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Reply [IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]
[PRP] Getting To Know You

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:06 pm
Hifadhi sat outside the small shelter he had found the girl for the night. The girl... Ijaba. She was foremost in his thoughts and he hadn't meant for her to be. She had been so... so very alone, and he wasn't used to that kind of thing. Most of the time, everyone had a place and people to back them up. He hadn't expected for people... for anyone to leave someone alone. Not based on something as stupid and arbitrary as who their parents were. That kind of thing had never mattered to him. Blood was blood, no matter who it came out of.

He looked at Pepo, who sat nestled beside him as a guard. "Why do you think that they let her wander out here on her own? The girl obviously has no experience... no one to watch her except her bird. And still... she could have died if we hadn't spotted her." He looked back towards the pride. He would have to go back soon. Ngao would worry.

Pepo sighed, looking up at his bonded. His mind was on a similar sort of trend... though his was swaying more towards Maizanna. It was weird for him to think that a bird could be bonded to someone outside of the pride... but at the same time, it made sense that they would be naturally drawn to each other, didn't it? Birds and lions... or half lions, as the case may have been, belonged together. But he felt sorry for her too... she had come awfully close to losing the girl she wanted to protect.

"These things just happen I suppose." The bird shrugged, flapping his wings lightly as he looked at the much larger lion. "I'm sure Mai did her best to watch Ijaba, but we can't be expected to do everything for you lunatics. Wander off into the desert, what do you think will happen?" He sighed, glancing back before looking at Hifadhi, "I'm glad we saved them though. Been a while since we old goats have done something useful for the community besides show some punk kids how not to get themselves killed."
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:42 pm
Ijaba slept somewhat peaceful though she rolled over several times in the process. Awake, she seemed so quiet and soft spoken, though violent in her sleep as she rolled and thrashed her arms, nearly knocking into the small avian at her side that curled up like a cub. She scrunched her nose, breathed in deeply and sighed when she caught a scent that was beginning to become familiar to her. The lion who had found her, saved her from practical starvation, dehydration, her savior, and she smiled as consciousness pulled at her ears.

Though as she pushed a paw out and felt around, she felt nothing, only the cold ground and her eyes peeked open. Bright and serene they searched for him, but heard voices form outside. He said he wouldn't leave her, and she smiled. He was so kind, she hadn't seen such a true kindness in a stranger before. It was a nice change.

Ijaba looked to her side and craned her neck to lick the top of Mai'zanna's head and small feathers stuck to her tongue and she giggled as the small avian protested, flailed about and fluttered her wings.

"Lets go outside," she spoke quickly and moved herself from the interior of the shelter, she saw them both, at ease, but a strange tension was in the air, she felt it, wondered if it was true.


Mai'zana was having a good dream, lots of others like herself, other species, all together with those they loved at peace and kindness with each other. Some had certain personas, but that was just fine, she smiled and felt something wet on her head and her eyes shot open immediately when she knew. "Ija don-" too late, "-'t" and she flailed her wings and began to move away.

Simplistic, though every morning it was the same, she would have no feathers atop her head at this rate! But it was affection, she knew that.

Outside? Yes, yes they should new friends waited for them, their voices clear and she flew to perch atop Hifadhi's head and screed in pleasant thoughts, he had such a furry mane, perfect nesting spot.



PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:17 pm
Hifadhi looked over at them and smiled a little, feeling the small bird settle in his mane. "Hello Ijaba." He said, nodding his head, "Are you feeling better this morning?" He hoped that she felt better than she had the other day... He had never liked to see a woman in trouble. Especially one who had been so abused as this girl had been.

He couldn't help but smile more as he felt the little bird nestle in his mane. "Yes... it does seem that you two have improved quite a bit." He mentioned, glad that the two of them were alright. They would survive... and after all they had been through.

"I hope you remember after yesterday... I'm Hifadhi." He told her again, just in case. He hated it when people couldn't remember his name. It didn't happen very often. But when it did, it was very irritating.

Pepo grinned, glad that Hifadhi seemed to be getting along. He should have gone out and hired a damsel in distress years earlier, but he'd forgotten how much that put the old gazelle in a good mood. There hadn't exactly been women around in need of saving... most of them were fully capable of doing it themselves. Except one... one dead little girl. But Ijaba filled the roll nicely.

That, and he rather liked Mai. She fit exactly his vision of what an avian companion should do. Keep with your lion... or hybrid in this case, close, and stick with them even if it means dying. Because it would be worse to know you had let the lion you were supposed to stay beside die than anything else.

And Hifadhi came so close recently... to death... and Pepo felt unspeakably guilty for letting that happen. But things were starting to look up. And a little plan formed in his mind... something to keep Hifadhi happy. And he did seem to be very fond of Ijaba... maybe he'd suggest that she stay with them. Most members of the pride had never seen a hybird before.
PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:29 pm
"Of course I remember you," Ijaba said somewhat softly, due to either lack of sleep or just how the words spilled from her tongue, "You are Hifadhi, my savior, you were the voice that brought me back," she said with a smile, coaxing her mind to stay awake as she came closer to him. Flicking her tail she watched as Mai made herself comfortable and she giggled. "She does that sometimes, don't mind her, she even tries with me but, I don't have a lot," she said while rubbing the tp of her head under his chin.

"I remember yesterday, you helped, and brought us here, back, right Mai?" Ijaba asked and the avian answered with a nod, seemingly enjoying herself too much.

"What, will happen now?" she questioned softly, looking at him, to Pepo, they had to have come from somewhere, a pride, had he mentioned it? She couldnt remember and it made her frustrated, they wouldn't leave them, would they?

He promised.

"Yes, improved quite a bit, yes, Pepo, have your tried this? Its so nice," Mai snuggled herself more, making a nest like shape on top of Hifadhi and she clicked her beak in approval. "Why have you not before made this your home, so mobile and comfortable!" she fluffed her feathers and watched Pepo, scooted over in her nest of mane and made a motion.

"Pepo keeps me company?"



PostPosted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:48 am
Hifadhi smiled a little, glad that she remembered who he was. It wasn't as though he was easily forgotten or anything but... well, somehow he felt recently that he had faded into the background. "That's all very... poetic. I just did my best to give you a paw when you needed it, that's all." Though for him, it meant so much more than that. Rescuing her had reminded him what it felt like to be... useful.

"Yes... I did help." Hifadhi told her, though he wasn't sure how to answer her other question. "Well... we live in a pride not too far from here. We're ah..." He looked at Mai, thinking quietly to himself.

"We worship the bird-goddess where I live, you see. All of us have flying companions, like Pepo and I... and it seems odd... like a very strange twist of fate that the two of you should wind up here." It was weird. Strangers did not often wander over who just happened to have an avian companion right off the back.

Was it fate that had brought her here? "But I will look after you and make sure nothing happens to you. I won't allow that." He had promised he would protect her. He remembered that. And he would not let her down, no matter what.

Pepo watched Mai and smiled. Back when he had been a little smaller, he had used Hifadhi's head as a resing place. Hifadhi didn't let him do it much anymore though... but he supposed the fluffy-old-Captain had a soft spot for the bird.

He smiled and flew up into his friend's mane, glad to keep Mai company. He rather liked her, and she reminded him of... well, himself. Except younger and prettier. "I've done it once or twice, but the old gazelle isn't always so accomidating as he is now."

He leaned in and whispered to her, "I think he's trying to impress the girl."
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:44 pm
"Pepo thinks so?" ai ducked her head ruffling her feathers and wings around herself, getting closer to Pepo's side and she giggled. "If he is, I think its working, Ijaba, she needs love, she loved her father, but he was not there always, and her mother was gone, gone one night and we could not find her, something bad I fear..."

She clicked her beak and looked at Pepo, a tiny smile, trying to be quiet, "hey seem good together, nice and calm, like some strange set life coming together, by chance like us here, like your finding us, saving us," and she snuggled her head against his wing, "saved us." Mai was trying to impress the Pepo.

"Bird goddess-" Ijaba stopped and listened after those words, the goddess already sounded beautiful with no real description. And from what Hifadhi said, it was fate, some stroke of magic or wind that brought them near to one another. Would she fit in though? Her ears folded back and she was curious, "Will they like me, the others, are their others like me? I have Mai, will that be enough?" she didn't just want to be a part of a place that would not like her.

But, Hifadhi said he would protect her, so he would keep her safe, even there, right?

"Do you..does your, um" she was trying to find the words, not wanting to pry, a slight pink came to her cheeks and above her nose but she tried to hide the embarrassment of her curiosity, "at your den, will she be mad?" She wondered if he indeed had a female a mate, he had to, he was so nice, so...different.




PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:09 pm
Pepo blushed a little, suprised that Mai was getting close to him. He had spent so much of his life trying to make sure that the old gazelle managed to stick up for himself and survive... he had never really had time for romance. And they had found each other so much later in life... when everyone else was already so close to dying. He wondered, in that moment, about their families, long gone. If they had known they would all die a few short years later, would they have done things differently?

"I don't really believe in chance so much..." Pepo admitted, getting back his charm as quickly as he could. Mai was... well, she was sweeter than he had pictured her being, for whatever reason. "Not destiny, I don't think anything is meant to happen either... but I've always had a feeling that nothing happens by accident. I think you and your girl there... you both deserve to live." And that, he did mean.

And he had to admit... he spent a lot of time caring what people thought about him and Hifadhi. But Mai... he actually wanted to impress Mai.

"Hestia accepts all... but our pride is rather seculded. I've never really known another like you to be in the pride... however, you have come to us with a bird, without knowing what the pride's laws are... which means that perhaps you came here for a reason, and I cannot believe otherwise. And I am certain they will accept you. If not... I carry a great deal of weight amongst our kind. And I am responsible for your life now." For the first time in a long time... he was responsible for someone else's life.

Not dead weight anymore.

"...My den?" He paused, taking a moment before he actually realized what she was talking about, "Oh... no. My mate died many years ago... my children as well. I am... Alone, except for Pepo now." He explained as best he could. He didn't want to get into it. He didn't like to talk about his long dead family...
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:17 pm
"Things happen for a reason, if not by chance then by something else not explained purely by believable trends of known facts," Mai said and peeped almost silently, like her voice had switched for some reason, and again she found herself snuggling into Pepo's side finding safety and warmth next to him that she didn't want to fleet from her.

She snuggled her head almost next to his and closed her eyes, "Pepo's comfy soft, and so nice," she wriggled herself a little and lay still, as to not upset Hifadhi with her moving.

"Then I will try whatever I must, but who do we go see when we are there?" she wanted to make sure she did everything right, even if Hifadhi had some leverage with talking to others in the pride she didn't want to get him terribly in trouble? As they walked on she walked closer to him that everything they took a few steps one of her paws would lightly touch his as they moved forward. Flicking her tail she cast her eyes away, "I'm, sorry, I didn't know..." she felt bad then, and her ears fell plastered upon her skull.

Why did she do stupid things, would he make er go away, not keep his promise? Her family was gone somewhere too, "I only have Mai now, I don't know what happened to my mom, or where my dad is, I didn't have siblings..." small talk, try to change the subject-

"How far now?"



PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:36 pm
"Fair enough." Pepo smiled a little, suprised by how much Mai snuggled into him... but he certainly couldn't bring himself to complain. Mai was... she was kind. Something he had not expected... for whatever reason. Grateful, funny, perhaps, but she was simply so affectionate... And he was glad for it. Maybe he needed someone... someone he could talk to about Hifadhi. Not his fellow birds... all so serious with so much baggage. They already knew the stories. They didn't need anything more. But Mai... perhaps they could tell their own stories?

"Yeah, I'm a softy alright." Pepo grinned, nudging her and snuggling back against her. Hifadhi didn't seem to mind. He was a little... distracted, as it were.

"Perhaps we can speak to our leader... or even our captain of the guard now. I raised her as a child." Hifadhi explained, "I did... actually raise her specificy to be who she became. She is blind though... or at least mostly so, so you'll have to excuse her. I'm sure we can work something out. I have no doubt."

He paused when she brought up being sorry. He hated it when people said that over things that weren't their fault. "Don't be sorry. You couldn't have stopped my mate from getting sick, and you couldn't have kept my children safe... that was long before you were born. Don't worry about it." He didn't need anyone else to worry about him... he just needed someone who could... who could make him feel less like someone who needed to be worried about.

"We're not far... we should be there by high noon." He explained, going quickly back to his grumy mood.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:42 pm
Mai let her eyes close and would keep shuffling herself now and again until she felt comfortable, high noon, she heard him speak, and little more time with Pepo. She smiled, "sleep now then till there," she said simply and let herself snooze a while. She was tired for the moment, and the warmth helped her feel comfortable. "Pepo sleep for now too, till there, rested for later flying with me," she suggested, she wanted to, hoped he did as well.

Simplicity, and she was happy and still.

Brighten the mood, it seemed like she was to do, and she smirked, nudged his side as they walked, "Ha! You can't be that old, your rather hansom if I may say so Mr. Hifadhi," she said with a giggle, letting her side brush against his. As she giggled she tried to stifle herself and she laughed, while playing games of touch and go with their paws.

"Then we'll go see them both, it would be an honor to meet anyone you know, especially trained," it seemed said to be blind, however, she might see the world in a way that was better than before.



PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:08 pm
Pepo smiled a little, content to do as he had been asked. After all, why not? It seemed like fun to have a little nap on Hifadhi's back for once, instead of just keeping watch. But honestly, the old man seemed to be completely in control at the moment. Just like he had been when he was younger.

"Sure, we'll go for a fly around later. I'll show you the area." Pepo promised, nuzzling up against her and closing his eyes. This would be quite and adventure... and he was beginning to think he was getting a crush on the other bird.

Hifadhi... was he blushing? How long had it been since someone had called him handsome...? Or even given him a compliment that wasn't 'oh you're still alive'. He was old. He didn't usually get told that he was handsome... or even that he looked good for his age. Except maybe from Ngao anyway.

"You'll like her... I think. She can be quite gloomy... but she has a big heart." Ngao did at that... but like everyone else, she thought he was too old to be running around doing guard duties. He was so sick of being told what he could and could not do.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:13 pm
Ijaba noticed Mai and Pepo were quiet now though she didn't know what their words of anyway, they seemed content, sleeping. How cute-she thought. She watched him and smiled, giggling again, "Oh come on, have you looked in the reflection of water lately?" she jumped in front of him to stop him, their motions and she nudged her head under his, touching her nose to his and crouching down playful. "Your so tale ad big, muscles so nice, how can you think any different hmm? And this," she nuzzled under his chin where the fur was a bit longer from his age, "any of this means you are wise and strong through age, come on-" she giggled again and stepped beside him once more.

He was cute, hansom in a way she couldn't explain or deny herself either. Perfection, at least in her eyes.

"You're strong and know things others don't, truthful and honest," from what she knew of him, he was the ideal, and she couldn't deny herself and what she thought.



PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:29 pm
Hifadhi was at a loss for words as the young hybrid spoke to him. He wasn't used to being talked to in such a way... not by anyone really. Not since his mate had been alive... and even then, she hadn't really gone on about it like this. It was... well, it certainly left him a little flustered.

"You shouldn't go on like that. I'm old enough to be your father. Grandfather even." He was old. Certainly too old to be flirting like this with her.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:34 pm
"So, why should that matter," she smiled and walked next to him still, letting her paws and toes touch his lightly, playing, being playful Hifadhi was so kind, so nice and was the only male that had aced in such a manner towards her. Why should age matter, why should it?

"It shouldn't matter what time has done to keep others apart, if things are meant to be, and feel right, things feel, special," she looked at him briefly, smiling, "why should something as simplistic as age be an issue. I wouldn't think it should matter if your seen to be cute and striking so-"

She watched him, and didn't want to make him uncomfortable, make him not like her, "I'll convince you someday, you'll see."

He'd see what she saw, she'd make sure of it.



PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:10 pm
Hifadhi watched her quietly as they walked and sighed, "You're only saying these things because I saved your life. You might feel like this now, but there are others in the pride... those younger, kinder, and more full of life than I am. Perhaps once we arrive there, you will see some sense." It could always be heat-stroke, but for the moment, Hifadhi was chalking all the foolishness up to idiol-worship. He didn't deserve this kind of love, not at his age.

It had been far too many years since his first mate had died. He hadn't even thought about such things since then... and really, as far as mates were concerned, all he had thought about was insuring that Ngao found a male worthy of her strength. Which, thus far, seemed unlikely. But some day perhaps... He felt like a proud father of the lioness, and he was prepared to be threatening as nessesary to insure she was well-treated.

"Come on now... Let's be on our way. We're almost there." Hifadhi told her, wanting to get out of this conversation as quickly as he could. He did like her... more than he wanted her to see, he liked her. She had made him feel strong again for the first time in a long time. Like he wasn't a useless old man.

But he wouldn't let her see that. Right now... he wouldn't let anyone see that. Not even Pepo.

Even if the stupid bird figured it out on his own.

[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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