small face for a moment before nodding walking over the line and looking at her sister. "So we are both going to spar you?" She asked quietly before she looked back and Fia and nodded. "I think we can take him." She giggled softly before she looked at her father with a grin growing on her face. She licked her lips for a moment before she pawed at the ground a few times. "You ready to go daddy?" She asked flicking her tail behind her.

"Any other rules daddy?" She asked her ears twitching around as she looked at the edges of the circle.
PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:03 am
"You certainly are!" He replied with a smile. "Practise for you is very important, besides, I'd like to see how you're skills are improving. Especially yours, Azar, since it's your chosen profession." He smiled at both daughters. "But it's important for you too, Fia. You'll need to be able to put up a good fight, too, even if you aren't going to be a soldier."

He pondered. "The only other rule would be to try and work together where possible. Think of the huntresses and hunters, how they work together. Similar patterns work well when fighting, too. Try them out and see!

He moved to one side of the circle and readied himself.

Fia rolled her eyes, "sure Daddy." But it was clear she was keen to try out her fighting skills, even if she wasn't very particular to these sorts of things. She liked to use her mind, not her claws, but she knew she was had natural talent that would grow if she harnessed it - as all Firekin did.

"Okay, Azar, we can do that, right? We're females. We're made for hunting. We can take on him no probs!" And she leapt into the circle and moved into pounce position, waiting for the signal to begin.


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:05 am
Azar nodded toward her father a smile growing on her face. She had been wanting to spar with her father for a while now. Even though it was two verses one, to a pointed she wanted one on one, however maybe it would be better for her to wait until she was a little older, then she could take him on and win without him going easy at all. She was looking forward to when she could do that. She knew he would be proud when she could do that. She would be proud too.

"Of course we can." Azar nodded toward her sister for a moment before looking at her father, trying to think of ways that she could do this. She would watch her sister a little more however, she would try to compliment her sister's fighting style the best her could, she didn't know how her sister fought but she would try her hardest. "We're firekin. We're made for fighting." She added. Looking at her father for a moment before grinning. She stepped into the circle and a smile grew on her maw.
PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:46 am
Nodding at his daughters he waited for them to take position. Then, when everything was set, he pressed his paws into the sand and called out.


And he ducked his head as if expecting the cubs to come flying at him.

Winking at her sister, she tensed as she waited for the signal to begin the fight. And when it came she felt as if her heart was on fire. She set her hind paws into the sand and pushed off hard, setting herself flying straight towards him.  


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:32 pm
Azar watched tensely keeping an eye on her father, not really even paying attention to her sister's rank. As he sister lunged forward she took a moment to see what her sister was going to do before lunging forward herself, going toward her father's ankles, it was a good place to start against some one bigger than her. She bit at his ankles, she wasn't going easy while she did it either. She didn't want to, she knew it couldn't have hurt him that much.  
PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 2:20 pm
The sparring match began.

Fia went straight for his face, as he'd thought they both would, and he ducked his head lower, hooking his nose under her tummy and knocking her aside.

However, he couldn't fend off both of them at once and as he turned he felt a n** at his ankle and saw Azar had moved in for the attack too. He shook himself free and bounced backwards, turning to face them again.

"Good, good. Fia was the distraction. Azar got in her attack."

Fia sprawled on her side in the sand and came back to her paws spitting gold. "Peh~" She moved back into her pounce stance and gave off a playful 'grrr'.

"Bite him, Azar, bite him! Watch me!" And she threw herself at her father again, knocking into his shoulder and clinging to the strands of his mane.

"Got him!"


Fuzzy Kitten


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:15 pm
Azar nipped a little harder before her father moved away. She blinked before she realized she was knocked lightly on her rump. She determinedly bounced up on her paws before looking over at her sister to find out if she was on her paws too but she then realized that her sister was too getting up.

She looked at her father and sister a few times in between before she watched her sister got at their father. Soon she dug her claws into the ground then quickly darting after her. Trying to make it look like she was going to go at his paws, instead she shot out from under his paws and quickly turned around and pounced on his back with a small smirk on her face and chewing on it roughly.
[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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